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小朋友生活美语手册(蓝色手册)CHILDRENS EVERYDAY VOCABULARY MANUAL OF AMERICAN ENGLISH(BLUE MANUAL)-小朋友生活美语手册.doc 第 11 页 共 11 页P1P4 The living room客厅Drawing roomWhat is it?It is a ( ? )Word 单词1. Door 2. Lamp 3. Carpet 4. Wall5. Armchair 6. Newspaper 7. Telephone8. Fan 9. Window 10. Bookcase 11. Television 12. Sofa 13. Coffee table14. PianoSentence 句子1. DoorDad opens the door.That door goes into the kitchen.爸爸把门打开。那扇门通往厨房。2. LampMother turns on the lamp.There is lamp on Amys desk.妈妈打开台灯。艾咪的书桌上有一盏台灯。3. CarpetAladdin is flying on his magic carpet.There is a ball on the carpet.阿拉丁乘着他的魔毯飞行。地毯上有一个球。4. WallJack is throwing a ball against the wall.Father paints the wall pink.杰克在向墙上掷球。爸爸把墙涂成粉红色。 5. ArmchairMy grandmother is sitting in the armchair.The armchair is comfortable.我奶奶坐在扶手椅子上。这个扶手椅坐起来很舒服。6. NewspaperDaddy is reading the newspaper.He buys a piece of newspaper.爸爸在看报纸。他买了一份报纸。7. TelephoneThe telephone is ringing.She is talking on the telephone.电话在响。他在打电话。8. FanIts hot. Lets turn on the fan.The fan is broken.好热。我们开电风扇吧!这台电扇坏了。9. WindowPlease open the window.The sun is shining through the window.请打开窗户。阳光从窗户照进来。10. BookcaseThere are many books in the bookcase.He takes one book from the bookcase书橱里有很多书。他从书橱里拿出一本书。11. TelevisionWendy turns on the television.She is watching television.温蒂打开电视。她在看电视。12. Sofa The kitty is lying on the sofa.Our sofa is yellow.小猫咪躺在沙发上。我们的沙发是黄色的。13. Coffee tableHe puts his feet up on the coffee table.There is a vase on the coffee table.他把双脚放在茶几上。茶几上有一个花瓶。14. PianoJane is playing the piano.I have a white piano.简在弹钢琴。我是一架白色的钢琴。Extra vocabulary补充单词15. Vase 花瓶16. Cushion 靠垫17. Picture 图画;照片18. Light 灯19. Floor 地板20. Fireplace 壁炉21. Radio 收音机22. Stereo 音响23. Video tape recorder 录影机24. Video tape 录影带P5P8The bathroom 浴室What is it?It is a ( ? )Word 单词25 bathtub26 mirror27 shampoo 28 toothbrush 29 comb 30 towel31 soap 32 faucet 33 sink34 toilet ( closestool ) 35 toilet paper36 toothpaste 37 curtain 38 bubbleSentence 句子25 bathtubTom is taking a bath in the bathtub.He gets into the bathtub.汤姆正在浴缸里洗澡。他进浴缸。26 mirrorHe is looking in the mirror.I have a big mirror.他正在照镜子。我有一面大镜子。27 shampooKenny is washing his hair with shampoo.I have Mickey Mouse shampoo.肯尼正在用洗发精洗头。我有米老鼠洗发精。28 toothbrushJack brushes his teeth with a toothbrush.Mom bought me a toothbrush.杰克用牙刷刷牙。妈妈给我买了一支牙刷。29 combDad has a comb for his mustache.I have a pink comb.爸爸有一个梳小胡子的梳子。我有一把粉红色的梳子。30 towelI need a towel.He washes his face with a towel.我需要一条毛巾。他用毛巾洗脸。31 soap Please wash your hands with soap.He is using soap.请用肥皂洗手。他正在抹肥皂。32 faucet She turns on the faucet.Turn off the faucet, please.他打开水龙头。请关上水龙头。33 sinkBobby washes his hands in the sink.There is some water in the sink.鲍比在洗脸槽里洗脸。洗脸槽里有水。34 toiletThe toilet is in the bathroom.The cat is sitting on the toilet.马桶在浴室里。猫坐在马桶上。35 toilet paperHe uses toilet paper.There is no toilet paper in the bathroom.他用卫生纸。浴室里没有卫生纸了。36 toothpaste Jack put toothpaste on his toothbrush.I like strawberry toothpaste.杰克挤了些牙膏在牙刷上。我喜欢草莓味的牙膏。37 curtain Open the curtain and let some light in.She pulls the curtain closed.打开窗帘让光线射进来。他她拉上窗帘。38 bubbleThe soap is making bubbles in the water.Dingding blows bubbles.肥皂在水中起泡泡。丁丁吹泡泡。Extra vocabulary补充单词39 soap dish 肥皂盘40 hairbrush 发梳41 shower 淋浴莲蓬头42 bathrobe 浴袍43 towel rack44 tumbler45 hair drier46 gel47 slipper48 razorP9P12The kitchen 厨房CookroomWhat is this?this is a/an ( ? )Word 单词49. bowl50. sink51. chopsticks52. refrigerator53. pepper54. table 55. oven56. fork57. salt58. spoon59. knife60. toaster61. trash can62. jar63. stove Sentence 句子49. bowlCindy is eating a bowl of ice cream.The bowl is broken.辛蒂在吃一碗冰激淋。这个碗破了。50. sinkThe sink is very dirty.Dad is washing the dishing the dishes in the sink.这个水槽很脏。爸爸正在水槽洗碗。51. chopsticksJimmy cant use chopsticks.Angela is leaning how to use chopsticks.吉米不会使用筷子。安琪拉正在学习如何使用筷子。52. refrigeratorDont forget to close the refrigerator.Judy puts the milk into the refrigerator.不要忘记关冰箱。茱蒂把牛奶放进冰箱里。53. pepperPepper can make you sneeze.Claire doesnt like pepper. 胡椒粉会是你打喷嚏。克莱尔不喜欢胡椒粉。54. table There is a bowl on the table.Dinner is on the kitchen table.桌子上有一个碗。晚餐在饭桌上。55. ovenIt is time to take the cake out of the oven.Mommy uses the oven to make pies.该是把蛋糕从烤箱里拿出来的时候了。妈咪用烤箱左派。56. forkI use a fork w
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