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8a unit6 Natural disasters comic strip & welcome to the unit 教学设计教学目标: 1掌握以下词汇与词组词汇:natural accident wash village rainstorm thunder hall 词组:start to rain, kill thousands of people ,lose the game ,a car accident ,start a big firemop all the water up 2通过几幅漫画引出自然灾害的话题。3初步了解过去进行时。4了解几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。教学重点: 1.掌握词汇与词组 2.初步接触过去进行时。教学难点: 初步了解过去进行时的用法。教学资源1多媒体。2一些自然灾害的图片。教学步骤Step I导入1请学生回答问题 Whats the weather like today?2复习有关天气的单词rain,snow, wind等。Step II呈现1 Hobo has some troubleWhats happened to him? Lets have a look让学生阅读漫画,教师就漫画提出一些问题:(1)Whats the weather like? (Its raining)(2)What happened to Hobo? (He got wet)(3)What was Hobo doing when it started to rain? (He was sleeping)(4)When did Hobo hear the rain? (Half an hour later)(5)What happened to Hobos house? (The floor was all wet)(6)Why doesnt he want to go home alone? (He needs Eddie to mop all the water up)2播放课本漫画部分录音,请学生跟读。3向学生解释was sleeping的用法,引入过去进行时的概念。4让学生跟录音朗读对话,然后与同伴练习表演对话。请两组学生为全班表演对话。鼓励学生大胆创新。Step III呈现1问学生:What words do we use to talk about bad weather? 从而引出rainstorm,snowstorm,typhoon等新单词。让学生完成课本B部分练习,然后集体核对答案并带领学生朗读。使学生明白:Bad weather can sometimes cause natural disasters2出示其他自然灾害的图片,向学生介绍这些自然灾害的英文名称以及基本特点,带领学生朗读,纠正部分学生的读音。可以补充部分内容:比如,earthquake, flood 3请学生看课本B部分的几幅插图,让学生用过去进行时造句, 如(1)The boy was walking home when the typhoon came(2)The girl was doing homework in her bedroom when the thunder and lightning came(3)A man and a woman were walking in the water(4)People were having dinner at home when the snowstorm came鼓励学生发挥想像,造出更多的句子,对于新颖且合理的答案要予以肯定和表扬。Step IV活动1让学生朗读,引导学生思考这些自然灾害的共同特点,使学生明白:They are all caused by bad weather. 然后,引导学生总结出:Accidents are usually caused by people Here are some newspaper headlinesPlease discuss with your classmates to find out which ones are natural disasters请学生和同伴讨论A部分的新闻标题,判断哪些是自然灾害。 2集体核对答案,然后带领学生朗读。 3 Can you tell the difference between natural disasters and accidents now? 然后,引导学生总结出:Accidents are usually caused by people4把学生分成四人小组,每个组分发一份刊登有事故或灾难新闻的报纸,要求学生用英文写出有它们的新闻标题,写完后在小组讨论,核对答案。在学生小组讨论时,教师要来回巡查,解决可能出现的问题。然后抽取一些学生朗读他们撰写的新闻标题,教师随即将比较好的标题板书在黑板上。边写边提问:Is this a natural disaster or an accident?Step V课堂检测一、写出下列词语1把拖洗干净 2输掉比赛3杀死成千上万的人 4半小时后5把村子冲走 6雷电7. 从树上摔下来 8. 引发一场大火9. 开始下雨 10. 伤了你的腿二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Tianjin is one of the _ (north) cities in China.2. His father looked _ (angry) at him because he failed in the exam.3. She is a good girl. She often does some _ (wash) at home.4. Giant pandas like to live a _ (nature) world.5. When the girl heard the news, she got very _ (excite).6. I am hungry. Do you have something _ (eat).7. Our teacher told us _ (not study) too long at night.8. After that, pieces of glass and bricks _ (fall) down. A lot of people died.三、单项选择()1. The _ boy is my brother. A. sleeping B. asleep C. sleeps D. slept()2.-Who played basketball yesterday? -Kate _. A. played B. did C .was D. does()3.Since you spilt(洒) the milk, youll have to _ A. mop it up B. mop up it C. mop them up D. mop up them()4.-When are you going to leave? -My train _at 6.00 a.m. A. leave B. leaves C. leaving D. left()5.The earthquake killed_ people. A. over nine hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. A and B()6.A truck crashed _ a tree this morning. A. to B. into C. at D./Step Vl 家庭作业1记忆本课出现的单词、词组。2背诵漫画部分的对话。3完成自主检测Unit 6第一课时。
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