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牛津译林必修二unit2 重点词汇拓展填空版答案1._ n. 恭喜,祝贺_(- congratulated - congratulating ) vt 祝贺;恭喜congratulations _sb. _ sth 为某事向某人祝贺2._(-assumed- assuming;) vt. 假定;_ n.假定_ that 假定.(连词)assume sb._/_ _ 假定.是make an _ 做一个假设3. _ _ 创造奇迹It is _ _ that .难怪it is a wonder that.真是个奇迹4._ vi. 趋向 vt. 照料_ n.趋势tend _ sb. 照顾某人there is a _ for sb. to do sth某人有做某事的倾向5._ vt.减少,缩小_ n.减少reduce._ .减少至reduce._ .减少了 be reduced_ _ sth 沦落为.6._n.常规;惯例_adv. 例行地break the_ 打破常规7._ v. 伸展stretch your _ 伸伸腿8._ n.范围,界限_ _ _services 一系列服务range _ ._. range _ ._. 从.到.9.movement n. 活动move v.移动moved adj.感动的moving adj.令人感动的10. _ n.平均水平_ _. 平均来看_ _. 高于平均水平11._弥补;补偿_ 由.组成_ _ 组成;补足;化妆;编造_ 充分利用12. _ n&vt&vi 流汗sweat _汗流浃背wipe the _擦汗13._ vt.阻止,阻碍 _ adj.可阻止的;_ n.prevent._.阻止某人做.14._ n.伤害 _ vt使受伤 _adj.受伤害的be badly injured 严重受伤15. _ n.设备be _ with配有 _equipment一件设备 16._ vt&n缺乏_ adj.缺乏的_ experiencebe _ in experience17._ vt 维护be well _被维护的很好18._ vt. 宣布;述说 _ n.公告;宣布_ n.宣告员it is _ that 据宣布19._vt&n. 更新_to date 最新的 out of date过时的20. in _ to 对.做出反应 _vt.回应;回答respond to对作出反应21.replace vt.代替_ n.代替; 归还_ adj.可替代的_ adj.不可替代的be _ by用.取代22.under the weather 略有不适under way_under attack_under control _under the circumstance _23._ n. 处境,位置in ones_在某人的处境out of position 处于不当位置24._ vi犹豫_ n.犹豫_ to do sth 不愿意做某事without _毫不犹豫25._vt&vi (admitted-admitting)_ n.准许进入26._ vt激励,鼓舞_ n.激励be _ by受到.的启发seek for_ 寻求灵感27._ vt&vi探究_n. 勘探者_ n.探索_the outer space探索外太空28. _ n&vt. _new skills 掌握新技能 29._n. 满意满足_ vt.使满意_ adj满意的_ adj. 令人满意的to ones _使某人满意的是30._ vi存在_ n.存在,生存31._ vi&vt 呼吸_ n.呼吸breathe in 吸入_ 屏住呼吸牛津译林必修二unit2 重点词汇拓展填空版答案1.congratulation n. 恭喜,祝贺congratulate(- congratulated - congratulating ) vt 祝贺;恭喜congratulations to sb. on sth 为某事向某人祝贺2.assume(-assumed- assuming;) vt. 假定;assumption n.假定assuming that 假定.(连词)assume sb. as/to be 假定.是make an assumption 做一个假设3. do wonders 创造奇迹It is no wonder that .难怪it is a wonder that.真是个奇迹4.tend vi. 趋向 vt. 照料tendency n.趋势tend to sb. 照顾某人there is a tendency for sb. to do sth某人有做某事的倾向5.reduce vt.减少,缩小reduction n.减少reduce.to.减少至reduce.by.减少了 be reduced to doing sth 沦落为.6.routine n.常规;惯例routinely adv. 例行地break the routine 打破常规7.stretch v. 伸展stretch your legs 伸伸腿8.range n.范围,界限a range of services 一系列服务range from .to. range between .and. 从.到.9.movement n. 活动move v.移动moved adj.感动的moving adj.令人感动的10. average n.平均水平on average 平均来看above average 高于平均水平11.make up for 弥补;补偿be made up of 由.组成make up 组成;补足;化妆;编造make the most of 充分利用13. sweat n&vt&vi 流汗sweat heavily汗流浃背wipe the sweat 擦汗13.prevent vt.阻止,阻碍 preventable adj.可阻止的;prevention n.prevent.from.阻止某人做.14.injury n.伤害 injure vt使受伤 injured adj.受伤害的be badly injured 严重受伤15. equipment n.设备be equipped with配有 a piece of equipment一件设备 16.lack vt&n缺乏lacking adj.缺乏的lack experiencebe lacking in experience17.maintain vt 维护be well maintained被维护的很好18.announce vt. 宣布;述说 announcement n.公告;宣布announcer n.宣告员it is announced that 据宣布19.update vt&n. 更新up to date 最新的 out of date过时的20. in response to 对.做出反应 respond vt.回应;回答respond to对作出反应21.replace vt.代替replacement n.代替; 归还replaceable adj.可替代的irreplaceable adj.不可替代的be replaced by用.取代22.under the weather 略有不适under way在航行中under attack 被攻击under control 在控制之中under the circumstance 在这种情况下23.position n. 处境,位置in ones position在某人的处境out of position 处于不当位置24.hesitate vi犹豫hesitation n.犹豫hesitate to do sth 不愿意做某事without hesitation毫不犹豫25.admit vt&vi (admitted-admitting)admission n.准许进入26.inspire vt激励,鼓舞inspiration n.激励be inspired by受到.的启发seek for inspiration 寻求灵感27.explore vt&vi探究explorer n. 勘探者explorati
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