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英语外研九年级上综合测评 Module 6(分数100分时间90分钟)第卷听力部分(15分)一、听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片。(5分)1As time goes by,there are more and more cars running on the road.But it causes more air pollution.2Dont make so much noise please.At this moment,most people are sleeping.3From June 1st,2008,supermarkets didnt offer plastic bags for free.4The more factories,the more air pollution.Do you think so?5About 20 years ago,the river near home is clean.But now there isnt any fish in it any more.1_2._3._4._5._二、听对话和问题,选最佳答案。(5分)M:Do you think throwing metal and paper away is wasteful?W:Yes,we should recycle them.Q:What should we do?6A.Reuse them.BRecycle them.CReduce them.M:Whats our homework today,Betty?W:Its a composition called “No Pollution”Q:Whats the composition about?7A.Information.BBusiness.CEnvironment.M:We will go to the park and collect rubbish this Sunday.Would you like to join us?W:Thats a good idea.Q:What will they do on Sunday?8A.Play in the park.BHave a party in the park.CCollect litters in the park.M:Mum,turn off the television to reduce energy when you leave the livingroom.W:OK,I will.Q:What do they turn off the television for?9A.Saving energy.BSaving money.CSaving time.M:How do you go to school everyday,Mary?W:On foot.Though its a little slower.Q:How does the girl go to school everyday?10A.By bus.BWalk.CBy bike.三、听短文,填写单词。(5分)Water is very important in our life.We brush teeth with water,and farmers use it to water plants.If there is no water,we cant cook food and cant put out the fire.In a word,we cant live without water.So its necessary for us to save water.We must try our best to save water.We should turn off the shower when we put the shampoo in the hair.We should also save water by turning off the tap after we use it.Water is very 11._in our life.We brush teeth with water, and farmers use it to water plants.If there is no water, we cant cook food and cant put out the fire.In a 12._,we cant live without water.We must try our best to 13._ water.We should turn off the 14._ when we put the shampoo in the hair.We should also save water by turning off the tap after we use it.So its 15._ for us to save water.第卷笔试部分(85分)四、单项选择(10分)16Everyone should manage to _ paper to save our green trees.ArecycleBbuyCsell Ddraw17The people in earthquake disaster region must be _ warm clothes for the winter.Aprovide with Bprovide forCprovided with Dprovided for18_you get up, you must brush your teeth before you eat.AWhenever BWhereverCHowever DWhatever19We all know that its good to keep ourselves _.Aclean Bto clean Ccleaning Dto cleaning20The earthquake made Mr Wang _.Ahomeless Bto be homeless Cto have no home Dhaving no home21Listen!Who is singing?It _ Dennis.Asounds Bsound like Csounds like Dsounds love22She _ me yesterday.Adropped in on Bdrop in Cdrop in at Ddrop on23_ a language in possible situations is the best way to learn it.AUse BUsing CUsed DUseful24Had we better leave right away?Its better _for another five minutes.Await Bwaiting Cto waiting Dto wait25Do you think it is_ to throw away glass, metal and paper?Aimportant Bnecessary Cwasteful Dimpolite五、完形填空(10分)I cant remember clearly when I started collecting litter.But it was when I got tired of seeing litter here and there and realized that 26 was going to pick it up.I lived close to a forest(森林)in Ohio, America.I could walk there only in three_27_!I used to_28_ going there to play with my dog.But one day I found there was_29_ litter there that I became very unhappy.So I made decisions to clean up the forest.I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon.I took a big black _30_ with me.Ten minutes after I picked up litter, my bag was _31_!There were cans, bottles, newspapers and fruit peels in it.Since the first trip, I went to the forest four times a month to pick up litter.I often stayed there for three hours.It made me feel _32_ to do something for the environment.After each trip, I made a careful check of all the litter I had found.If any of it was recyclable(可回收利用的), I would _33_ it.I cant understand _34_ people drop litter.But I will keep picking it up until they _35_dropping it.I know I am only doing a little bit to save the earth, but still think it is important.26A.no one else Belse no one Csomeone else Danyone else27A.hours Bweeks Cdays Dminutes28A.want Bhope Clove Dhate29A.so many Btoo much Cso much Dmuch too30A.map Bfootball Cbag Dbox31A.broken Bold Cempty Dfull32A.great Bworried Cannoyed Dsurprised33A.keep Bdrop Cbuy Deat
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