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第七章 动词的时态7.1 概说时态是一种语法范畴,是用以表示各种时间和动作方面的动词形式。时间有四个主要部分,即现在、过去、将来和过去将来。动作方面也有四种,即一般、完成、进行和完成进行。将这些时间与动作方面组合在一起,即构成16种时态(以下简称为“时”)如下表:时间 动作方面 一般 完成 进行 完成进行现在 现在一般时I work. 现在完成时I have worked. 现在进行时I am working. 现在完成进行时I have been working.过去 过去一般时I worked. 过去完成时I had worked. 过去进行时I was working. 过去完成进行时I had been working.将来 将来一般时I shall work. 将来完成时I shall have worked. 将来进行时I shall be working. 将来完成进行时I shall have been working.过去将来 过去将来一般时I should work. 过去将来完成时I should have worked. 过去将来进行时I should be working. 过去将来完成进行时I should have been working.四个动作方面各有特点,现分述如下:1)一般方面用以叙述一单纯事实,时间可以不具体。动态动词的一般方面常表动作已完成。2)完成方面用以表述一个动作已完成。身跨两个时间。动作发生于前一个时间,但说话人的兴趣一般在于后一个时间。3)进行方面表示动作在一时段中进行,说话人的兴趣一般不在动作何时开始,何时结束,而在于他所关心的时点上。往往呈现出一种情景,故描写性强,比较生动。4)完成进行方面兼有完成与进行两个方面的特点。也有跨两个时间,但二者往往相距不远。一、现在一般时7.2 现在一般时的形式现在一般时的构成形式如下:肯定式 疑问式 否定式 疑问否定式I work. Do I work? I do not work. Do I not work?He (She,It) works. Does he (She,It) work? He (She,It) does not work. Does he (She,It) not work?We work. Do we work? We do not work. Do we not work?You work. Do you work? You do not work. Do you not work?They work. Do they work? They do not work. Do they not work?口语中否定式常用缩略式:否定式 疑问否定式unt/ work.EI dont /d Dont I work?znt/ work. Doesnt he (She,It)QHe (She,It) doesnt /d work?We dont work. Dont we work?You dont work. Dont you work?They dont work. Dont they work?7.3 现在一般时的基本用法现在一般时常表经常发生的动作或经常存在的状态。如:(1)I go to school every day. 我每天上学。(2)He is always like that. 他总是那样。现在一般时表经常发生的动作或存在的状态时,常和always,often,usually,every day,sometime等表时间的状语连用(见上例),有时时间状语可以不表达出来。如:(3)Where do you live? 你住在哪里?(4)What do you do here? 你在这里干什么工作?由when,while,before,after,until,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句亦可用现在一般时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态,如:(5)When I come across a new word I consult the English dictionary. 我遇到生词,就查英语字典。(6)Before I go to bed I take a turn in the open air. 我在就寝之前要在露天里转一转。(7)Make hay while the sun shines. 要趁热打铁。(8)One is not guilty until he is proved. 在没有证明有罪之前,人都是无罪的。连词if引导的条件从句有时亦可用现在一般时表经常发生的动作或存在的状态,如:(9)If you speak slowly, I understand. If you speak quickly, I dont understand. 你说慢了我听得懂。你说快了我就听不懂了。(10)If you dont like it you may lump it. 不喜欢就忍着呗。现在一般时常用于以下情况:1)表日常行为。如:(11)The boys wake up at seven oclock, wash, dress quickly and run into the dining-room for breakfast. They wait until they hear the bell and then go to school. 这些男孩7时醒来,盥洗完毕,很快地穿好衣服,就到食堂用早餐。然后等上课铃一响就去上课。(12)At the zoo, Fang Fang wakes up early in the morning. At about 8, she saunters outside to her playground. At about 10, she comes back into her room and stands by the door to the kitchen, waiting for her breakfast. 在动物园,熊猫方方一大早就醒来。约8点时,她漫步到外面的游戏场上。约10时,她回到屋里,站在厨房门旁,等待她的早餐。2)表习惯、能力。如:(13)He never wears a hat in winter. 他在冬天从不戴帽子。(表习惯)(14)Do you drive, John? 你会开车吗,约翰?(表能力)(15)Miss Smith teaches English. 史密斯小姐是教英语的。(表职业)(16)This machine runs smoothly. 这台机器运转很灵。(表特征)3)表客观存在。如:(17)Fire burns. 火会燃烧。(表客观事实)(18)The earth moves round the sun. 地球绕太阳旋转。(表客观规律)(19)Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。(表客观真理)(20)Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。(表客观真理)报章、杂志、书籍不强调过去时间、单纯表客观事实(即所载文字依然存在)时,亦用现在一般时,如:(21)What does the newspaper say? 今天报纸说些什么?(22)The story describes how a young intellectual become a fine Communist. 这个故事是描述一个知识青年如何变成一个优秀共产党员的。7.4 现在一般时表现在现在一般时亦可表现在时刻发生动作或存在的状态和完成的动作。1)表说话时刻,这一时刻往往是很短暂的。如:(1)What time is it now? 现在几点钟?(2)My watch says ten to five. 我的表是5点差10分。有时所表时间并不短暂。如:(3)The patient is much better now. 病人现在好多了。(4)What is Nanjing like now? 南京现在的情况如何?现在一般时表现在时可与现在进行时交替使用。如:(5)He is wearing a tall hat and carries an umbrella. 他戴着一顶高帽子,拿着一把伞。(6)The boy is looking at him in astonishment and says nothing. 这男孩惊奇地望着他,什么也没说。2)表完成的动作,常表示范性动作。如:(7)Now, look, I open the door. 你瞧,我现在开门。(8)Now I put the sugar in the cup. 我现在把糖放在茶杯里。亦可表宣布或声明什么事。如:(9)Now Radio Beijing presents Music from China. 现在北京电台开始播送“中国音乐”。(10)Today we begin to study Lesson 8. 今天我们开始学第8课。亦可用来报道一件事。如:(11)The affair becomes serious. 事态严重。(12)She refuses to make up her mind. 她拒绝做出决定。(13)Johnson passes to Roberts, Roberts to Brown, Brown takes it forward, oh, he slips past the centre beautifully, he shoots. 约翰把球传给罗佰茨,罗佰茨又传给布朗,布朗往前带,噢,他巧妙过了中锋,射门。有时现在一般时所表的动作虽然实际上尚未完成,但在说话人的心理上已经完成。如:(14)I repeat, this is important. 我再说一遍,这是很重要的。(15)I say, it is unusual. 我说呀,这是不寻常的。这种现在一般时还用在下列感叹句中:(16)There goes the bell! 铃响了!(17)Here he comes! 喏,他来了!3)用于无限动词和静态动词。如:(18)The little boy stands on the chair. 小男孩站在椅子上。(无限动词。用现在一般时强调事实,用现在进行时则较生动)(19)He continues in good condition. 他的健康情况仍然良好。(无限动词)(20)I wish you every success. 预祝你成功。(静态动词,表内心活动)(21)Mr. Osborne loves nature. 奥斯本先生热爱自然。(静态动词,表感情)(22)This material
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