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教学设计方案(2011学年第一学期)学校嘉华小学年级三年级班级(1)人数23学科英语课题M2Unit 1教时3rd执教日期一、教学目标:1。Knowledge objectives: a。 Learn to read the rhyme and change it . b。 Learn to say: baby-babies 2。 Ability objectives: a. Be able to describe your friend and play the game。 b. Write about your friend。3. Emotional objectives: Love to speak English and enjoy the friendship1 内容分析:本课重点学习儿歌Two fat boys in the rain .掌握词组two fat boys, two thin girls, two tall teachers, two short teachers, two small babies 。 baby 的复数babies。2。 学生实际:学生对儿歌有着浓厚的兴趣,动动手,动动口,并配上一定的节奏,学生都愿意学,乐于学。3. 媒体运用:flash, PPT, Workbook, cassette教 学 过 程ProcedureContentMethodPurposeResourcePretask preparation 1. Show some picturesof famous persons。Students try to describe them。e.g.: Hes/Shes 。用学生熟悉的有特点的人物来进行说话训练.PictureWhiletask procedure1. Showa hand。 Askquestions about the hand。2.Compare Singular and Plural。 Show pictures and words. Explain plurals.Repeat step1 by using other pictures。3. Listen and enjoyAnswer:1. How many hands have you got?2. How many fingers have you got?3. Which finger is small? 4. Which finger is short?5. Which finger is tall?6. Which finger is thin?7。 Which finger is fat?1. Look and read:teacher teachersgirl- girlsbaby-babies boyboys mothermothers2。Chant: (exchange :boys,girls)Baby, babies。One and two.One baby, two babies。We are babies。1) Show the picture and passage, read itTwo fat boys in the rain,Bow and bow and bow again.How are you? How are you?How are you again? 2) Change it:Two thin girls in the rainTwo tall teachers in the rainTwo short mothers in the rainTwo small babies in the rain3) Listen to the radio and read after it。4) Try to say it with your fingers。用问题引出五个手指,了解它们的特点。从单数到复数的操练。先图片直观形象,再单词加强记忆。单词融入儿歌中,琅琅上口。有趣中记住原本很枯燥的语法知识跟着动画,每一位学生用手指配合动作,朗诵儿歌。PPTPPTflashPosttask activity1.Divide students into groups. Vote for the best one.2。 Introduce the names of five fingersSay the rhyme with the actions。Look and learn.拇指: thumb食指: index finger中指: middle finger无名指:ring finger小指: little finger分组表演。选出最棒的,以提高表演的热情与参与的积极性。对于中等偏上的学生可以让学生有意识的记住,扩大他们的词汇量。PPTHomework1。 Listen to the cassette and repeat after it.2. Act it out with the action of hands.板 书 设 计two fat boystwo thin girlstwo tall teacherstwo short mothersbaby-babiestwo small babies
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