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Unit7 Whats the matter?教学设计教学目标:1.会听、说、读、写单词 hot、cold、tired、ill、hungry、thirsty2.会听说读写句型:Whats the matter?3.会用句型Whats the matter? Come and have.Can I have.?进行日常交际。4.培养学生关心他人的情感。Step1.Warm-up1.Free talkGood morning,boys and girls. English Class is begin.Areyou happy ?Yes or no? Lets enjoy a happy song first OK?Lets sing and act together. 2.Enjoy a song:Step 2 .Presentation1. Areyou happy now?(Happy)I have two friend This is Teddy and this is Puppy.Lets say hello to them ok?Hi Teddy ,Hi Puppy.They are not happy.Do you want to know Whats the matter with them? Today we will learn Unit 7 Whats the matter?Lets try to ask Whats the matter,Teddy? Whats the matter ,Puppy?Lets watch and find the answers.2. Whats the matter,Teddy?Im hungry. Whats the matter ,Puppy?Im hungry and thirsty(新授hungry thirsty)3.Lets have a chant about the new words and the new sentences.4.Teddy and Puppy are hungry.what can we do? Lets try to say We should say Come and have Puppy is thirsty ,too.we should say Come and have5.I have another friend.He is Liutao.Liu Tao has a football match today.Now he is at home.He is not happy now.Do you know whats the matter with Taotao?Lets guess.You can ask Taotao:Are you?May be you are right.Lets Watch and find the answers.6.Whats the matter with taotao?He is hungry and tired.7.Liutao is thirsty,so he shouldA/B/Clets listen and choose.Lets check the answers8.Liutao is tired too.Sohe saysRead pictuer3and picture4 quickly by yourself and circle the answer.9.liu tao is happy now ,lets have a happy readingtogether.First,lets read the tip together.Step 3. Conlidation1.Lets choose and act.you can read together in groups ,or read aloud in groups or act in groups.choose your favorite way.2.At last ,Its a show time.you can use these sentences to make dialogues.Read? go!Step4.Summary1.Today we learn some words about feelings.2.If you are hungry ,you can say .Step5.Homework1.Action the story2.Copy the new words.
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