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091 Knuckle down 屈服;认真工作Youll really have to knuckle down if you want to pass the examination.你如果想通过考试,你必须开始认真学习了。历史典故这个俚语的用法至少可推至1740年,据说来自于西方小孩玩的弹珠游戏(marble)。根据游戏规则,双方必须把指关节(knuckle)贴在地上弹弹珠。对话Kevin: Darling, the day after tomorrow is your birthday, and I want to hold a birthday party for you.亲爱的,后天是你的生日,我想为你办个生日派对。Rose:Really?You are so sweet.真的吗?你太好了。Kevin: Now Ive got to knuckle down and clean the house.现在我得好好干活,把屋子打扫干净。Rose:Let me help you.我帮你吧。092 Kowtow to (someone)拍马屁;卑躬屈膝He is a man with integrity and never kowtow to anyone, whether his friends or his enemies.他是一个正直的人,从来不向任何人卑躬屈膝,无论是朋友还是敌人。历史典故“kowtow”即是中文中的磕头。所以这个用法源自中文,已有200多年的历史。在古代中国,人们用磕头这一方式向君主表现自己的忠诚。该俚语通常有负面意思,表示某人总是谄媚迎合他人。对话Kevin: Our chairman would like to meet me. I am very nervous now.我们的主席要见我。我现在好紧张啊。Rose: As I know,he is quite a critical man.据我所知,他这个人很挑剔。Kevin:Yeah how should I behave?是啊,我该怎么办呢?Rose: Watch your manners. Be polite, but dont kowtow to him.注意礼节,要有礼貌,但不要对他卑躬屈膝。Kevin: OK.好的。093 Lame duck 无用之人;任期将满的政客A lame duck cannot rerun a company but can destroy one.无用之人无法使公司东山再起,只会使之每况愈下。历史典故这个俚语从字面上理解意思为“跛足鸭”,鸭子本来走路就摇摇晃晃,“跛足鸭”可谓是雪上加霜,更加步履蹒跚了。所以,这个用语首先用来指无用之人,通常具有贬义。然而这个用语近些年来越来越为美国政坛所用、众所周知,美国总统连任不得超过一次,于是当一个总统第二任总统任期将满又无法连任时,人们就称之为“lame duck”。对话Kevin:It seems like most of people are expecting the present president will become a lame duck after the election.好像大部分人们都希望现任总统落选啊。Rose:Think so.I dont think the president will be able to do much for the country now.我也觉得是。我认为现在总统不会再给国家做什么贡献了。Kevin:Lets hope not.但愿不会吧。094 Last straw 最后一根稻草Will divorced his annoying wife after putting up with her for 30 years. Her recent cheating was the last straw.30年来,威尔一直忍受着那个烦人的老婆。最近她又有了外遇,威尔实在忍无可忍,与她离婚了。历史典故这个俚语是“the straw that breaks the camels back”的简化,也就是“压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草”。骆驼体格强壮,在沙漠里能驼500千克重的东西。然而,如果你不断往骆驼的背上加东西,超过其负载范围后,即便是一根稻草也能将其压垮。所以这个俚语后来形容最后一击,或者忍无可忍的事。对话Kevin: I hate the tenant.He is so disgusting.我恨死那个房客了,他真是太讨厌了。Rose: What happened this time?这次他又惹什么麻烦了?Kevin: According to the pact, he is not supposed to smoke in the room. But its full of smoke.根据合约,房间内禁止吸烟。但他现在把屋里弄得乌烟瘴气。Rose: That is the last straw.You should kick him out of your apartment.真是忍无可忍了,你应该把他赶出去。095 (The) Law of the jungle 森林法则;弱肉强食In the business world, its the law of the jungle.在商场上,通常是“弱肉强食”。历史典故这个说法也是源自于一名作家之笔。他就是童话作家卢德亚齐普林(Rudvard Kipling),他在丛林怪谈中首次写下这种用法,表示在丛林中弱肉强食的自然法则。现在这个俚语是表示“弱肉强食、适者生存”之意。对话Kevin: Whats the matter?You look so upset.怎么了?你看起来很伤心。Rose: I cant believe Susan stole my boyfriend.我不敢相信苏珊把我男朋友抢走了。Kevin:Sounds like she lives by the law of the jungle.听起来她信奉的是丛林法则。Rose: Yes. She has no shame.I hate her.没错,她不知耻。我恨她。096 Leave no stone unturned 全力以赴The police promised to leave no stone unturned in solving the murder.警察承诺要想尽办法侦破那桩谋杀案。历史典故这个用法源自古希腊传说,一位先知(Prophet)告诉寻宝人要把地上所有的大石块都翻过来才可能找到真正的宝藏,所以他就全力以赴,把每块石头都翻过来。于是这个表达就成了全力以赴的代名词。对话Rose: We will be in great danger unless the fort of our enemy be bombed soon.Who can be the hero?如果不赶快把敌人的碉堡炸掉,我们将危机重重。谁是我们的英雄?Kevin:Team One. Well leave no stone unturned to accomplish the great task.一队。为了完成这一项伟大的任务,我们将会全力以赴。Rose:You must know that failure means death.你们要明白,失败就意味着死亡。Kevin: Got it. We are not afraid.明白,我们无惧。097 Let ones hair down 放轻松,别拘束As a grown man, you should let your hair down in public occasions.作为成年人,在公共场合要举止大方。历史典故这句俚语的字面意思是“把你的头发放下来”,那是什么意思呢?过去西方女子大多留长发,在外出或者参加宴会等正式场合时都会把头发盘起来。只有到家后才会把头发放下来,或者把头发披下来梳洗。因此,这句俚语的意思是“放轻松,别拘束”。对话Kevin:Our teacher wants me to give a speech on English studying to my class.我们老师让我给全班做一次关于英语学习的演讲。Rose: It is good for you, and that means you are excellent in the mind of your teacher.那好啊,这说明你在你们老师心中很优秀啊。Kevin: But I have never spoken in public. I am very nervous.可我从没在公众面前说过话。我很紧张。Rose: Let your hair down and just take it as a chat.放轻松一些,就当是聊天好了。098 Lip service 随口说说;光说不练Despite much lip service to the contrary, decision making remains the prerogative of top managers.尽管口头上宣扬的是另外一套,决策依然是最高层经理的特权。历史典故“lip”是嘴唇的意思、“service”是服务的意思.这个俚语经常用来形容某些嘴上说的漂亮却不爱做实事的官员。该俚语据说源于圣经的一句话。对话Kevin: OK, now lets begin our regular meeting. And I want to hear more suggestion than complaint.好的,现在我们开始例会。我想听到更多的建议而不是抱怨。Rose: Companies need to do more than pay lip service to the human side of management.公司需要对人员管理做出更多努力而不是空口承诺。Kevin: Whats your opinion about this problem?那你对这个问题有什么看法?Rose: My complaint is my opinion and I have spit it out.我抱怨的内容就是我的看法,并且已经说完了。099 (Ones) Lips are sealed 守口如瓶;保密I promised not to tell you, and my lips are sealed.我保证过不告诉你,所以我就不开口了。历史典故“sealed”是蜡封的意思,想象一下嘴唇都被蜡封上了,岂不就是守口如瓶的意思么?其实这个俚语最早是用来形容人们将信件用蜡封的形式保管好。后来渐渐演变成保守秘密的意思了。对话Rose: How about the business of your company? Can you tell me the sales volume?你们公司最近状况怎么样?告诉我销售量有多少。Kevin: My lips are sealed, I wont tell you.我现在守口如瓶,不会告诉你的。Rose: Are you serious?I just ask about the most common thing.你没开玩笑吧?我
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