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源头学子 http:/www.wxckt.cn 特级教师 王新敞 wxckt126.com 2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试自选模块试题(浙江卷)题号:01 科目:语文“中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)阅读下面的散文,然后回答问题。崇祯二年中秋后一日,余道镇江往兖。日晡,至北固,舣舟江口。月光倒囊入水,江涛吞吐,露气吸之,噀天为白。余大惊喜。移舟过金山寺,已二鼓矣。经龙王堂,入大殿,皆漆静。林下漏月光,疏疏如残雪。余呼小仆携戏具,盛张灯火大殿中,唱韩蕲王金山及长江大战诸剧。锣鼓喧阗,一寺人皆起看。有老僧以手背采摋眼翳,翕然张口,呵欠与笑嚏俱至。徐定睛,视为何许人,以何事何时至,皆不敢问。剧完,将曙,解缆过江。山僧至山脚,目送久之,不知是人、是怪、是鬼。 【注】噀:(xn)喷;摋:(s)按揉。(选自张岱散文选集) (1)指出第一段中两处景物的不同特点,并分析写法上的主要差异。(4分) (2)归纳“余”的性格特点,并联系第二段简析文章描写这一人物的手法。(6分)题号:02 科目:语文“中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)阅读下面的诗歌,然后回答问题。陈酿李琦酒瓶是酒的家酒从瓶里被倒在杯里像是做客却一去不返那种积蓄了多年的香像一场梦的精华在短暂的瞬间,烟消云散酒香散尽的过程让人伤感 倾尽陈酿的酒瓶被酒瓶爱好着珍贵地收藏然而谁会去多想它与陈酿相守的岁月还有那些曾被把守的烈性 (1)本诗为何不以“酒”而以“陈酿”为题?(4分) (2)诗歌表达了怎样的思想感情?(6分)题号:03 科目:数学“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10分)设正数x,y,z满足2x+2y+z=1 (1)求3xy+yz+zx的最大值;(5分) (2)证明:(5分)题号:04 科目:数学“矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10分)已知直线l:(t为参数,为l的倾斜角,且0)与曲线C:(为参数)相交于A,B两点,点F的坐标为(10) (1)求ABF的周长;(5分) (2)若点E(-1,0)恰为线段AB的三等分点,求ABF的面积,(5分)题号:05 科目:英语阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。Its a classic image a child hiding her head in her mothers skirts when she meets a stranger, or a student becoming speechless with a red face when the teacher asks his nameThe person must be shyYou may be shy yourself, But shyness isnt that common ,right? Wrong Its just that most people are shy privatelyThey appear confident on the surface, and in social situations they seem well adjusted. Only 15 to 20 percent of us fit the stereotype of the shy person someone who is obviously uncomfortable with other people “Its a feeling of self consciousness,” says Rita Clark ,a psychologist,” Shy people feel nervous and ill at easeThey may tremble ,feel their hearts pounding, and have butterflies in the stomach. They worry about making a bad impression on people”Shyness doesnt necessarily show on the surfaceIn fact, people sometimes think that shy people are cold and uninterested in other people when really they are just afraid to meet them You may be surprised to know who is actually very shy, One well-known talk-show host ,whose show is watched by millions of viewers, has to plan performances down to the last detail in order to appear easy-going and confident! “Other privately shy people include politicians, teachers, and entertainers,” says Rita“These people act outgoing when theyre doing their jobs, but theyre very unconfident sociallyYoud be amazed how many public figures fit into this type” Where does shyness come from? Research shows that some people are born shyAbout 20 percent of babies show a strong feeling of unease when they see stranger or find themselves in unfamiliar situationsSome scientists feel that such shyness is inborn “Shy parents are more likely to have shy children than outgoing parents,” Rita says, “ We know that Japanese students are much shyer than Israeli students.” If 15 to 20 percent of shyness is innate, how do other people become shy? Children may become shy when they enter school or meet new challengers, Adolescents may suffer from an identity crisis and become shyAdults can become shy when confronted by problems like divorce or job lossWhatever the reasons, shy people suffer from teasing and well-meaning comments like, “Has the cat got your tongue?” They are often lonely and unhappy in social situations But scientists say there is hope for shynessWhether you are born shy or made shy, with patience and practice, you will be able to quiet the butterflies in your stomach第一节 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D和E中选出最适合填入短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。AWhat exactly is shyness?BAnd shyness can be culturally determinedCShy people get rejected sometimes in social situationsDBut he seldom meets people socially he is too shyEShyness probably affects 40 to 50 percent of all people in North America第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。What does the underlined part in the last paragraph mean?题号:06 科目:英语填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式,并将序号及相应的答案写在答题纸上。 As a wrestler(摔跤选手),I know how much fun it is to win, In fact ,there are few things that I enjoy . However, I think it is important that we teach athletes how to love a sport and enjoy it for all it has to offer. Competitiveness is great, sometimes the pressures of being the best can overload teenagers I see and hear wrestlers day in and day out talk about how hard is to love the sport because of the demands it takes to be the best Pressure to win (put)upon wrestles in many different ways For example, our coach is a great coach, and I know that he cares every one of his wrestlers, but every time that I walk out on that mat, I hear his words echoing(回响)in my mind: “You are a West Lincoln wrestler; and you will win.” How can I feel p
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