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新目标八年级下Unit 1-5重点短语和句子2009-03-15 07:53:15|分类: 八年 |标签: |字号大中小订阅 Unit 1 Section A1.at home /in ones home 在家in the future在将来/ in 100 years 100 年以后2.be free=have time有时间 (反义词组be busy)3.study at home on computers在家里电脑上学习4.live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁5.use the subways less很少使用地铁6.I think there will be more population我想人口会更多.There will be fewer trees. 有更少的树.Cities will be big and crowded. 城市将是大的和拥挤的.7.in high school 在高中 /in college 在大学8.What do you think Sally will be in five years? 你认为5 年后Sally 会什么样?9.I think there will be more tall buildings.我认为有更多的高楼.I dont think there will be more tall buildings. 我认为没有更多的高楼.Section B1.live in an apartment with sb.和某人住在公寓work near here.在这附近工作be an astronaut 当一名宇航员live on a space station住在太空站2.fall in love with sb./sth.爱上某人/某事3.Its really a beautiful city.它的确是一个美丽的城市。4.meet lots of interesting people 遇见很多有趣的人5.live alone孤独地居住/feel/be lonely感到孤独6.the World Cup 世界杯足球赛7.next time下一次/ last time上一次 /this time 这一次/many times 很多次8.win awards/win prizes赢得奖品do sth. for fun做为了乐趣9.twenty years from now = in twenty years20 年后10.Predicting the future can be difficult.预示将来是困难的。11.There are many famous predictions that never come true.有很多著名的从未实现的预示。/ come true实现12.be wrong/right是错的/对的13.have a computer in his/her home他她家有电脑14.He thought that computers would never be used by most people.他认为电脑不会被大多数人利用。15.get/ be ready for sth./to do sth.准备好去做某事16.science fiction movies科幻电影17.pleasant jobs愉快的工作18.such+adj.+单数名词: such a good boy这样的一个好男孩such +adj.+复数名词: such good boys这样的好男孩19.hundreds of数以百计的/thousands of成千上万的/millions of无数的20.do the same things as us做和我们一样的同样的事21.be able to +V.=can +V.能/会22.get bored/be bored无聊(主语是人)23.seem +adj.看起来怎么样seem possible看起来是可能的Unit 2Section A1.keep out不让进入 keep off the grass勿踏草地keep sb./sth.+adj.保持成某种状态keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事2.argue with sb.和某人争吵argue about sth.争吵某事have an argument with sb. about sth.和某人争吵某事3.be in style流行的 /be out of style不时髦的、过时的(指服装)4.call sb. up/call sb. ring sb. up /ring sb.给某人打电话/on the phone用电话交谈5.a ticket to a ball game一场球赛的票the key to the door开门的钥匙the answer to the question问题的答案6.have enough money/ have money enough有足够的钱7.surprise sb.给某人惊喜/be surprised to do sth.做。感到惊奇to ones surprise使某人惊奇的是 8.write a letter to sb./write sb. a letter给某人写信9.What should I do? You should talk about their problems.我应该怎么办?你应该谈论他们的问题。10.pay for为付款 spend on/ in doing sth.在上花费(时间、钱)/物cost 人+钱 / It takes sb. some time to do sth.某人花时间去做某事11.borrow some money from sb.从某人处借钱lend some money to sb. 把钱借给某人12. ask sb. for sth.向某人要某物 ask sb. to do sth.要求某人去做某事13.have a bake sale有面包或糕点售卖活动14.buy sb. sth.buy sth. for sb.为某人买某物15.get a tutor to come to his house请一个家教到他家Section B1.be original/comfortable/inexpensive/colorful是新颖的/舒适的/便宜的./有色彩的2.be the same as与一样/ be different from与不一样3.wear the same clothes穿同样的衣服Have the same haircut as I do.有和我的一样的发型4.tell sb. to do sth 告诉某人做某事5.have a problem有麻烦 need your help需要你的帮助6.I thought I was popular at school.我原以为我在学校受欢迎。 7.look for寻找 find偶尔找到/.发现/find out经过调查发现8.I cant think what I did wrong.我认为我没有做错什么。9.I dont know what to do. 我不知道做什么。I dont know how to do it.我不知道怎样做。10.leave ones homework at home把作业忘在家11.I want to be like him.我想像他一样。12.try to do sth.努力做某事do/ try ones best to do sth.尽某人最大努力去做某事。13.invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事14.talk about sth with sb.和某人谈论某事15.be angry with sb.生某人的气16Lets forget it.别提它了。17.fail ones test考试失败18.get on well with sb. 和某人相处很好19.return sth. to sb.=give sth. back to sb.把某物归还某人20.have a fight with sb.和某人打架21.asas possible尽可能地22.fit into their kids lives 渗透入他们孩子的生活中23.under too much pressure在太大的压力下/be important to sb.对某人是重要的24.complain about sth/complain about doing sth.抱怨某事、抱怨做某事25.push their children a lot more 更多的逼迫他们的孩子26.comparewith把和比较27.be crazy about doing sth.做某事是疯狂的28.find it +adj. to do sth.做怎么样29.on the one hand, on the other hand, 一方面另一方面30do things by oneself独自做某事31.at a young age在小时候32.have free time to relax有自由的时间去休闲Unit 3 Section A1.in front of/in the front of在前面、在.前部in the bathroom/bedroom/kitchen/the barber shop/the barbers chair在浴室、卧室、厨房、理发室、理发椅子上2.sleep late 睡得晚/cook dinner做晚饭 /cut hair理发3.visit the Museum of Flight参观航空博物馆4.land on Center Street 降落在中心大街、go into a store走进一家商店5.get out 出来、get out of the UFO走出不明飞行物、get out of the shower走出淋浴6.buy a souvenir买一件纪念品7.take off起飞 / land 降落8.have a very unusual experience有一次不寻常的经历9.walk down Center Street 沿着中心大街走10.be surprised to do sth./ +从句、做某事感到惊奇/surprise sb.给某人惊奇11.call the police报警/call the TV station打电话给电视台/call the newspaper打电话给报社12.What were you doing at 9:00 last Sunday morning?你上星期早上9点钟正在干什么?I was sleeping.我正在睡觉。13.You are kidding.你骗人。Section B1.be scared是害怕的=be frightened2.climb a tree爬上树/jump down跳下来3.at the train station在火车站/walk
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