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学校_班级_姓名_学号_装订线泰州市二中附属初中初二英语调研测试 202. 成绩_听 力 部 分(1分)一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词:( ). A irdB. firtC.secnd( ) 2. u. serice ouvrs( ) . A noisy noseC.niseles( ) 4A ntersted. inretingC.itere( ) 5. . esigrB. designC. designi二、听句子,选择合适的应答句:( ) 6. A.Tl be geat fun.B. Ys, pease.C. No, hs.( ) 7. A. N, I dt. Ys, Io.C. No, Iwont.( ) 8.A.or about two yeas.In wo ea.C. In 2X.( ) 9. A. TatsOKB. Wderul.C.orry三、听对话,选择最佳答案:( ) 10.A.eter.B eny.C.Crls.( ) 1 A. 22.B. 2C26.( ) 12. A An office worker.B. hotl magrC. A d of hhool.四、听短文,回答问题:( )13.Mr Cloc lkes buyin _. A. pictur ams C.clocks( ) 1. _ mae l thock lenevery ay. . Mr Ccks wife BMr Cock C. N one( ) 1.rom this passae we know _. a e ocks have te sundonly a niht B eer cocktells th right ti C. few of theclockscankep th ght time笔 试 部 分(8分)一、 单项选择:(1分)( )1. As urried to he statio, the ain _ infvemute. ws leavng .hd ft C. lef D.had ben left( ) 2. _ Cineegardns insprig a go idea. A.Vistng B. T vis C visi D. s vsted( ) 3. Te Littl raid is in _A. sa,Ital B.NewYork, theS C. Copehan, Denmrk D Lndn, nland( ) 4. Ples sch or some _aou h aage tur _ ailanA. fraion, or B forin, tC formatins,for . fomtions,to( ) The moue is _ he rsor on tescre. A. ed fo mog B.us to mvn . usin f movng D.usng tomoving( ) 6. Wheres Jack _ Beji n bsines. has been t B. hsben in C. sgne o D.a gon to( ) 7. y cousin is _ a cleeboy_eryonelove him A. o, that B.sch, hat C to , to D. to, that( )8.Her hai i_ . A. for fets long B. fufooo C for-feetlon D. four ee on( ) . heCD-Rm hep ouear Eglish_ yournowledge Eglshgraarand vocabulay A. to test B.byestg C. test . wth test( ) ._ haveyou been o NrkTwc. A How ftn How uch tme C. How mantis . olog( ) ts _ to lay cards wthfrends. A laed B.pasnt C. leasrue D.plea( ) 12 The 8h lpGames _ in Beig. A. wille taen placeB wi behapened C wilol D will be he( )13.Im sorryyv mse thetran It _ 10 mnus ag A.has lef Bhadlet C. ft D.h beenlet( )14. We _ fl kite o the ech. . ere uedto B.used ue D.did use t( ) 5 Kat _ many freds since she cae t Cina. A made B.makes .s king .as de二、用所给词的适当形式填空:(1分) 1Wod pocessng skills _ (ch) i our copute leson tmorow. 2.e hur hersl and _ (sen)to hospaa once . Mst o ushave rea te book _(cal) arr otte. 4.My new copue is mch _(sul) tha eold on. 5.e isa _ (care) boy. H seldo kesistaks.6.The sweris _(crct)Wu crect it. 7. My da_(exrcse)om 7:00 t 8:0 esteay morning . 8.ille _ (see) the filmafew times9. Theprolemsediffil _ (unrstnd) 1. prig is th bst tie_ (viit) Chnese gardes三、句型转换:(5分)1. I bought a nw computerlastmonth.(用or a month改写)_2. The mans ichenutobua ew ar(用so 改写)_3. mws wating TV. His fathrcae ak fromwork.(用wn连接两个句子)_4.He wrote oe Engish ords onthe all.(改为被动语态)_. he pl has arive (加入时间状语fortours)_四、完成句子:(10分).看见如此多的大象边行进边跳舞真是好玩。I was n ose _ _ lphants_ nd _2. 我已收到Tom的好几封信了。I _ _ _ Toseveral tme.3.香港已发生了许多变化。Thre _ _ _in Kon. 他花了一整天拍这个地方的照片。 sent he _
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