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成考高起点英语复习同义词解析三Aptitude 暗指内在的学习、理解和表演的才能:Even as a child he showed an unusual aptitude for mathematics.甚至孩童时他就显露出非同一般的数学才能形容词 complete 和 perfect 虽然都有“完全的”含义,但并非同义词,在很多状况下它们只是词义相近而已。complete 的含义是“完整无缺的”、“圆满的”He is a complete stranger to me.我一点也不熟悉他。(可以和 perfect 换用)Before long, the noise dropped completely不久,那轰鸣声就完全消逝了。perfect 不仅可表示“完整无缺”、“完全”或“纯粹”,而且含有“完善无缺”、“均匀”或“健全”的含义,总之它可以表示“尽善尽美”。由上可见, perfect 可以表示 complete 的含义,而 complete 只能表示 perfect 的一局部含义。 但是, a complete stranger 和 a perfect stranger 没有什么差异,complete happiness 和 perfect happiness 都表示了“美满的幸福”。But as they soon discovered, disguises can sometimes be too per fect.正象他们不久就发觉的那样,扮装效果有时可能太完善无缺了。It is a perfect alibi.这完全是在开脱罪责。Its a perfect stranger here.我在这里完全是个生疏人。(可以换用 complete)注:perfect 的同义词有 whole, entire; complete 的同义词有 full, plenary.complete, close, end, finish, conclude, terminateThese verbs mean to bring or to come to a natural or proper stopping point.这些动词都是指到达一个自然或适当的终点。Complete suggests the final stage in bringing an undertaking to fruition:Complete 暗指取得胜利的最终一步:“Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime” (Reinhold Niebuhr)。“我们这辈子连一件有意义的事也没完成” (莱因霍尔德。尼泊赫)。Close applies to the ending of something ongoing or continuing:Close 指正在进展的大事接近终点:The orchestra closed the concert with an encore.交响乐团在再来一次的欢呼声中完毕了音乐会。If there is a further falloff in ticket sales, the play will close.假如门票销售进一步下跌,这个剧目就会停演。End emphasizes finality:End 强调结果:We ended the meal with fruit and cheese.我们最终吃的是水果和奶酪。“Where laws end, tyranny begins” (William Pitt)。“哪里没有法制,*就从哪里开头” (威廉姆。皮特)。Finish is sometimes interchangeable with complete:Finish 有时可与complete互换:close 比拟一般,有时可以和shut互换使用,但它更强调“不让某人或某物进入或通过”的意思,有时有“不接纳”的意思,但通常表示“关闭”这一动作Its Sunday, so all the shops are closed.今日是星期天,所以这些店铺都关门了。I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again.我确定没有方法再把箱子关上了。shut 与 close 的含义差异在于,shut仅表示“关闭”之状态,不包含“不让进入”或“不接纳”的意思As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts.它一旦从外面把门翻开,便走进园子里等着关门。在某些习语中,只有 shut 而不用close.Shut up!住口!He found every road to the accomplishment of his desire shut against him.他发觉通向实现自己愿望的全部道路都被堵死了。He shut his eyes to the severs reality.对于这严峻的现实,他是闭着眼睛不愿看的。accompany attend escort convoy意思都含“与人结伴同行”或“伴随某物”。accompany 指“与人结伴, 做伴”, 常含有彼此之间关系公平之意, 如:He -nied her to the theater.他陪她去剧院。attend 意为“随侍”、“随从” 等解, 如:Some students attended Prof. Jones on a field trip.一些学生随琼斯教授去野外郊游。escort 和 convoy 意为“以警卫等身份陪伴”, 如:This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer.这艘商船由一驱除舰护航。escort 还指礼节上的“敬重或献殷勤”, 如:He escorted a lady to a party.他陪一位女士赴宴。accurate correct exact均含“正确的”意思。accurate 表示“精确的”,准确的“,指”通过努力, 使事情到达正确“, 如:She gave an accurate account of the accident.她对事故做了精确的描述。correct 为一般用语, 指“正确的”, 如:He gave correct answers to the questions.他对这些问题提出了正确的答案。exact 表示“准确的”,“准确无误的”,指“与事实完全相符”, 如:His answer is quite exact.他的答复完全正确。enough,sufficient,adequate这三个词都表示“足够的”或“充分的”。其中只有enough可以用作副词或名词,含义仍为“足够的”。enough和sufficient在含义上几乎没有差异,只是enough的用法较多,这两个词都表示“完全满意需要,而且既不多余,也不缺少”。adequate虽然也表示“足够的”、“充分的”,但是和另二词之间有着比拟明显的微小差异,由于这个词的内涵是:对于必不行少的东西在数量上应当是合理的、公正的或不苛刻的。Five men will be quite enough (or sufficient)。这句话说的是:5个人就非常充分了, 再多给一个人就没有必要了His wages are adequate to support three people. 这句话说的是:他的工资够养活3个人的。即这些钱养活3个人够得上一般生活水平,并不苛刻。可见其差异特别微小。词义差异越微小,表意越精确。例如:“我为他干了3小时的活,他付给我20英镑。我觉得那20英镑的工钱是足够了的”。这两句话在英译时,其中的“足够的”必需用adequate,由于这里说的“足够”包含了“公正、合理”的意思。故这两句可译为:I worked for him three hours, and he paid me 20 pounds. I think the 20 pounds are adequate for my work. 此外, 应留意下面例句中enough的各种用法。
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