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中国矿业大学毕业设计任务书学院 应用技术学院 专业年级 采矿09 任务下达日期: 毕业设计日期: 毕业设计题目:苏家沟矿0.9Mt/a 新井设计毕业设计专题题目:煤炭自然的预防和处理毕业设计主要内容和要求:根据毕业设计大纲要求,毕业设计内容包括一般部分、专题部分和翻译部分共三部分。一般部分包括矿区概述及井田地质特征、井田境界和储量、矿井工作制度及服务年限、井田开拓、准备方式、采煤方法、井下运输、矿井提升、矿井通风及安全、和矿井基本技术经济指标共十章。按照毕业设计大纲的内容,独立、认真完成全部工作量,说明书和设计图纸按照设计要求进行编排和绘制。按照时间分配,及时完成阶段任务,保证设计进度。院长签字: 指导教师签字:中国矿业大学毕业设计指导教师评阅书指导教师评语(基础理论及基本技能的掌握;独立解决实际问题的能力;研究内容的理论依据和技术方法;取得的主要成果及创新点;工作态度及工作量;总体评价及建议成绩;存在问题;是否同意答辩等):成 绩: 指导教师签字: 年 月 日中国矿业大学毕业设计答辩及综合成绩答 辩 情 况提 出 问 题回 答 问 题正 确基本正确有一般性错误有原则性错误没有回答答辩委员会评语及建议成绩:答辩委员会主任签字: 年 月 日学院领导小组综合评定成绩:学院领导小组负责人: 年 月 日摘 要 本设计包括三部分:一般部分,专题部分和翻译部分。一般部分是苏家沟矿0.9Mt新井设计。全篇共分为十个部分:矿井概述及井田地质特征、井田境界和储量、矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限、井田开拓、准备方式、采煤方法、井下运输、矿井提升与运输、矿井通风与安全和矿井主要经济技术指标。苏家沟矿位于达拉特旗苏家沟煤炭有限责任公司苏家沟股份制井位于鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗,行政区划属达拉特旗青达门乡,具体位置在罕台川以东、朝脑沟以西、独贵沟一带矿井位于青达门乡东南7公里处。从矿区向东9km(砂石路面)至耳字壕,与210国道及S213公路相接,向北80km至包头市,向南25km可到东胜市区。该矿西侧有包(包头)神(神木)铁路通过,矿井工业场地距潮脑沟集装站2km,地区现有路网有利于矿井对外交通和原煤运输。4-2中煤层为可采煤层,厚度为4.48m,平均倾角为1.67。矿井正常涌水量30m3/h。矿井属于低瓦斯矿井,煤尘有爆炸危险性,并且煤层有自燃发火倾向。苏家沟矿设计年生产能力为0.9Mt/a,服务年限为54.99a,矿井工作制度为“三八”制。矿井的采煤方法主要为走向长壁综合机械化一次采全高,矿井为斜井单水平开拓。矿井采用一矿一面的高效作业方式,工作面长度为200m。井下煤炭运输采用带式输送机,实现矿井主生产系统连续化;根据本井田煤层赋存条件,矿井辅助运输设备采用神东矿区广泛使用的无轨胶轮车,简化了矿井辅助运输系统.矿井采用中央并列式通风系统,机械抽出式通风方式。专题部分介绍了煤炭自然的预防和处理。翻译部分是一篇关于控制水污染决策支持系统的发展介绍,题目为:“Development of a Decision Support System for Groundwater Pollution Control at Coal-mining Contaminated Sites”。关键词:矿井设计;煤自燃的原因;煤炭自然预防和处理;决策支持系统AbstractThis design includes three parts: general part, special part and the translation part.The general part is Su Jia Gou0.9Mt Nii design. It is divided into ten parts: overview and Ida mine geological features, Ida state and reserves, mine working system, design production capacity and length of service, Ida forge, preparation method, mining method, underground transport, hoisting and transportation, ventilation and safety of mine and mine main economic technology index.Su Jia Gou mine is located in Dalate s Home Su ditch coal limited liability company Home Su channel joint-stock well is located in Erdos City Dalate flag, administrative division of Dalate s Green Tatsu door Township, the specific location in the Hampshire Station East, towards the West Sichuan cerebral sulci, only your ditch areaThe mine is located in Green Township7 kilometers southeast of. From the mining area to the east of 9km ( gravel ) to the ear characters of rifle pits, and the 210 National Road and S213Road connected the80km, north to Baotou, South to the urban area of Dongsheng25km. The mine on the west side of package ( Baotou) to God ( Shenmu ) through the railway, mine industrial site from camphor sulcus assembled2km, area of the existing road network for mine transportation and coal transport.4- 2coal for coal seam, the thickness of 4.48M, the mean angle is 1.67 . Normal mine discharge30m3/h. Mine belongs to low gas coal mine, coal dust explosion hazard, and the coal seam spontaneous combustion. Su Jia Gou designed annual production capacity of 0.9Mt/a, length of service for54.99a, mine working system for three eight. Coal mine mining method is mainly to long wall fully mechanized full-seam mining, mine for inclined shaft with single level development.The mine uses a mine side of efficient mode of operation, working face length is 200m. Coal underground transport using belt conveyor, implementation of main mine production system for continuous; according to Honi Da seam of mine auxiliary transportation equipment, widely used by Shendong mine trackless rubber tire vehicle, simplifies the mine auxiliary transportation system.Mine is used alongside the central ventilation system, mechanical exhaust ventilation mode.Thematic part introduced coal natural prevention and treatment.Translation part is an article about water pollution control decision support system development, entitled: Development of a Decision Support System for Groundwater Pollution Control at Coal-mining Contaminated Sites.Key words: mine design; coal spontaneous combustion of coal natural causes; prevention and treatment; decision support system分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅目 录前 言111 矿区概述及井田地质特征11.1井田概况11.1.1交通位置11.1.2地形地貌11.1.3水 系11.1.4气象及地震情况11.1.5区域经济概况21.1.6周边煤矿21.2地质特征21.2.1区域地质21.2.2井田地质21.2.3含煤地层及含煤性51.2.4煤 层51.2.5煤 质61.2.6水文地质91.2.7其它开采技术条件132 井田境界及储量163 矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限184 井田开拓194.1 井田开拓的基本问题194.1.1 确定井筒形式、数目、位置及坐标194.1.2工业场地的位置214.1.3 开采水平的确定及采带区划分214.1.4主要开拓巷
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