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附着分词作状语,六种语义大用处作者:杜锐来源:求学新高考版2021年第12期一、写作中的“分词结构不能少”在一线写作教学实践中,有的老师将自己的教学智慧凝聚为以下口诀:肯定不如双否好, 陈述不如倒装妙;主动不如被动巧,分词结构不能少。从应试的角度来看,这句口诀是有一定 道理的。为什么“分词结构不能少”?首先,它能让句子简洁。例如,“When I know that our library is going to buy some books, Id like to give some suggestions.可以直接简化为“ Knowing our library is going to buy some books, Id like to give some suggestions.”其次,它利于表意准确。例如, “她蹦蹦跳跳地来到教室”这一语义,就只能用分词状语传 达,即 She came bouncing into the classroom.最后,它因为凸显了英语的独特性,使得英语表达十分地道。总之,为了表意的准确与地道,分词的使用十分必要。二、什么是“附着分词”?本文主要聚焦“附着分词”,浅谈“附着分词”在英语读后续写中的应用。那么,什么是“附 着分词”呢?下面举两个例子来帮助大家理解。1. He came in, radiating confidence.2. He came in, face radiating confidence.大家观察一下上述两句中的radiate,可以发现:第一句中radiating的主语是主句的主语 He,也就是说第一句中的radiating是附着于主句主语的;而第二句中radiating的主语不是主句 主语He,而是face,这时的radiating就不是附着分词,而是独立分词。因为它有自己独立的 主语。三、附着分词的形式择定附着分词主要有两种形式,即doing与done。那么,使用时该选择何种形式?同学们可参 考 6 字心决:找主语,判关系。这里的关系是指判断分词与其主语是主动关系还是被动关系。一般情况下, 6 字心诀就够用了。然而,如果分词与主句动词发生时间存在先后问题,同 学们就要考虑使用having done或having been done的形式,此时需要使用9字心诀:找主语、 判关系、定先后。1. (see) from the moon, the astronauts (宇航员)find the earth green.2. (see) from the moon, the earth looks green.3.She walked in,( follow) by a dog.4.She walked in,( follow) her teacher.5. Beauty,(accompany) by virtue (品德),is like a flower without perfume (芳香).6. The boy,( accompany) his friends to the cinema, went to the library alone.7. (review) his lessons, he went to bed.8. (show) around the five houses for kids and fathers, Grace fell in deep love with the No.3 house.【答案】l.Seeing;2.Seen;3.followed;4.following;5.not accompanied;6.not accompanying;7.Having reviewed;8.Having been shown。四、如何使用附著分词?(一)分词结构与状语从句间的转换这是附着分词的本质用法。当状语从句的主语与主句主语相同时,我们可以将状语从句转 换为分词结构。如:When I heard the news, I feel excited.这里表示时间的状语从句与主句共享主语,所以可以把状语从句改为分词结构,从而形成 以下句子:Hearing the news, I feel excited.1.When I know that our library is going to buy some books, Id like to give some suggestions.2.Since students are fond of English songs, they surely expect some native singers to perform.3. Though he was defeated, he remained a popular boxer.4.We chase happiness and equal it with wealth and success, but we dont notice that the people having those things are not necessarily happier.【答案】1. Knowing that our library is going to buy some books, Id like to give some suggestions.2. Being fond of English songs, they surely expect some native singers to perform.3. Defeated, he remained a popular boxer.4. We chase happiness and equal it with wealth and success, not noticing that the people having those things are not necessarily happier.通过上述的转换练习,我们可以明确:分词状语是可以与表示时间、条件、原因、让步、 伴随、结果的状语从句互换的。(二)高考写作中的模块用法 笔者在此总结了6个语义模块,这6个语义模块在写作中十分常见。大家熟记它们之后, 可以在考试中直接提取利用,省却思考时间。1. 得知消息有行动(1)(hear) that you are to return to your country, I want to express my wishes to you.(2)Delightedly (know) that you are interested in Chinese culture, I am more than willing to offer some introduction of Chinese painting.2. 看见现象有反应3) (see) the scene of the bear tearing down the fences, she was thrilled with terror.4) (cast) a despising glance at those who laugh at him, he went on doing his experiment.3. 思考回忆有新感(5) (think) of the instructions his teacher often gives him, he blushed.(6) (recall) the past spent with you, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.4. 懷着感情来做事(7) (cherish) much gratitude, I write this letter with the purpose of sharing some heartfelt words with you.(8) (overwhelm) with the pride, I strongly suggest choosing Chinese Knot (中国结)as a small gift to your friends.5. 不要犹豫能促成(9) Dont hesitate to attend Davids class,(contribute) to your better understanding of English history.(10) Dont hesitate to join us in singing songs,(fuel) your happiness in spare time.6. 描述特征能深入(11) (characterize) by humor and generosity, he is very popular among us.(12) (feature) by quiet atmosphere, this class always gets No.1.【答案】(1) Hearing;(2) knowing;(3) Seeing;(4) Casting;(5) Thinking;(6) Recalling;(7) Cherishing;(8) Overwhelmed;(9) contributing;(10) fueling;(11) Characterized;(12) Featured。以上六大语义模块,有利于同学们提高应用附着分词状语的速度与准确度,值得背诵记 忆。五、实战练一练面以2020年 7月山东省高考读后续写真题为例,阐述附着分词作状语的用处The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet (使收支平 衡). People were trying to help each other meet the challenges.Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them.2. Being fond of English songs, they surely expect some native singers to perform.3. Defeated, he remained a popular boxer.4. We chase happiness and equal it with wealth and success, not noticing that the people having those things are not necessarily happier.通过上述的转换练习,我们可以明确:分词状语是可以与表示时间、条件、原因、让步、 伴随、结果的状语从句互换的。(二)高考写作中的模块用法
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