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Unit 4 课题 Review and check 第 1 课时 总第 19 个教案教学目标1、语言知识:1. 通过复习, 学生能熟练掌握四会单词: always, a question, ask, mean, should, shouldnt, take a walk, pick。2. 通过复习,学生熟练掌握四会句型: What does it mean? It means you /we must /should /shouldnt3. 通过复习,学生能熟练地听懂、会说、会读a cousin, a park, public, a sign, danger, away, grass, keep off, a cage, quiet, make noise, smoke, litter, suddenly, a note, look around, nearby, quickly, pick up, a keeper, come up, point, fine。4. 通过复习,学生能熟练运用日常交际用语。思考调整2、语言技能:能在日常生活中以口头或书面的形式运用所学知识3、情感态度: 了解一些相关的公共标志,提升英语的学习兴趣教学重点1. 通过复习,学生能熟练掌握四会单词:always, a question, ask, mean, should, shouldnt, take a walk, pick。2. 通过复习,学生能熟练掌握四会句型: What does it mean? It means you /we must /should /shouldnt教学难点1. 通过复习,学生能熟练掌握四会单词:always, a question, ask, mean, should, shouldnt, take a walk, pick。2. 通过复习,学生能熟练掌握四会句型: What does it mean? It means you /we must /should /shouldnt课前准备第一单元的图片和挂图,磁带,录音机,教学过程先学提纲一、 选择适当的疑问词,将下列句子补充完整Where,When, What, How, Who, Whose1、is Childrens Day? Its on the first of June.2、would you like as a Christmas present? A mobile phone.3、I cant find basketball. is it?4、does this sign mean? Sorry, I dont know.5、gloves are they? Perhaps theyre Liu Taos.6、is that boy with a pair of earphones? Hes my brother Mike.二、 根据课文填空。 Ben and his Jack are in the park. There are a lot of in the park. They different things. Theres a sign on the,it means they must from the building. Theres a sign on the,it means they shouldnt the grass. The sign on the is interesting. It means they shouldnt there.Step 1、Preparation1、 Greetings2、 Sing the song The signs in the park3、 Free talk T:(出示禁止停车的标志)What does this sign mean? S: It means we shouldnt park here. T: Who can spell“park”? S: T:(出示危险的标志) What does this sign mean? S:It means Danger. T: Can I go in? S: No, you should stay away from the building. T: Who can spell Danger? How about you? Can you spell it?4、 Check the homeworkStep 2、Presentation and practiceA、Revision1、教师出示第一单元的会话挂图,创设情境,学生表演对话,鼓励学生自由创作。(课前布置好,如果需要的话,指并帮助学生准备,使学生在课前准备表演对话的过程中复习第一单元的会话。)2、接龙游戏比赛,学生按照座位分成四组,一个学生说一个问句:What does this sign mean?另一个学生正确回答后,再出一个问句点别人回答,以此类推,教师同时在黑板上完成竞赛评分表。3、教师引导学生运用所学词汇和句型,根据实际情况自由交际。 What does this sign mean? It means Can I? No, you cant. You shouldB、Look ,match and say1、教师出示本部分内容的投影片,指导学生看图。2、要求学生根据图片及句子内容,根据图中及答句的内容选择相应的序号,在括号上填上字母。3、让学生看图朗读相关的句子,读熟为止。4、同桌表演。5、鼓励学生模仿句型,进行口头练习。如:出示Be quiet What does this sign mean? It means Be quiet. It means you shouldnt make noise here.Step 3、Production1、开火车游戏 教师出示公共标志,提问What does it mean?A学生快速回答。It means 如果回答正确,则由A学生提问B学生,看哪组的同学提问得多并正确率高。2、Dictation 听写unit1的四会单词和句型。Step 4、Progress1、运用第一单元所学句型设计一个情景对话,写下来。2、请同学上台表演。3、评价Step 5、Homework1、 复习第二单元并读一读A部分。2、 完成相应的练习。Step 6、Blackboard designUnit 4 Review and checkalways, a question, ask, mean, should, shouldnt, take a walk, pickWhat does it/ this/ that mean?It means you/ we/ must/ should/ shouldnt教后反思(第 篇)Unit 4 课题 Review and check 第 2 课时 总第 20 个教案教学目标1、语言知识:1. 通过复习, 学生能熟练掌握四会单词: a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, March, third, April, fourth, May, June。2. 通过复习,学生能熟练掌握四会句型:Whens your birthday? My birthdays on What would you like as a birthday present? Id like3. 通过复习,学生能熟练地听懂、会说、会读blow out, a candle, a costume, a doorbell, January, February, July, August, September, October, November, December, fifth, sixth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, wait, VCD, Aladdin, take off。4. 通过复习,学生能熟练运用日常交际用语。思考调整2、语言技能:通过复习巩固学生会用英语进行简单的有关生日的话题讨论。3、情感态度:让学生爱上英语学习,感受其中的乐趣。教学重点1. 通过复习, 学生能熟练掌握四会单词: a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, March, third, April, fourth, May, June。2. 通过复习让学生熟练掌握四会句型:Whens your birthday? My birthdays on What would you like as a birthday present? Id like教学难点1. 通过复习, 学生能熟练掌握四会单词: a birthday, a date, when, as, a present, first, second, March, third, April, fourth, May, June。2. 通过复习让学生熟练掌握四会句型:Whens your birthday? My birthdays on What would you like as a birthday present? Id like课前准备Unit2挂图,Unit4挂图,日历,预习B教学过程先学提纲:一、根据音标写单词。1./ sain/ 2./ mi:n/ 3. /ud/ 4./ kmr/ 5./ dsmbr/ 6./ dairi/ 二、根据上下文及首字母提示完成下列对话。A:Whens your b?B: Its on the second of March.A: What w you like ?B: Id like a p of new shoes.A: Would you like a diary as a birthday p?B: Oh, no, thanks. I have one.A: Wheres the diary?B: Oh, I cant f it. It w near the bookcase yesterday.A: Haha I think you need a new one. 温馨小提示:Dont forget your parents birthday!
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