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英文做自我介绍英文做自我介绍范文大全 一份好的英文自我介绍,会让你更加有自信与外国友人交谈。下面是小编收集整理的英文做自我介绍范文,希望能帮到你。英文做自我介绍范文1 Heo,everyody.大家好 y names()我的名字叫( ) Im in Class()Gadsix of()sch我在( )学校年级()班级Iall(short)Im ( )eniee.我很高(矮),我()厘米。 I like nlish very muh.我非常喜欢英语acus English is interetig.因为英语很有趣。om Englishis vrygod.所以,我的英语很好。 acquire manyaad.我获得过很多奖项。 I opetht ery o o wil love me。希望大家能喜欢我。 英文做自我介绍范文2 ynmes _.I am graduatfom _ senorhih shoolad jor in _ Threar _ pole in my famiy.My fathe wrk ina computer company. And my ther i ahouswie. I am te yongesoe n my familyIypae i, I liketo ead novels. Ihink raing could enlargemyknowleg. for noves, I could imagin whtever like uhas wllknown scenist a kungf mast.I dditon toreading, ls ike toplaPC gaes. A lt oownupsthinkplaing PC aeshindes thestudntsfomlearing Bu I ti PCgames cou tvate mto learn omehig uchas Englishr Japane.y favorit course is Eglih beausIhnk itis inerestingtosay n thin vi differenounds. I wsh y nlish coulde improveth next four year and eabl topek flu Englis inheftre 英文做自我介绍范文3 I am . asbrn in . gdueo senirigh choolnd majorn Englis. I starte learning glih sinewa12 yars ol. Mypae hve a loo Amrcn friends Thats y have n oble muncating ith Ameicaso othe b sekigEnglsh. I my spare time, I lik tdoanythi reatig onglis suchs litnin o nglh ons, watching nismvis r TVprorams, orvnattedin e atiiis e y se nlih lubs or institutsIuedto g a fo hort term Enlh study. Durng tat time, learned a lo f ilyifEngih a sw alo odernt tins. I thnk angagis vey interestng. I ul exress one substacey si differet sound.So I wsh I cosud nd readorelish ltrtuand enlage my knowlee.Good rnngIamglad o be eefor thisitevie. it meintrce ysel. Myn is *, 24. Icome fom*,he capilf *Pce. gaduted from te * deart o *nivesity inJuly,202X.I he pat two yar I haeben preprg or he postgauaeexanton hile I have een tchig*n O.*middle Sho an Iwas a h-acr of lass in uniogat.Now al my hard orkhas g a reult sincehve haneo b iterview y yo. I a opn-midd ,quick i thought nd vey fodo histryI y pare time,I have ra nteressik mny ohe yougers.Ilkereding books, epecially those about *Frequently xhage wit the peple bymi omens i theforum o lie.In ddiion ,durin molleg year, w oce Ne-barechiin.o, I haecomaraivgood omnd f network pplicaionIm ale to operat th comuter ellI amkilful in searchng fo infomtion ntent. am a footl fan fo yeartalian teais my favortenyay,Iee gret pt r our country team I awa eive at one il sl lag behind uness hkeps on leaning .Of curse, i I iven cane to study *in is amus Unersiy,I wil stare n efort t master a goo comnd f nce *. 英文做自我介绍范文4 M name is . Terere4 pp i m fmily. M ather is ahmistryeacer e teaces chemitry inenior high shol M othris an English teach. teachesEnglsh i h uiversity. have yunerbroe, h i a ior igh scool tudet adipepai tntnceexam.Ilieto readEngish stry boksin m fre time. Sometiessuf thentnet and downlod he E- booksto ead.eadig E- oks is fn. adition, alo enlarsmyocabular becuse ote adaned tehnologyan he vivid imatons Iope to stuy bongih a coputer technog beca I m inereted i both o the sbjets Mab one ay I ould ombe bt ofth adplyto m esear in he tue.英文做自我介绍范文5 M a is. I am frm Thereare pople in my aiy. Myfher rksi a omuter coma. He is omputer egineer. Mymther wrs a iernationl trade mpany. Sheis aso abuwmn Ihae a older sister ad youne brothe. siste is uniorin ionl Tian University. Sh majrsi English.My rote i an elemnta schoostent. He i yers old Bece my father, I love sug te Intrntvey much. I platheon-e gme forabut hursevry da. wish Icould e aomputer program degein the utur. And tt s wy m appying or the etronicsprgra nor school英文做自我介绍范文6From a middle las fami, sbornin Hsn ig,Tanan o Octber th,1965.y fa
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