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Unit 5 Whens your birthday? 学案学习目的:l 1.学习表月份的词汇。 如:months, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.l 2.学习日期几月几日的英文表达。如:the second of May, the first of June.l 3.学会谈论生日的句型:- A:Whens your birthday? -B: My birthday is in May. Its on the seventh of May.学习过程:一、 复习基数词变序数词的口诀。二、 分小组学习月份单词。三、 请把12个月份分别填入四个季节的括号中。Spring 春季:( )Summer夏季:( )Autumn秋季:( )Winter冬季:( )四、测测谁的反应快。看老师的手势,迅速地说出相应的月份,然后把它从黑板上撕下来。-Which month is it? - Its April.五、请在下表中找到自己、妈妈和爸爸生日的月份,并分别画一个笑脸、一朵花和一颗星星,然后把具体的日期写在横线上。Months of the yearJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberMy birthday: ( May 6th ) My mothers birthday: My fathers birthday: 六、自学 C部分,然后和同学说说你自己以及家人或朋友的生日。1. A:Whens your birthday?B: My birthday is in . Its on . 2. A: Whens your mothers birthday?B:My mothers birthday is in .Its on .3. A: Whens your fathers birthday?B:My birthday is in .Its on .4. A:Whens Peters birthday? B: Peters birthday is in .Its on .5. A:Whens birthday? B: birthday is in .Its on .u 小组内交流:找一找和你同月的朋友,比比谁的朋友最多。Whose birthday is in January? Whose birthday is in February? u 课后作业:仔细观察下表中的序数词,请结合基数词变序数词的口诀熟记下表。firstninthseventeenthtwenty-fifthsecondtentheighteenthtwenty-sixththirdeleventhnineteenthtwenty-seventhfourthtwelfthtwentiethtwenty-eighthfifththirteenthtwenty-firsttwenty-ninthsixthfourteenthtwenty-secondthirtiethseventhfifteenthtwenty-thirdthirty-firsteighthsixteenthtwenty-fourth
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