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Unit 1 My name is Gina!单元检测题(时间:60分钟;满分:100分)班级 姓名 座号 得分 一听力部分(共20分)(一).选出所听到单词或句子的选项符号,读两遍。(10分)() 1. A. CCTVB.BBC C.BTV() 2. A. firstB. lastC. family() 3. A. phoneB. telephoneC. full() 4. A. numberB. meetC. name() 5. A. clockB. bagC. what() 6. A. hisB. herC. your() 7. A. Nice to meet you.B. Whats your name?C. Whats your phone number?() 8. A. Hello, Im Gina.B. My names Gina.C. My first names Gina.() 9. A. Whats this?B. Whos this? C. How is this?()10.A. What color is it?B. Whats this in English?C. Whats your English name?(二).听句子,回答问题,读两遍。(10分)( )11. A. Hello! Your names Jim.B. My name is Jim. C. Hi! ( )12. A. John.B. Hi, Peter. Im John. C. Hi, John. Nice to meet you. ( )13. A. Lucy King.B. Im Lucy.C. King. ( )14. A. His name is Bruce. B. Hi, Im Bruce.C. Her name is Bruce. ( )15. Her name is Linda. B. Its 512-3690. C. Im 512-3690. 笔试部分(80分)二选择填空。(15分)() 1. Good evening, Bob!-_, Eric.A. Good eveningB. How are youC. I am fineD. Good morning() 2. Hi, Dale! How are you?-_, thanks. A. How are youB. I am fineC. Good morning D. Nice to meet you() 3. Hi, I _ Tony. _ you Helen?- Yes, I am.A. am, AmB. am, IsC. am, AreD. is, Are() 4. How _ Jack?- He is fine.A. areB. isC. amD. /() 5. Whats this _?- It is a map.A. EnglishB. in eglishC. isD. in English() 6. Whats this?- It is _.A. an ID cardB. a orangeC. rulerD. an UFO() 7. - _, please.- K-E-Y. A. Whats thisB. Spell itC. Can you spell it D. What is it() 8. - _ is this pen?- It is white.A. WhatsB. What nameC. Whats colorD. What color() 9. - _ is this?- It is a black bag.A. What color B. Whats colorC. WhatD. Whats()10. The jacket is _.A. a black B. blackC. an blackD. the black()11. “英国广播公司”的英文缩写是:_.A.BBCB. CCTVC. NHKD. ZZTV()12. This is _ jacket.A. blue meB. my blueC. blue myD.the my blue()13. What color is your hair(头发)?- It is _.A. greenB. blueC. blackD. red()14. Hi, my name is Jenny. Nice to meet you!- _A. I am fine.B. How are you?C. Nice to meet you, tooD. No, thanks()15. Whats her family name?- _.A. JennyB. LindaC. EricD. Brown三从B栏中找出A栏的答语。(20分)() 1. Good afternoon.A.Its Li.() 2. Whats this?B. Its red.() 3. Whats your number?C. Thank you.() 4. Sit down, please.D. My names A, too.() 5. My names A. E. Nine.() 6.What color is your hat? F.Its A.() 7.Whats your telephone number? G.Good afternoon.() 8.Whats your family name?H.Its 089-7652.()9.Thank you very much.I.Hi!Im Jim.()10.Hello! Im Mary.J.You are welcome.四选词填空。(10分)A:_1_B: Good afternoon. _2_.A: How _3_ you today(今天)?B: Im fine, thank you. _4_ you?A: Im _5_, too. Thank you. Who is _6_ in the picture?B: She is my daughter(女儿). She is a teacher.A: Is she a Chinese teacher?B: _7_. She is _8_ English teacher.A: _9_ is the boy in the picture?B: He is my _10_. He is a student.() 1. A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon. C. Nice to meet youD. How do you do?() 2. A. SorryB. Excuse me C. Come in(进来)D. Hello() 3. A. amB. areC. is D. old() 4. A. AndB. AreC. Thank D. To() 5. A. fineB.smallC. thankD. meet() 6. A. girlB. a girlC. the girlD. girls() 7. A. Yes, she isB. No, she isntC. No, she cantD. Yes, you cant() 8. A. theB. /C. aD. an() 9. A. HowB. Where C. WhatD. Who()10.A. manB. brotherC. fatherD. son(儿子)五、阅读对话,判断正误。对的打(T),错的打(F)。(10分)A: Hello. My name is John Brown. Whats your name?B: Hello.Im Kate Smith.A: Nice to meet you, Kate.B: Nice to meet you, too.A: Whats your telephone number?B: Its 435-9988.() 1. The boys first name is John.() 2. The girls family name is Kate.() 3. The boys last name is John.() 4. The girls first name is Kate.() 5. The boys telephone number is 435-9988.六补全对话。(把答案写在横线上)(10分)A: Good morning, Mr Lee.B: _ _, Colin Zhang.A: Come in, sit down, please.B: _ _.A: Whats this _ _?B: _ a desk.A: _ _ is it?B: Its yellow.A: Thank you.B: Youre _.七连词成句。(请注意字母的大小写问题。)(10分)1. Bob, his, English,
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