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高中英语 重点句型归纳总结高中英语重点句型归纳11. There is no point in doing sth.There is no point (in) doing sth表示“做某事没有作用或没有意义”, point为不可数名词。如:There is no point in arguing further. There seems to be no point in protesting. It wont help much.2. Itwas the first time that .It was the first time that .表示“第一次做”,从句用过去完成时。若主句是一般现在时(is),则从句用现在完成时。如:It is the first time Ive won since I learnt to play chess.3. 形容词或形容词短语作状语英语中形容词或形容词短语可作状语,说明主语行为的原因、方式、结果、伴随状况等。如:Ripe, the oranges taste sweet. Coldand hungry, he decided to stop and have a rest. 高考示例 After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, _. (上海)A. exhausting B. exhausted C.being exhausted D. having exhausted高中英语重点句型归纳21.have / find / want / . sth. donehave/ find / want / . sth. done构成“动词+宾语+过去分词”结构,过去分词作宾语补足语表示与宾语之间是被动关系。如:She had her house damaged in the storm. When he arrived at the bank, he found the door closed. We want the work finished by Saturday. 高考示例1 You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had it _ oftenenough. (天津)A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D.explained高考示例2 In the dream Peter saw himself _ by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenlywith a start. (上海)A.chased B. to be chased C. be chased D. having been chased高考示例3 A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the readermust not be left _. (天津)A. unsatisfied B. unsatisfying C. to be unsatisfying D. beingunsatisfied2. Ais to B what C is to DA is to B what C is to D是个固定句型,意为“A对B而言正如C对D一样”。如:Air is to us what water is to fish. Reading is to the mind what food is to the body. 高考示例 Engines are to machines _ hearts are to animals. (山东)A. as B. that C.what D. which3. 形容词+动词不定式“形容词+动词不定式”构成特殊结构,特点是不定式与其前面的作主语的名词或代词可构成逻辑动宾关系,该不定式通常需用主动形式表示被动意义。如:This question is easy to answer.The water in the river is not fit to drink.知识拓展 若不定式是不及物动词,后加适当的介词或副词。如:The problem is easy to work out. This room looks very comfortable to live in.高中英语重点句型归纳3have sth. to do这个句型中,不定式短语作后置定语,与被修饰名词构成动宾关系。如:I have some letters to type. He has no one to help. 句型拓展 have sth. done使(让、请)某事被做;have sth. (sb.) doing让某物(或某人)一直做某事;have sb. do sth.让某人做了某事。高考示例Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything_? (上海)A. to be buying B. to buy C. forbuying D. bought高中英语重点句型归纳41. I wish that .wish后接宾语从句,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气:与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时;与现在事实相反,从句用一般过去时;与将来事实相反,从句用could/would/might+动词原形。如:He wished he hadnt done it. I wish we had a car. I wish (that) you would get a good job. 高考示例 How I wish every family _ a large house with a beautifulgarden! (上海)A. has B.had C. willhave D. had had2.Were/Had/Should .Were I in school again,I would work harder.Had you been here earlier, you would have seen him. 高考示例1 What would have happened _, as far as the river bank? (上海)A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walkfartherC. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walkedfarther高考示例2 _ fired, your health care and other benefits would not be immediately cutoff. (湖北)A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be高中英语重点句型归纳51.on/upon (doing) sth.表示“一就”。如: On(my) asking for informationI was told I must wait. On his return from Canada, he set to work.知识拓展 1.“一就”的其他表达方法:as soon as,the moment/minute, immediately, hardly . when, no sooner . than等。2.more . than .表示“与其说不如说”。如:He is more diligent than clever. The modern wide-bodied jetliner is very large. Inside, it looks more like agreat theatre than (like) a plane.3. Itis one thing to ., anther to .表示“是一回事,是另一回事”。如:It is one thing for you to write to him, another to telephone him.It is one thing for you to stay here, another for me to ask you to stay here.4.There is a good chance that .相当于Its likely that .,表示“很可能”。如:There is a good chance that you will catch up with your classmates.There is little chance that the sick child will get well.高中英语重点句型归纳61. As sb. puts it .as sb. puts it . 是固定句型,表示“正如某人所说”。如:As the President puts it, “We have no choice but to develop our education, orwell fall behind.” As he puts it in the report, “Education is to be given to children by the government.”2.Sb./Sth. is believed to be/have done .Sb./Sth. is believed to be/have done表示“被认为是/已经做了某事”。know, say, expect, report, suppose等动词均能用于该句型。如:She is believed to be the first to come up with this idea. The company was reported to have invented a new type of car. 高考示例1Is Bob still performing?Im afraid not. He issaid _ the stage already as he has become an official. (江苏)A. to have leftB. to leave C. to have beenleft D. to be left高考示例2 Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to _ since the floodhit the area last Friday. (山东)A. have been missingB. have got lost C. be missing D. get lost高考示例3 AIDS is said _ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in thatarea over the past few years. (湖北)A. that it is B. tobe C.that is has been D. to have been高中英语重点
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