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Phrases1. 从书本中获取知识obtain knowledge from books2. 亲自作调查personal investigation3. 做现场观察make on-the-spot observations4. 研究有关某一问题的文件study papers on a subject5. 发号施令give an order6.判断真理与谬误的头脑a mind for judging truth and error7.力量的源泉a source of strength8.毫不犹豫not hesitate a moment9.有效地采取行动act on with effect10.被无用的习俗束缚住手脚 be chained to customs which have lost their usefulness11.把恐惧抛在后面 leave fear behind12. 存在in existence13. 不知疲倦的作家a tireless writer14. 一切人生来平等all men are created equal15. 一份丰富的思想遗产a rich legacy of ideasQuestions:1.Why is Thomas Jefferson less famous than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln?2. Why do we associate the name of Thomas Jefferson with the Declaration of Independence?3.Why was Jefferson chosen to write the Declaration of Independence?4.Give an example to show that Jefferson believe personal investigation is important?5.What was Jeffersons attitude towards “people of humble origins”?6. Why did he insist upon having a free press?7. What was the philosophy underlying Jeffersons determination never to answer his critics?8.Why does the author say that American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson?
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