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2014高考英语阅读理解精英系列练习题(5)及答案阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)APhilip was a nine-year-old boy in a Sunday school class of 8-year-old girls and boys. Sometimes the third graders didnt welcome Philip into their group and usually tricked him. This was not because he was older, but because he was “different”. You see, Philip suffered from a condition called Downss Syndrome. This made him “different”, with his facial characteristics, slow responses and mental problems. One Sunday after Easter, the Sunday school teacher gathered some plastic eggs that pulled apart in the middle. The teacher gave one to each child. On that beautiful spring day, the children were to go out and discover for themselves some symbol of “new life” and place it inside the plastic eggs. After the children returned to the classroom, the teacher opened their eggs one by one, asking each child to explain that symbol of “new life”. The first opened egg contained a flower. Everyone cheered. In another was a butterfly. When the teacher opened the last egg, it was empty. “Thats stupid,” said someone. The teacher felt a pull at his shirt. It was Philip. Looking up, Philip said, “Its mine. I did it. Its empty. I have new life, because the tomb is empty.” Not a sound was heard in class at all. From that day on, Philip became a real part of the group. They welcomed him, and whatever made him different was never mentioned again.26. The underlined word “condition” in the first paragraph probably means _. A. grade B. status C. health D. disease27. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _. A. The 8-year-olds were sometimes cruel B. The 8-year-olds were friendly to Philip C. Philip was really different in school D. Philip was older and more sensitive28. The teacher gave each child one plastic egg to let them _. A. play around on that beautiful spring day B. put some symbol of “new life” into it C. try to pull it apart in the middle D. go out and discover themselves 29. After Philip explained his new life, _. A. The class thought he was clever. B. The class fell silent. C. He began to study in the class. D. He felt dying.30. We learn from the passage that _. A. The teacher used to have classes outdoors B. The Philips new life wish was empty C. Philip was healthy as a whole D. Philip was accepted by his classmates in the end【参考答案】2630、DABBD 阅读理解APeople People is Americas No.1 magazine about fascinating people.Its a guide to who and whats hot in the arts,science,business,politics,television,movies,books,music and sports.It is published weekly.Publisher:The Time Inc.Magazine Company Cover Price:$211.47 Our Price:$117.00 Issues:53 issues/12 months LuckyLucky is the shopping magazine with the best buys,and the fashion tips youll need before you hit the stores.What makes Lucky really special is that it gets you the information you need before anyone else has it.Publisher:Conde Nast Publications Inc.Cover Price:$35.40 Our Price:$15.00 Issues:12 issues/12 months Parents The most trusted magazine for parents who want to raise smart,loving and selfconfident children.Each issue has agespecific childdevelopment guidance,advice on your childs health and safety,and the best ways to encourage your childs learning.Publisher:Meredith Corporation Cover Price:$42.00 Our Price:$9.97 Issues:12 issues/12 months Entertainment This magazine covers movies,television,music,Broadway stage productions,books,and popular culture.Unlike celebrityfocused_magazines like People,its main concentration is on entertainment media and reviews.Its intended for a more general audience.Publisher:The Time Inc.Magazine Company Cover Price:$199.50 Our Price:$38.95 Issues:57 issues/12 months 1Which of the following targets common readers? ALucky. BEntertainment.CParents. DPeople.2According to the passage,what makes Lucky so special? AIts exclusive information related to shopping.BIts pictures of fashion stores.CThe access it provides to bargains.DIts competitive price.3Celebrityfocused magazines are probably ones focusing on _.Apolitical events Bfestivals and celebrations Chot events and famous stars Dtelevision programs 4Youre most likely to find the above information _.Ain an educational magazine Bon a magazine club website Cin a guide to magazines Din a magazine sales report 5_ costs the subscriber least.ALucky BParents CPeople DEntertainment Macomb. I dont think such a business exists yet, but theoretically(理论上) its very possible. And companies are moving in this direction. So, scientists are now looking for new ways to make fabrics for clothes that are good both for your image and for Earth. In the past few years, textile scientist Yiq
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