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STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURELOST & FOUND PROCEDURE 失物招领程序Task Number: ASSM-0004Department: Duty ManagerDate Issued: January 2005Guest Expectation: I expect the hotel to provide a secure a safe environment for my person and my belongings with respect for my privacy. If I loose something, I expect to get it back.我期望酒店可以为我个人及所有物品提供一个安全、隐私的环境。如果我有任何物品丢失,我期望能够找回来。 Time to Train: 20 minutesWhy is this task important for you and our guests?为什么这项工作对于你和客人都很重要?Answers: 1. Guest can experience our efficient and accurate service.客人能够体验到我们高效准确的服务。2. We must maximize guest satisfaction.我们必须将客人的满意度最大化。3. Avoid guest complaints.避免客人投诉。4. Demonstrate my professionalism.体现我们的专业。5. Improve GSTS score提高宾客满意度跟踪调查分数。WHAT/ STEPSHOW/ STANDARDSTRAINING QUESTIONS1) The way to handle valuable and non-valuable lost and found items处理贵重或非贵重物品的失物招领Guests Items found in the hotel public area must be handed over to the Housekeeping Department as soon as possible except for valuables.除贵重物品外,任何在公共区域捡到的物品都要尽快交给客房部。What are valuables?2) Duty Manager, Security and Housekeeping get involved in the procedure大堂副理、保安部和客房部都要参与其中Guests valuables such as Passport, Credit Card and Jewelry must be reported to both the Security Manager and the Duty Manager, who will secure such items separately in the safe deposit box and advise Housekeeping where the item is secured. Housekeeping will note this advice in their Lost and Found Logbook. Executive Office must be informed.客人贵重的物品,例如护照、信用卡和珠宝必须汇报给保安部经理和大堂副理。他们将保存在单独的保险箱或让客房部保存在安全的地方。客房部将会记录在失物招领记录本上。要通知行政办。Why does Housekeeping need to keep the Lost & Found record?3) Lost & Found logbook in Housekeeping客房部失物招领记录The date, location that the item was found, description of the item and the name of the finder, must to be noted in the logbook.物品捡到日期、地点、物品描述和捡到者的姓名都必须被记录。Why do we have to note down the name of the finder?4) Housekeeping is the first department to be checked for the Lost & Found 客房部是第一个部门查找失物招领If guests report they have lost something in the hotel public area, always check with Housekeeping Lost & Found Department first to see if they have a record of the lost items.如果有客人告之在酒店公共区域丢失了东西,一定先与客房部联系确认是否有相应的记录。Why do we have to keep the Lost & Found item in Housekeeping Department?WHAT/ STEPSHOW/ STANDARDSTRAINING QUESTIONS5) Verify with the guest before you return the Lost & Found item归还客人物品前要核实客人身份If Housekeeping has the lost item, verify guests identity and obtain a copy of photo ID. Return the item to the guest after the guests description matches the found item. And ask him to sign the logbook to verify the item has been returned.如果客房部有丢失的物品,要核实客人身份并将客人有效证件复印。如客人描述符合实物就将物品归还客人。请客人在记录本上签字以证明已收到。Why do we have to verify with the guest before we return the Lost & Found item?6) Handling the “Not Found” item 如何处理未找到的情况If Housekeeping does not have the lost item, kindly explain to the guest that we dont have any record of the item. 如果客房部没有失物记录,要与客人解释我们没有此记录。If the guest requires further investigation the Security Manager must be informed immediately. 如果客人有进一步要求就必须通知保安部经理。Only the Security Manager can determine if the police needs to get involved.只有保安部经理可以决定是否需要报案。Why does the Security Manager need to be informed when police gets involved?Summary questions:1. Why do we have to establish the Lost & Found procedure?2. Who gets involved when the lost item is valuable?3. a) Why does Housekeeping need to keep the Lost & Found record? b) Why do we have to note down the name of the finder?4. Why do we have to keep the Lost & Found item in Housekeeping Department?5. Why do we have to verify with the guest before we return the Lost & Found item?6. Why does only the Security Manager have the right to determine if the police need to be called?Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competencyTask Lost and Found Procedure Page 1 of 3
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