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儿童英语教育教学研讨一年级下册Lesson FourteenA flower bed 设计者: 望牛墩镇中心小学 王晓媚I Teaching points:1、To master words on “colour:pink,white,blue,red.2、To understand the meaning of “A flower bed,can read the rhyme and do the actions.3、Can sing the song “Blooming flowers.II Teaching importances:1. To master word on “colour:pink, white, blue, red.2. Understand the meaning of “A flower bed “growing and “blooming.III Teaching difficulties:1. Read the rhyme of “A flower bedand do the actions.2. Rhyme u: and e in the song“A flower bed.IV Teaching preparation:Four toy bed models, several paper flowers, palette, flowers, pictures, some slidesV Teaching procedure:1、Warming up:T:Hello!S:Hello!T: Boys and girls. Nice to meet you !S: Nice to meet you ,too!T: I am very happy today! Are you happy,too?S: yes!T: Ok! Look, Jack and his friends are happy, too. Because theyre making a beautiful a flower bed .(Teacher shows the story to the students from medium.)The story:Jack wants to make a flower bed .His friends help him make a flower bed .first,Mary says to Jack:what colour do you like? Jack says : I like white. Mary puts the white flower in the flower bed. And then Terry says to Jack: What colour do you like? Jack says : I like blue. Terry puts the blue flower in the flower bed. Kay says to Jack: What colour do you like? Jack says :I like pink. Kay puts the pink flower in the flower bed. Hello says to Jack: What colour do you like? Jack says: I like red. Hello puts the red flower in the flower bed. Finally ,Hello says:What a beautiful flower bed! 2 、Leading-in:T:Wow!What a beautiful flower bed!Do you want to make a flower bed,too?S: Yes!T:Ok! Today were going to make a flower bed. Lets have a competition. Lets see which group can get the most flowers.( teacher points to the blackboard)Teacher asks one student in group one: What colour do you like?(Teacher come to group one)S:I like.(The teacher puts colour flower in group one from the blackboard)Teacher asks one student in group two: What colour do you like ?S: I like.(The teacher puts colour flower in group two from the blackboard)Teacher asks one student in group three: What colour do you like ?S: I like .(The teacher puts colour flower in group three from the blackboard)Teacher asks one student in group four: What colour do you like ?S: I like (The teacher puts colour flower in group four from the blackboard)3. Practice:The teacher shows the slides to student:red ,white, blue,pink flowersT:What colour is it?S1:Its.S2: Its.S3: Its.S4: Its.T: Ok! Very good! Now Im Miss Wang. I can change these colours into other colours.Look! Red and white is pink. Yellow and blue is green. Red and blue is purple. Red and yellow is orange.(The teacher mixes together red and white ,it changes into pink.)T:Wow! So beautiful! Do you want to try? Have a try please! Take out your palette and colour your flowers, please!(students choose the colour what they like and colour the flowers.)T: Now, all of you have some beautiful flowers. There are many flowers growing in our school,too. What colour are the flowers? Lets go and see.(The teacher points at the blackboard to review the colours)S: Its.4、To learn the rhyme “A flower bed:1To play the rhyme “A flower bed2To practice the rhyme:A:The whole class follows the rhyme sentence by sentence.B: Read the rhyme group by group and do the actions.C: Competition: Follow the rhyme of the instrument,choose the best group. 4. Play a game:Teacher takes out a toy bed model:I like pink flower. I like yellow flower and red flower,too! Then put the flowers in the bed. (Show the flower bed to students) look at my flower bed, its beautiful. (Walk to group one, ask one student ) Which flower do you like ? S: I like.T:Can you make a flower bed like this now?(Put the flower in the bed)S: yes!T: Ok! Lets begin .( Students make flower beds group by group)(Result) T: You have done a good job.All the flower beds are beautiful! But which one is the most beautiful? Wow! I think.(Teacher gives presents to the best group)5、Sing a song:1T:Ok!And then do you want to see the pictures of flower bed which I made? Look at the computer and see many colurful flowersThere is a beautiful flower bed from the computer and music begins2Stduent sing a song :Flower bed ,I like you ,red and white and pink and blue,yellow ,puprle ,green and black,flower bed ,I like you ! Follow the song from the computer 6、Education:T: The flower are so beautiful. Do you like them?S: Yes!T: But can we pick the flowers when we see them in the park or in the school?S: No, we cant.T: Oh, youre good students. Youre right . We cant pick the flowers!VI: Homework:1) Make a flower bed with your family. Blackboard design:Lesson FourteenA flower bed
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