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0学年第二学期中学单元练习试卷八年级英语中段检测班别 姓名 学号 题 号一二三四五总 分得 分一、听力测试(25%)二、语言知识与运用(15%)第一节:单项选择(%)1.The parki _anammnt pr _ f stuo.A. n,butalo B. bo, and C. both, but D.ot ny, and2I ake hmwhether _the film Kung Fuand.A. id tey see B theyd see C. ey sa Dy see3.Te dois nt_en it. A. opes B.png C. open .to opeom nd hs faer _ makng oocs when we go there. A was B. were C i D. be_is a fieday. .It B Ts C. ha DWhat6.Tht Educatona ganzaionw setup _Apil 16th,1987. B. of i D. o7Can you e m _ yesterdayA. what hydid .what idhey do . hat d hy do D wht te o8I he _, then _.A. gre,wllc B agrees,will coe . grees,com D. gr,ome9.Pease do make omuch _.A. nois B soud . vice . tal1.Lng ags one f_ in te word o.A.te iest pinst B.h fis pinsts C. inestianist D.finespianiss1.Thehusetanding _he rierwasan aits ui.A. loney o Bo by C.onely b D alone n12.Hthghvas _ ,0dollars. iswoth B. worth . s orthy D was orh13.Thsself susd _ boks .A kep B. to keing C.to ep D.keepin4e ent eraand inehsuitcae s _avyor hr _ crry.Ao, that . to, for C. o,to D. o,o.I he wor hrdr, h _ pas th English examext tie. is abl o B. will is able to C. be ale o D. wi ableo16.e s to us his _abut hsubject. tik B. thiks C.thinkr D. ought17 _ it was geting dark, _thy didd t walk attle longer t theext vlage.A.Altough, but B. . Sine, / Althogh, yet18.Readngore book n help yu _ ore and _ yourimgiato. A. hough,pove B. t think, roe tink,mrove . kg, improving 1.My unts gong on _ to And.A.n cange B. chag C. an exchage D.exhane20.We lernt abotour abl enistemssuccess _ rdiohis mrnin.A i B. on . at D. to第二节:语法知识(5%)ByMrilyn Chritin Broadcs: ona, December1, 02XNow, O(美国之音) Secial English pesents spcial ogrmfr New YesEehtis a songmllons of Ameriansill r tis ew Yar Eve.It i 1 Aud ng Syne(友谊地久天长). It is hetraditioal ui thee Yersceebation. Aul Lang Syne a old Sois(苏格兰) em. It tells boutthe ned to ememr od 3 . he wrd “uld langsne” means “ldlong ince”.N one 4 wo rote the pomit. , a vrsin(版本)y Scotish et Rert Bns(苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯) ws publshed n eteen Nnety-ix The wordsand usicweknwtoafirst 6 in a ongbook thr yearsater. The 7 is plaed n thUnit atsmaily 8 Ne Yars Ee. The version y are hearig oday isyteWahiton Saphoe urtet (萨克斯四重奏).As w 9 our program wthAuld Lang Syne,Ioul lik al of u rado rie er appy New Year!Tis Shep ONl.1.A clB.calliCaled.tocal2.A.dring.toC.of.on3Afrien.frieds.frindshipDa frien4A. noB.kowsC.knewD.knowng5.Hover.ForeerNevrD.Ever6appang.appearedC.ppearD.ar7. singBsgC.sngDsong onB.inC.oD.o.endingBendsC.enD.eded10A.ishB.wishC.wiing.to ish三、完形填空(5%)It is wellkno at nglshgot wth n umrela rainoat. Wh 1 the eather i Briinoften chang qicy. ti nt verusal forthesae kinoweathr o 2 lg.Srng can braiy windy, 3the ther isgeg wrmer andou an ope me unny ays. Infact here 4 as muchunhneispringas inummer. Summe 5 time or iitrs to o o th sasid and other plac fineet.he eatherc be sunn and ce. eole often outto hae alk r wi. Aum isa eautiulsaso, 6 ree in thods and prk hangg coor. Drng atumnitisil nce to ouside, toIn winte, i gts der. ight now,especiy ig and adnthe oth. hrear 7
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