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马鞍山市师范附小 徐 璞 2019.5.20Book 8 Project 2 Arts and crafts display教 学 目 标语言知识与技能: 1能在情境下正确运用单词:oil,brush, paints, on the left, on the right, tape, glue, scissors, model house和句型Which one do you like?I like oil/Chinese ink paintings, because it is . My favourite painting is by .What do you want to make? I want to make a . Who is it for? Its for I need .2能根据教师提供的语言框架正确描述自己所喜欢的艺术作品或手工作品3能在小组内正确描述自己的作品,并用英语与他人交流信息。语言情感1能欣赏和了解相关的艺术作品,并用英语简单介绍。2能积极参加小组活动,与同伴积极用英语交流,并分享自己的作品制作过程和想法。学习策略1通过学习资源的大量运用,激发学生英语思维2通过作品展示和小组活动,提高学生英语交流和表达的逻辑性和连贯性。语用任务1能运用一般将来时正确描述自己将要展示的作品名称和内容。2能正确使用英语总结小组内其他成员的作品3能和小组成员共同合作制作本组的展示宣传单。教学重点能用语言描述自己喜爱的艺术、手工作品,或自己的作品教学难点能通过小组活动交流自己的感受,并和同伴一起制作本组的英语展示活动宣传单教学技术与学习资源应用教学课件和学生的作品教学文本文本1:I like oil paintings. My favourite painting is Sunflowers。It is a picture by Vincent van Gogh. In the picture ,there are some yellow sunflowers in the vase. It is colorful. I like it because I like sunflowers.文本2:I want to make a model plane, Its for my little brother.His birthday is coming. He likes to play with toy planes.I need a pair of scissors , some glue ,tape and cardboard. First, Next. After that. Finally .文本3:This is our first arts and crafts display.There are _ paintings, _ drawings, _ and _in the display. Here are some of them.教学过程设计I Warm-up 1.Enjoy the beautiful paintings and works引入主题display,激活学生思维。II Revision1观看第四单元第五单元的图片复习所学会话。2Talk about your favourite paintings or crafts复习所学的语言知识,流利表达自己所喜爱的艺术或手工作品。3Presentation1Today lets make an arts and crafts display.What are you going to do for the display? Complete the dialogue. Ask your friends in groups.2.show up yours and talk about how you make it .3.Show yours in the group, and then make a report about others.4 make a leaflet about your group. Show it in class.学生自由表达对即将到来的展示活动自己的打算。Production1 write about your group display.2.Lets make a leaflet about the display. Show it in class.再次巩固语言的表达,学生小组合作完成宣传单,激发学生的兴趣,提升语用能力。板 书 设 计 Our class will have an arts and crafts display. Im going to draw/ paint/ make Because . by Joe by Alice by Kitty Welcome to our display. In our group, there are_ paintings, _ crafts and _ . They are _. We all like the display.本课练习设计与评价:练习1Which one do you like?I like Starry Night.Why?Because I like oil paintings, the night sky is beautiful.练习2What do you want to make?I want to make a _ .Who is it for?Its for _ . Because _ .How do you make it?First_; Next_, .练习3This is our first arts and crafts display .Im going to draw a picture. Its about _ .My friend Kitty is going to draw a picture.She likes _ .Peter is going to paint a picture. He likes _ .Jill is going to make a model house.It is for_ .We are all very happy!
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