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U10 Its a nice day, isnt it?单元备课一 单元分析 本单元是九年制义务课程标准实验教科书(鲁教版)七年级下册第10单元,也是最后一个单元的内容。本单元要教会学生如何使用反意疑问句,如何与陌生人聊天。Section A 重点: 反意疑问句的基本结构。难点: 各种时态、各种人称的句子的不同变化。Section B 重点: 让学生学会灵活使用反意疑问句。难点: 反意疑问句的各种形式。二 教学目标: 1 学会反意疑问句。2 学会与陌生人聊天。3 了解与陌生人聊天的注意事项,学习该聊什么,如何展开话题。三.德育目标:1. 通过学习与陌生人聊天来达到了解关心别人并增进友谊。2. 通过自我评估,评价自己的学习效果,总结有效的学习方法;3. 交际策略:善于利用各种机会,以个性化的学习方式使用英语进行真实交际,并在交际中遵守英语交际的基本礼仪。四. 重点与难点Target languages1. Its a nice day, isnt it? Yes, I really love hot weather.2.Youre Jennys friend, arent you? Yes, I am3. The No.15 bus stops here, doesnt it? 4.Yes, it does. Language ability goals:Make a small talk.五、教学策略1. 首先进行集中识字,为本单元的学习作好铺垫。其次,充分利用听力材料和阅读材料,训练和提高学生的听力和阅读水平。在听读的基础上创设语言情景,加强读写训练。培养学生的听、说、读、写综合能力。教学突破在各种模拟的情景中反复练习反意疑问句。从各种句型变化一般疑问句入手,先给出各种例子,在对学生进行强化。2. 强调合作学习 。六、学情分析学生已初步熟悉了肯定句,否定句的变化方法,能简单表达自己的意愿。本单元通过学习反意疑问句,逐步引出小对话small talk,进一步学习如何与人们有礼貌地交往,有利于组织生动活泼的课堂活动,从而提高学生学习英语的兴趣,积极参加各种实践活动。七、课时划分第一课时 New words第二课时 Section A 1a2c第三课时 Section A 3a4第四课时 Section B 1a2c 第五课时 Section B 3aSelf check 第六课时 Revision and exercises八、作业设计:分层布置作业九、作文设计:同训P89 writing 根据信息给Edward写封回信,讲述旅程并感谢他。 U10 Lesson 1课题 New words教学目标 New words of U10重点,难点 1. How to read the words2. How to use the words教学过程与内容二次备课Step I 预习导学Read the words by themselves.Try to read the words after the teacher.Step II 目标认定 All the new words in Unit 10. Step III 合作探究adj. sandy n. sandnoon afternoongoodbye say goodbye to sb.跟某人说再见look through= skim throughbookstore=bookshop v. invite invite sb to do sthn. invitationv. cross cross the street elevator=liftlow high The price is high/low.adj. slow adv. slowlycome alongget along well with sb.=get on well with sb.跟某人和睦相处eg. We get along well with each other.(划线提问)_ do you _ _ _ each other?baby babiesat least 至少 at most 至多traffic traffic light交通灯least most last but not least 最后的但也是很重要的Step IV 拓展延伸Fill in the forms using the target language.同步训练P91 II 。Step V 当堂检测听写所学单词检查单词预习的读音和部分单词的用法学法指导:引导学生用音标记单词。学法指导:把知识的讲授像射线一样延展出去。Homework: 1. 背过所学单词,根据汉语意思默写。(B.C层)2. 预习Section A(1a-2c)。(A.B层)3. 配套P46 Part A, 同步P91 I 反思 U 10 Lesson 2课题 Section A:1a , 1b ,1c ,2a ,2b.2c教学目标1.掌握以下单词:slowly, already, umbrella ,hate,price, noon, Franklin Lake2.掌握反意疑问句的构成及应答:He is really good, isnt he?You love violin music ,dont you? It looks like rain, doesnt it?3.能使用反意疑问句有礼貌地与陌生人展开闲聊.重点,难点根据不同的场景运用反意疑问句进行闲聊。教学过程与内容二次备课Step I 预习导学Check the homeworkRevision Look throughCross the streetGet along well with sb.Step II 目标认定一 Assign the taskIn this unit Ss learn to make small talk. Include a large sign that says Bus Stop. Draw a speed bubble over each persons head. 二Warm up SB Page 55, 1a. Point out the four scenes. Help Ss understand that in all the pictures two people who dont know each other (strangers) are starting a conversation. . Then have Ss write their own lists. Step III 合作探究SB Page 55, 1b. 1c.1. Point out the four pictures. Then read the instructions. 2. Play the recording. Have Ss write the number of each conversation in the box next to the correct picture. 4. Check the answers. Step IV 拓展延伸SB Page 56. 2a.2b 1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures in activity 1a. Then point out the sample conversation in activity 1c. Ask two students to read it to the class. 2. Make your own conversations about the people in activity 1a. 3.Ask several pairs to say one or more their conversations to the class. .反意疑问句含义:_结构:结构一: 前肯 + 后否 eg. SARS is scary, isnt it?结构二: 前否 + 后肯 eg. SARS isnt scary, is it?Step:V当堂检测He is a good boy, _ _ ?His mother is a doctor, _ _ ?The dogs are fighting, _ _?He likes soccer, _ _ ?检查对Section A1a2c的预习。引导学生思考反义疑问句的变换用法。学法指导:通过听对话,让学生找出就这个话题的一般问法和内容。难懂的句子:1.Weve been here for 20 minutes.2.The train only run twice an hour on Sunday.学法指导:通过课本上的反义疑问句让学生说出他们所看到的特点和理解。Homework:1. 背诵1C对话。(B.C层)2. 同步训练P91 II 配套P65 Part 1 A 3. 预习Section A Grammar focus , 3a-4反思 U10 Lesson 3课题 Section A Grammar focus , 3a , 3b , 4 教学目标复习语法反意疑问句。能使用反意疑问句有礼貌地与陌生人展开闲聊。重点,难点1. 重点句型Its really cold today, isnt it? It looks like rain, doesnt it? It wasnt fine yesterday, was it? You didnt call me yesterday, did you?2. 设置场景运用反意疑问句进行闲聊。教学过程与内容二次备课Step I 预习导学 Its really windy today, _ ?You are Bens sister, _?The No. 15 bus stops here, _?Step II 目标认定1.Read the instructions and point out the sample answer. 2.Play the recording. 3.Check the answers.Step III合作探究SB Page 57, 3b. 1.R
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