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ICELT Lesson plan Name (English):shirleyCourse book (name/unit/page):Oxford English 7A Module 2 Unit 7 Signs and rules P48Name (Pinyin)Liu Li (刘莉)Main Lesson FocusSpeakingDate:14th November 2013Lesson Length: 40 minutesSchool:North Jincai Secondary SchoolLevel:Grade 7 Lesson Aims: By the end of the lesson, the students. will Personal Aims: 1. Have been developed their speaking and listening skills by using the modal verbs “can/must/must not to express the meaning of signs and where they see these signs.1. Use the lesson to widen the students knowledge about the signs and rules.2. Have worked in groups to share the knowledge about the signs and rules and try to design their own signs.2. Ensure to use the clear instructions. The students will participate in the activities positively.3. Have been aware of the importance of obeying the rules.Anticipated problems and solutionsProblemSolution1.Understanding the new words and the textuse a variety of practising methods2.Mixed ability class use a variety of activities to ensure all students are involved (e.g. discussions are inclusive of all students) different questions for different level studentsProcedure section Stage/ActivityObjectivePurpose(s) of stageInter-actionProcedure What will the Ss and/or the T do?1Lead-inTo set the contextTSShow some pictures about the improper behaviours in our school. Ask the students to answer what the students are doing in the video.2Match work and new words learningPrepare for the new topicS-SShow some signs and ask the students to match the signs with their correct meaning and elicit warning signs.3Set Task 1.Check if the Ss have learned the new words TSListen the recording of “Look and read” on page 48 and circle four kinds of signs.Learn the meanings and pronunciations of the new words by themselves.4Play the recording again and finish task 2.Check the meaning of the textTSRead the dialogue.Fill in the blanks in task 2 according to the dialogue.5Set Task 3.Learn more about signsSShow six signs and ask some questions.Work individually and finish the exercises in task 3 and answer the teachers questions to check the answers.6Pair workPrctising using EnglishS-SWork in pairs and ask and answer the questions.Give some signs and the sentence structures. Ask students to work in pairs and practice the dialogue.7Group workUsing English in real lifeS-STell the students that we need some signs in the school campus and show them some examples. Work in a group of four. Draw a sign in our school or design a useful sign for our school. Then explain what it means and where we should put it.8HomeworkconsoladationSOral work: Read after the recording of the text.Written work: Find and draw some signs in our school and tell what they mean. Optional work: Have more ideas about our school rules? Ok, spread the wings of imagination and design a new sign for our school! Materials Write what materials you are using and where (what book, internet site, etc) the information comes from. You must reference all handouts, and attach a copy of each with your plan. (Example reference: Go for it!, David Nunan, Peoples Education Press, 2002, p. 46.)1. Students Book 7A page 482. The power point of the text3. Students work sheetSelf-Evaluation Please complete all parts of this form after teaching your lesson and give to your tutor.1. Were your lesson aims achieved? What evidence can you show to prove this?2. Were your personal aims achieved? What evidence can you show to prove this?3. Which stages and activities went well? Why did they go well? Give evidence.4. Which stages and activities did not go well? Why didnt they go well? Give evidence.5. If you taught this lesson again, what would you do differently? 6. What questions have you got for your peers and/or tutor?
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