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课 题Unit 3 My dayFun time & Song time 课 时2学讲目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写:have lunch, play football, have dinner, go to bed, at night。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:When do you .? I . at 3. 能正确灵活地运用日常活动的短语说句子。4. 会唱歌曲When do you get up。学讲 重点1. 句型及短语的灵活运用。2. 歌曲的演唱。学讲 难点句型及短语的灵活运用。教学 方法教学准备 PPT教 学 过 程 和 内 容二 次 备 课Step 1 Free talk & RevisionGame timeT: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like playing games?S: Yes.T: Lets play a game, magic eyes. Please say the numbers you saw quickly. OK?S: OK.T: Ready? Go!S: (play the game) (学生快速说出气球上的数字)【设计意图:通过游戏营造轻松愉悦的课堂气氛,紧扣单元话题复习数词,为后面的教学做铺垫。】T: Wow. Boys and girls, you did a very good job. Lets go on playing. Tell the time you saw quickly. OK? S: OK.T: Ready? Go!(学生用英语说钟面时间。)(The teacher asks the students to review Story time.)T: Nice! You can tell the time by yourselves. And, look! Who is the boy?S: Mike.T: Last lesson we learned something about Mikes day. Can you find the activities of Mikes day in a time sequence?S: Yes.(学生按时间顺序说出日常活动的短语。)Step 2 Draw and write (Fun time)T: Good. You knew Mikes day very well. Today, lets say something about your day. OK?S: OK!T: Hello, When do you in the morning?S1: I at T: Hello, When do you in the afternoon?S2: I at T: Hello, When do you in the evening?S3: I at (教师做示范,请学生互动问答)T: Boys and girls, can you ask and answer like this?S: Yes.T: Please draw and write the time at Page 20, then ask and answer in groups.(PPT列出具体活动要求:1. 试着画一画钟,将自己一天的活动时间画出来,比比谁的速度最快。2. 然后用When do you ?来提问。四人一组,轮流向其他同学提问。)(请几组同学问答展示)【设计意图:小组合作,完成Fun time的画一画、写一写、说一说,有利于学生之间互助学习,共同进步。】Step 3 Song timeT: Your days are great and reasonable. What about Peters day? Listen to the song and try to choose the right time.(学生听歌,选择正确的时间)T: Lets chant.(教师有节奏的带读歌词)T: Lets sing.(教师教唱歌曲)【设计意图:通过听歌选择正确时间,跟着节奏念歌词,跟着老师唱一唱,这几个循序渐进的环节教学歌曲,让学生自然而然地学会演唱歌曲。】Step 4 ConsolidationT: You sang the song well. Can you change the lyrics?S: Yes.(引导学生用Peter的其它日常活动及时间替换歌词,唱一唱)T: Please try to sing it in groups of four. (学生小组准备)T: OK. Boys and girls, which group wants to have a try? (学生换词表演唱)T: Excellent! Now, why dont we sing our own days?(让学生唱一唱自己的一天,并请出几位同学演唱)【设计意图:帮助学生拓宽思路,替换歌词增加趣味性,同时可以锻炼学生对语言知识的灵活运用能力。】作业设计板书设计1. Introduce your day to your parents and friends.向你的父母朋友介绍你的一天。 2. Sing the song When do you get up fluently.把歌曲唱熟。 3. Make a new song about your friend.编唱一首关于你朋友的新歌。 Unit 3 My dayWhen do you ?I at .课 后 反 思
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