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2023年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、 special class we had today! We learned about kung fu.AHowBWhatCHow aDWhat a2、The clothes in this store are sold _ very good prices.Ain Bat Con Dto3、My sister with my parents _dumplings when I got home yesterday.Aare makingBis makingCwas makingDwere making4、Many products made in China are very popular in the United States.Yeah. Americans can avoid buying Chinese products.Anearly Bmostly Chardly Dwidely5、How do you like the new film The Wandering Earth (流浪地球)? . Besides, we can learn a lot about space science.AI cant stand itBPretty goodCIts terribleDIts boring6、Im sorry to keep you waiting for so long. .ADont say soBIt doesnt matterCYoure welcomeDWell done7、I have some trouble with my English writing. Can you give me some _ ?AadviceBdecisionsCmessagesDsuggestion8、 Your classroom is very clean. Yes, it _ every day.AcleansBis cleanedCis cleaningDwas cleaned9、I like _ color of your sweater. Ill buy _ skirt like this color.Athe; aBa; aCthe; theDa; the10、The old woman was born _ Feb. 7th, 1950 _ Beijing.Ain; atBon; inCat; inDin; on. 完形填空11、Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a well. After they _ their work, he left them, saying, “When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.”At last one of them said, “Whats the use of doing this foolish work? We can _ fill the basket.” _ man answered, “That is none of your business.” The first man said. “You may do as you like, but I am not going to work at _ so foolishly.” He _ his bucket(圆桶) and went away. The other man said no word, and kept on carrying _. At last the well was almost _.As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it. He_. It was a beautiful gold ring. Just then the king came. _ he saw the ring, he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for himself. “You _ so well in this little thing,” he said, “ What now I know I can believe you with many things.”1Afinished Bdid Cbegan Dhad2Anever Balso Chard Dalways3AThe other BAnother COne DA second4Aanything Bsomething Cnothing Deverything5Apicked up Bput away Ctook away Dthrew away6Awater Bbasket Cwell Dwork7Afull Bempty Cfilled Dclean8Aput it up Blooked it up Cpicked it up Dgave it up9AWhile BAs soon as CBefore DSince10Ahave done Bwill do Cdo Dare doing. 语法填空12、Parentsarethemostimportantpeopleinourlife. Theyinfluenceourlivesinsomanyways. They teach us almost everythingaboutliving, giveusstrengthofcharacterandmakeuswhoweare. It is because of them that we become able to do our duties. The thingsthatweareabletodoareactuallytheirgiftstous. Right from taking care of us when we are young to guiding us whenever we need their advice, they are always there by our side. Allwecandoforthemistogivethemloveandhappinessandtrytomakethemfeelproudofus. Firstofall, youneedtofollowallthegoodthingstheytaughtyouwhenyouwereveryyoung. It could be about eating healthily or exercising in a regular way, or it could be about helping anyone who needs help.Notmakecomplaintsisalsoagoodway. Sodontcomplainaboutwhatyoudonthave. Learntoappreciate (感激)andlovewhatyourparentsgiveyou;youmaynotknowthestrugglestheygothroughinordertogiveyouthat.Thirdly, youalsoneedtostartmakingyourowndecisionswiselyandconfidently. Inotherwords, take control ofyourlifebydecidingwhatwillbegoodorbadforyou. Let them see that you are able to do all kinds of things without asking others for help.Moreimportantly, youshouldtrytobeagoodperson. Bepoliteandrespectfultoyourfamilyandfriends. Whentheygiveyouadviceorasuggestion, youdbettertaketheirideasintoconsideration. Try to work as hard as you can and be modest with what you have achieved. Anyway, seeing you grow into a good person will surely make your parents proud. MakingyourparentsfeelproudofyouWhatyourparentscandoforyouTheyteachyouhowtomakealivinganddevelopastrongcharacter. Your 1 todealwiththingsisagiftyourparentsgiveyou.Theyarealwaystheretolookafteryouandguideyou. 2 tomakeyourparentsfeelproudofyouFollowwhatyouweretaught. Developahealthyhabitasyourparentstoldyou.Helpanyoneinneed. Dontcomplain. Appreciateand3 wi
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