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初一下期词组复习Have a busy weekend度过一个繁忙周末The sounds good 听起来好Come from= be from来自Wear glasses戴眼镜in English ( Chinese.)用英文(中文In hospital住院On the fifth avenue在第五大街Talk about谈论话题Go across the bridge穿过桥Have a job as a waiter作为服务生工作On a rainy morning| onSundaymorning|weekends在一个下雨早上In summer ( spring, winter)2002|July在夏天(春,冬)2002年 ,七月In the street在大街上On the corner在拐角处Across from在对面A piece of news (music)一则消息(曲子)Betweenand.在和之间Do some cleaning做扫除、清洁From.to.从到Do some washing清洗In front of在的前面Do some cooking做饭Over there在那边do some shopping购物In the neighborhood在附近During the day (night)在白天(夜间)Near here在附近Work for a magazine为杂志社工作Turn left (right)左(右)转At the swimming pool在游泳池On the left (right)在左(右)边Hows it going?还好吗?Go down| along往下走Pretty good相当好Be quiet=keep quiet保持安静Keep warm (cool)保持温暖(凉爽)A house with a garden有花园的房子go on a vacation去度假Enjoy doing=like doing喜欢做某事Be surprised at对很吃惊Go for|take a walk去散步Be interested in doing.对感兴趣Go through the park穿过公园Look like.看上去象Atthe beginning (of)在的开始Look the same看上去一样Have fun=have a good time玩得开心Is there a hotel near here?附近有旅馆吗?=enjoy oneself玩得开心Show the direction指路Arrive at 到达(小地方)In order to为了Arrive in =get to =reach到达Take a taxi (bus, train )to =go to .by taxi乘坐出租车去。The most dangerous最危险Best wishes to you.祝福您 Have straight、curly hair直发、卷发At the airport在机场Wear a uniform穿制服Kind of =a little一点,有点 Be Medium build (height)中等身材(身高)Kind of有几分On the school team在校队A kind of 一种A little bit+形一点;少许Kinds of各种各样的Have a joke on sb给开玩笑Relax=take it easy放轻松!Stop to do sth停下来去做另一件事In fact事实上Stop doing sth停止正在做的事Think of 认为,想起Remember to do sth记住做某事Be lost迷路Remember doing sth想起发生过的事At night 在晚上All day (night)整天(夜)Now= at this time此刻dreams come true梦想成真A pair of glasses一幅眼镜Talk on the phone在电话里交谈Study for the math test为数学考试学习RMB10 for 1510元15个Why do you like koalas?Eat leavesPut up把挂起来Becausethey are friendlyEat grassPut on穿上Large size大型号Dont eat in classHow was your weekend?It was great。你的周末怎样?What do you think of the game show?你认为游戏节目怎样?That sounds good听起来不错Break the rule违反规则Feel happy感到快乐School |Family rule校规As well as也,还,而且Take a photo| take photos照相Have a test (an exam)进行考试Class rule班规What about=how about 怎么样Dining hall食堂、餐厅What is he doing? He is running。What else do you have to do你还得做其他什么吗?Practice doing练习做某事Something else其他一些东西Finish doing完成做某事Have to=must+动词原形必须,不得不What does he look like?他长得怎样?Sports shoes运动鞋Childrens Palace少年宫On Fifth Avenue在第五大道Speak (cry, laugh) loudly大声说(哭笑)Spend on| in doing花钱做某事In my|his|her opinion在某人看来On school nights在上学的晚上Next to靠近Talk show脱口秀Go straight直走Its time to do sth该做的时候了Youre welcome不用谢Its time for sth同上Thats OK不用谢Go to the Summer camp去夏令营Thats all right.不用谢What Kind of noodles would you like?What size bowl of noodles would you like?Thank you all the same还是要谢谢你A large (medium, small) bowl一大/中/小碗Cant stand不能忍受Welcome to.欢迎来到see sb do (doing) sth看见做某事No talking不要说话hear sb do (doing) sth听见做某事Be good (bad) for对有好处watch sb do (doing) sth关注做某事Next Sunday( week, year)下周日(明年)Go 、come back回去 、回来On ones way to在某人去途中Hows the weather?天气怎么样On ones way home在某人回家途中Whats the weather like?同上In the last photo在最后一张照片Hows it going?还好吗?What do you do?你是干什么的The Great Wall长城Whats your job?你的职业是什么The Palace Museum故宫Play with同一起玩Tianan Men Square天安门广场See you later=goodbye稍后见Can you please do sth?你能做事吗Isnt he cute?难道他不可爱吗?A bowl of noodles一碗面Run in the hallways 在走廊跑Want to be a doctor 想成为医生Work | study hard努力工作
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