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七年级英语上册第一单元测试.单项选择。(25分,共25题)( )1. -_? -Yes, it is.A. Whats this B. Is this an apple C. What this is D. Thats an apple( )2. _ name is Ann. Whats _ name?A. I, you B. My, your C. My, you D. I, your( )3. Amy is _ English girl.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )4. -Whats the girls name? - _ name is Li Fang.A. Shes B. He C. She D. Her( )5. -_ is your father? -He is 40.A. How B. What C. Where D. How old( )6. Whats this _ English?A. to B. in C. of D. at( )7. -How do you do? -_.A. How are you?B. Fine, thanks. C. How do you do? D. How old are you?( )8. -_ is Lingling? -She is my sister .A. What B. How C. Where D. Who( )9. -What class are you _? - Im in Class Five.A. in B. at C. on D. of( )10. 可表示“电视机”的英文缩略词是_.A. ABC B. APC C. TV D. NBA( )11. -Are you Mike? -Yes, _.A. Im B. you are C. I am D. you is( )12. -Are these his books? -_.A. No, they are no B. Yes, they are C. Yes, theyre D. No, its not( )13. 26个字母中的元音字母是_。A. AIOUYB. AEKUYC. AEIOUD. ADORU( )14. _ Im fine. Thank you.A. Are you Michael? B. How do you do? C. How are you? D. Hi!( )15. Welcome to our school. _A. OK.B. Thanks.C. Excuse me.D. Hello.( ) 16. 下列各项中按字母顺序排列正确的是_。A. OPQRST B. ABDFE C. HIJKNM D.SFHGJT( )17. What _ his name? His name is Li Ping.A. areB. amC. beD. is( )18. 含有相同音素的一组字母是 。A. ABCB. AJKC. OQUD. FNY( ) 19. Where _ from? Mei mei is from China and Michael is from the U.S.A.A. is sheB. is heC. are youD. are they ( ) 20. Whats that? _A. Its book.B. Thats a book.C. Its a book.D. Im a book.( ) 21. What class are you in? Im in _.A. Class One, Grade EightB. class one, grade eightC. Grade Seven, class TwoD. Class 1, grade 8( ) 22. 全是元音字母的选项是_。A. Ii, Ee, OoB. Aa, Cc, Ee C. Oo, Uu, Qq D. Aa, Dd, Ww,( )23. Thank you. _A. Youre welcome.B. Thats OK.C. Thanks.D. A and B. ( ) 24. _ my teacher, Mom.A. This isB. ThissC. this is D. Its( ) 25. -How many boys are there? - .A.Yes, I am B. Hes 15 C. There are 25 D. H-O-W, how.情景交际。从栏中找出栏的答语。(10分,共10题) ( )26. Whats her name? A. Yes, it is.( )27. How do you spell face? B. Fine thank you. And you?( )28. Is this your cell phone? C. He is from the USA.( )29.Are you Mr Wang? D. Youre welcome.( )30. How are you? E. Her name is Mary.( )31. Whats this in English? F. Its a book.( )32. See you later. G. F-A-C-E.( )33. Where is he from? H. No Im not. Im Mr Li.( )34. What grade are they in? I. See you.( )35.Thank you very much. J. They are in Grade Two.III.完形填空。(20分,共20题)AHello! 36 name is Li Ying. Im twelve. Im from Kunming. Now Im in Beijing No.14 High School. Im 37 Class Five, Grade One. Im Number 4. Miss Gao 38 my English teacher. She is 39 old teacher. I have(有) a pen, a ruler and two 40 in my pencil-box.Liu Ping is in Grade One, too. She is 41 Guangzhou. She is my good 42 . We are in 43 same class. Now she 44 at school. I think(认为) she is at home(在家). Look(看)! That is a 45 . But it is not my book.( ) 36. A. IB. MyC. YouD. Me( ) 37. A. fromB. toC. notD. in( ) 38. A. isB. areC. amD. be( ) 39. A. aB. anC. goodD. /( ) 40. A. busesB. desksC. schoolbagsD. pencils( ) 41. A. inB. toC. fromD. but( ) 42. A. friendB. teacherC. studentD. mom( ) 43. A. theseB. theC. anD. a( ) 44. A. isB. isntC. areD. arent( ) 45. A. eraserB. rulerC. penD. bookBKangkang: Hello, are you Jim?Jim: Yes, I 46 .Kangkang: Im Kangkang. How 47 you do?Jim: 48 do you do?Kangkang: Where(哪里) are you from(来自)?Jim: 49 from Canada(加拿大). Are you from Beijing?Kangkang: 50 , I am. Welcome to 51 , Jim.Jim: 52 . Kangkang, this 53 my mom.Kangkang: Nice to meet you!Mom: Nice to meet you, 54 .Kangkang: See you tomorrow(明天).Mom and Jim: 55 you. Good-bye!Kangkang: Goodbye.( )46. A. amB. isC. are( ) 47. A. areB. isC. do( ) 48. A. WhatB. HowC. And( ) 49. A. IB. ImC. This is( ) 50. A. OKB. YesC. Fine( )51. A. B.C.( ) 52. A. GoodB. NiceC. Thanks( ) 53. A. isB. amC. are( ) 54. A. tooB. to
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