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浙江省湖州市长兴县实验初中2021-2021学年第二学期期中质量调研七年级英语试卷 请考生注意:1全卷分试题卷和答题卷。试题卷8页,共80题。全卷总分值100分。考试时间70分钟。2请用黑色墨水签字笔把答案写在答题卷相应位置上,做在试题卷上无效。温馨提示:请仔细审题,细心答题。相信你一定会有出色表现。 听力局部 20分一. 听小对话,选择图片。对话读一遍。5分 ( ) 1. What is Alices mother doing?. ABC( ) 2. What can the boy play? ABC( ) 3. Who is Jims brother? ABC( ) 4. What cant the woman wear in the office? ABC( ) 5. How will he go for a holiday? ABC二 听小对话,答复以下问题。对话对一遍。5分( ) 6. What time is it?A. seven thirty B. eight thirteen C. eight thirty( ) 7. Is Toms home far from the school?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. We dont know.( ) 8. Which country was Frank born?A. the USAB. the UKC. France( ) 9. Why doesnt Tom like running?A. Because its boring.B. Because its tiringC. Because its dangerous ( ) 10. Where is Jim doing his homework?A. At schoolB. At homeC. At the office三 听长对话,答复以下问题。对话读两遍。5分听第一段长对话,答复11-12两个小题。( ) 11. Where is Mike?A. At home B. In a restaurantC. At school ( ) 12. What does Tom suggest the girl do?A. Do her homeworkB. Watch TVC. Go to bed before ten听第二段长对话,答复13-15两个小题。( ) 13. Whats Kevin doing?A. Playing basketballB. Playing footballC. Swimming( ) 14. Is football Kevins favorite sport?A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. We dont know.( ) 15. What time are they going swimming?A. At 10:00B. At 10:10C. At 2:00四. 听下面一段短文,选择最正确答案。短文读两遍。5分( ) 16. Where does the monkey come from?A. China B. Japan C. America( ) 17. What does the monkey like doing?A. Sleeping B. Jumping and runningC. Walking( ) 18. What animal comes from India?A. The elephant B. The giraffe C. The tiger( ) 19. What color is the tigers body?A. Yellow and light orange B. Orange and black ringsC. Yellow with black rings( ) 20. How long can the giraffes neck be?A. 1 meterB. 2 meters C. 3 meters笔试局部 80分五. 单项选择 10分( ) 21. Look! Brandy _ lots of photos on the Great Wall.A. takingB. takeC. is takingD. takes( ) 22. Can you help me _ my homework.A. ofB. withC. inD. on( ) 23. We can see the sign “_ in a reading room or a library.A. NO SWIMMINGB. NO DANCINGC.NO PARKINGD. NO TALKING( ) 24. -I got an “A in my math test, Mum. - Thats a good _. Keep it up. A. homework B. fact C. beginning D. idea( )25.一What _ do you like? Mom Math. Maybe Aanimals Bsubjects Csport Dmovies( ) 26. Oh, no, where is my camera? -There is _ black one in the drawer. Is it yours? A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 27. _ these tigers _ from? A. Where, are B. Where, come C. Where are, / D. Where, comes( ) 28. _ do you go to school? - At 7:00. A. What time B. What C. How D. Where( ) 29. -Why do you hope to visit Hawaii some day? -_ it has beautiful beaches. A. Though B. Or C. Because D. So( ) 30. Dont listen to music in class, Tony! - Sorry, _. AI can BI wont do it again.CI will do it right now DI break the rule 六. 完型填空 10分 Last Saturday, Tony went to see Benny. But he didnt know _31_ Benny lived. On the way, he stopped in front of a yellow _32_, and asked an old woman the _33_ to Bennys house. “His house is not far from my house. said the woman. “Its behind the trees. But you cant get _34_ easily. You can go there by bus. Itll _35_ you hours to get there _36_ foot. “Whats _37_ with her? Tony thought. “I can see Bennys house from here now. Its just behind the_38_. Then Tony walked to the other side of the trees. He found the old woman was _39_. There was a river in front of him, and he couldnt see a boat or a bride. The house was on the other side of the_40_.( ) 31. A. what B. where C. how D. why( ) 32. A. house B. school C. hospitalD. market( ) 33. A. place B. house C. bus D. way( ) 34. A. it B. here C. there D. home( ) 35. A. spend B. take C. bring D. carry( ) 36. A. in B. on C. by D. with( ) 37. A. matter B. trouble C. wrong D. right( ) 38. A. houses B. rivers C. trees D. boats( ) 39. A. right B. good C. wrong D. fine( ) 40.A. road B. street C. tree D. river七. 阅读理解 30分AIts 7:15 a.m. The stud
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