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“自主导学”课堂教学共性设计方案科目英语主备人谭弘梅授课人谭弘梅节次第一课时授课班级1308授课时间2月24日教学内容:人教版(2012)八年级下册Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 第1课时教材分析:本单元中心话题是通过对日常生活作息时间的谈论,让学生学会时间的表达法。用when和what time引导的特殊疑问句询问时间和时间的表达法;用所学的目标语言对生活和学习活动做计划,学会合理地安排作息时间。学习内容贴近学生的生活,因为学生的作息时间安排是非常有规律的。通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方的作息时间安排和活动计划,可以培养学生良好的作息习惯和守时习惯。教学目标:1.Knowledge Objects(1) Key VocabularyGet up, get dressed,brush,tooth,take a shower,usually (2) Target Language -What time do you get up? - I get up at six thirty.2.Ability Objects(1) Learn to talk about daily routines. (2) Train students ability of speaking and communication. 3.Moral Objects The students arrange their own time reasonably by themselves.教学重难点:Teaching Key Point:Key vocabulary and target language.Teaching Difficult Points: (1) Talk about routines. (2) Ask about time.教学准备:1. A tape recorder 2. The blackboard3. Computer前导部分学生自主活动流程设计教师导学操作预设设计意图个性修改情境导入Step 1. Lead-in1. Show a simple cartoon and have students start the lesson along with the music.2. Ask the students:What are they talking about?The time3. Today lets learn Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 通过播放卡通短片,创设轻松、愉快又有趣的课堂氛围,以集中学生的注意力。中导部分学生自主活动流程设计教师导学操作预设设计意图个人修改自主探究交流点拨Step 2. Presentation1. Show some pictures to practice the times,help students learn to tell the time the clock show. Show some pictures to the students to practice the sentence stractures:“What time is it ?”“Its .” 2. T: What time is it? Ss: Its 6:25. T: Yes,Its 6:25,and I usually get up at 6:25.Do you know “get up”? Show the picture to teach “get up”.Do the action and teach the new word.Use the same method to teach other words“get dressed、take a shower、brush teeth、eat breakfast、go to school”.Have students repeat them and make sure all of them know what they mean.3. Play a game to practice thenew words.I do you say.I say you do.4. Quick response.Step 3 Practice1. Ask and answer. T:What time do you usually get up?Help students to answer as: I usually get up at six thirty.Practice this conversation with some more individual students.2.Work in pairs, make short conversation. Ask students to work in pairs and practice the sentence patterns: S1:What time do you usually take a shower? S2: I usually take a shower at S1:What time do you usually get dressed?S2:I usually get dressed at4. Have students read the pictures in activity 1a carefully and match the words with the pictures.5. Check the answers with the class.Step 4 listening 1. Play the tape for students to listen.Let them find the right times that Rick do the activities and draw lines between the pictures and the clocks . Check the answers by asking the question:What time does Rick get up?2. Play the tape for the second time and have students listen and repeat,pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 通过钟表图片复习时间的表示法及询问时间的句型,为本堂课的目标语言做好铺垫。通过学习时间的表达法过渡到本单元的动词短语,谈论这些日常事务的时间,过渡自然层层渐进,便于学生掌握。通过游戏巩固动词短语,提高学生的学习兴趣,玩中学,学中玩,让孩子们快乐的学习。通过图片展示新单词,让学生通过音标正确读出新单词;在读音正确、熟练的基础上,将句型板书在黑板上,通过问个别学生展示when和what time引导的特殊疑问句询问时间的表达法。学生通过互相问答的方式,练习关键句型,能够正确做出回答。学生练习好后,再引导学生回到课本。首先进行听力训练,纠正学生的发音,加强听力训练,学会听关键词,并跟着模仿发音。 后导部分学生自主活动流程设计教师导学操作预设设计意图个性修改总结拓展Step 5 Consolidation1.ask the question:What time does Rick get up?Help the students to answer:gets dressed atgets up at He usually goes to school at brushes teeth at eats breakfast at 3. Work in pairs, talk about daily routines.Choose one student to do a report.Step 6 Summary1. Exercises .根据句意及提示完成句子。1.Jack often _(去上学)with his brother.2.What time do you _(起床)every morning?3.Ann _(通常)runs at eight after breakfast.4.My little son likes to_(洗沐浴)at eleven oclock.2. Ask the students to arrange their own time reasonably by themselves.Tell them that “Famous person always cherish time!”We should learn from them .Teach the old saying“Time is money!”作业布置我非常想了解大家的日常生活习惯,你能运用所学句型询问三个小伙伴的日常生活习惯并写成小短文告诉给我听吗?听力过后教师示范做report,拓展询问时间的句型,引出第三人称的时间的表达,并用彩色粉笔标出动词的变化,提醒学生注意。第三人称和实义动词的搭配与汉语的习惯大不相同,在教学过程中应特别强调,并通过习题对用法进行巩固与检测,特别关注后进生的掌握程度。板书设计:Unit 2 What time do you go to school? goes to school at What time is it ? gets dressed at Its . He usually gets up at What time do you usually ? brushes teeth at I usually at . eats breakfast at教后反思:1
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