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Unit10 Great inventions学习目标 1.能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇:invention, watch, anywhere, travel, invent, myself, camera.2.能用一般现在时描述某项发明的特征和作用。3.热爱探索,敢于想像并动手实践。学习重点 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇学习难点 能用一般现在时描述某项发明的特征和作用。学习流程Step 1. Warming up1.播放有关人类历史上伟大的发明创造的视频,引导学生看图说出单词,最后教师总结,出示课题Great inventions,教学单词invention.T: Look! What are they?S1: A telephone.S2:A watch.S3: A train.T:Yes, these are all the great inventions that bring people a better life.2.学生尝试用以下句型说一说自己知道的发明。S1: Paper is a great invention.S2:The train is a great invention.S3: The computer is a great invention.Step 2. Presentation1.播放Listen and say的录音,让学生找出对话中提到的几个发明。T:The children in Ms Guos class are talking about great inventions. Listen to the dialogue and name the inventions they talk about.Ss: Paper, the watch .2.出示对话中提到的四个发明及Look and learn中的相机图局部,让学生猜并说出是什么物品。T: ( show part of the picture of a watch ) What is this invention?Ss: A watch.T: Yes. ( show the whole picture ) Its a watch.3.将上个发明的图片贴在黑板上,再次播放课文录音,引发学生关注每个发明给人类带来的好处。T:Now lets listen to the dialogue again. Try to find out what people can do with these inventions. ( show the picture of paper ) Paper.Ss:People can write on it.T: ( show the picture of a watch ) A watch.Ss: People can tell the time anywhere.T: ( show the picture of a car ) A car.Ss: People can travel from one place to another very fast.根据图片,学生以小组形式介绍每个发明的功能。S1: Paper is a great invention. People can write on it.S2: The watch is a great invention. People can tell the time anywhere.4.播放录音,学生模仿录音朗读对话,然后分组分角色表演对话。Step3. Post-task activities出示各类发明的图片,每个学生选择一项发明,模仿课文介绍该项发明的作用。S1: I think the computer is a great invention. People can do a lot of things with it.S2: I think the light is a great invention. People can see at night with it.
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