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2022成考专升本英语练习题及答案(3)( )16.This novel is worthy of_. A.reading B.read C.having read D.being read ( )17.It is very kind _ see me. A.from you to B.as C.as if D.like that ( )18.It looks _ its going to rain. A.that B.as C.as if D.like that ( )19.The stone was so heavy that it was difficult for the old man to _ it. A.lift B.reach C.rise D.touch ( )20.They lives _ the other side of the road. A.in B.on C.for D.by ( )21.She can speak Japanese better than _else. A.the one B.no one C.anyone D.another ( )22.This lesson is _ than the last one. A.more easier B.more easy C.very easier D.much easier ( )23.Todays weather isnt as cold as it was yesterday, _? A.wasnt B.is it C.was it D.isnt it ( )24.This book is for students _ native language is not English. A.of whom B.that C.which D.whose ( )25.You may not go out _ your work is done. A.before B.until C.where D.as ( )26.Look what Father_ me when he came from work. A.brought B.took C.carried D.fetched ( )27.Nobody knew _ there. A.how long time I had been B.how long had I been C.how long time had I been D.how long I had been ( )28.The harder he studies,_. A.hell make great progress B.the greater progress hell make C.hell make greater progress D.the greater hell make progress
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