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英文求职自荐书:生产经理Sand Li 1/F,OWR2 ,BRIGTCINA,BULDIN1,BEIJIG CAEER OECTIVE Effiet supevir sees tea leaderpotion hep increaeproductivity and etor ececompay oal. AKGROD UMARY Exensive and diersifedsupevisory exerienceinomue,o furniture,and bot manufaturn oerain.artiulay efetve in nceinpuctityan capaviy.Demnrte ablity to learn e sills uicklyAbl to supervise ne deparmetwitou pro expienceand eetrdtongoalucsfuil motiat eploe.xcelent interpersnal skils.Gaid rputaio frhonetandlace in positno trst. UMMAY F ACCOMPLHETS Survised htartup f second hift sing partmet.Traenwemploees,reacedfll capacy whi aitiningqualty an poducio goas. nrutedQuat eopnt cure. Partciptedin upgrain ssemy systems atLennn andpstei stm. onstly metan/r surpassed prctin goas.uperised ae dayshipping f orers Participatewith enon nagmnt eam nhe moveo logis,sevice prats fomSt.Puito Winna fcilty.Rceivd sh achvmet awr othis roject. Oated omuterizd waosemaagmnt,ivntr contr and rdr procesing ystes. Resachereqements and supervised the deveopmen f ahg-technlorat includingpcuren and staffig. lannd,arranged and suersd reor gos wich traveled to n-sit ltns fom ngeerin repars and otherroblm-solvig ativit. Suervieddeelopment ofew pressembldoponents of cabinruisesatHowll at Company. Consstentl built andmaintane song reationhips ith vdorsand cutomer roughloe and efcive comunicatn. pevise,chuledandoorinate podctionoffur deartmentsn a mea fabriato operatio. Notce: Since cadiateashed six jobsproduction sprvir,hs chosesno toreeat meb dsriio sx tmes. Isted,cadiat sumrizs work hisoryuder”Summay ofAcomplmets”.
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