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五四学制三年级上册Unit 2 IntroductionLesson 1 This is Wang Hong .教学设计王村镇中心小学 张梅教学目标:1、知识与技能目标:能够听懂、会说:This is Wang Hong .并能熟练朗读课文,理解汉意。2、语用目标:能运用This is _.介绍他人,并能在实际情境中自如运用。3、情感目标:让学生懂得介绍是一种礼貌。教学重点:在实际情境中运用句型进行介绍。教学难点:This is .的发音。教学过程:一、WarmerListen to a song: This is Jenny.二、Lead inT:Look!Our friends. Do you remember them?Ss: Yes.T:Good. Lets introduce them to the teachers.(出示句型结构This is _.)T and Ss: This is Jenny_. This is Danny.T: Good. Look at this one . (出示李明图片)。Who can introduce?S1: This is Li Ming.T:Wonderful! Today Li Ming goes to school with his friend Wang Hong. They meet his teacher. Who is the teacher?Lets Listen.三、Text1、Listen and watch,find : Who is the teacher?根据学生回答,教学Mr.2、Listen and watch again, then answer:Does Mr Wood know Wang Hong?根据回答继续提问:Why? How does Li Ming introduce?学生回答,进一步练习巩固句型:This is Li Ming.T: Excellent. Look. I have a new friend . This is Amy. Ss: Hello, Amy.T: Very good. Remember: We should say hello to our new friend.3、Listen ,point and imitate.4、Read in roles,then show.四、PracticeT: Look, Jenny wants to introduce Li Ming to her friends, how should she say? Lets look.Who want to be Jenny?(学生模仿Jenny介绍朋友,让后再请同学模仿其他两人进行模仿,练习本课新句型。)This is .五、ProductionT:今天,我们班来了一位新同学,老师要把他安排和你同桌,请想一想,怎么向新同学做自我介绍,并且为他介绍其他同学。Now who want to be the new classmate? (请一位同学扮演新同学和老师一起示范对话)Hello, Im _.Hello, Im _.Nice to meet you .Nice to meet you ,too.This is _.Hello,_.Hello,_.小组练习,展示。六、SummaryWhat have we leant today?七、HomeworkListen and repeat the text for 5 times.Introduce your partner to your friends.
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