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七年级下期英语期中学业测试试题卷说明:本次测试分A、B两卷。A卷满分100分。B卷满分20分。合计120分。答题时请把答案填写在答题卡上相应位置。收卷只收答题卷,不收试题卷A卷试题一、 单项选择,每小题1分,共30分。1. We can _ our friends after class. A. talk B. talk to C.tell D.tell to2. He can play the violin _ he cant play it very well. A. or B.and C.but D.also3. My sister is good _ her friends. A.to B.at C.about D.with4. _ club does Bills cousin join? A.How B.What C.When D.Where5. My grandma oftern _ stories to us. A.speaks B.talks C.says D. tells6.- Who teaches _ English?- Miss Yao. A.you B.your C.yours D.our7 -What time do you usually get up? - _. A.Its six B.Its six oclock C.At six D.On weekends8. -_do you have dinner every day? - At six oclock. A.Why B.What time C. What D.Where9. He finds a _ in a music club. A.jobs B. work C.works D.job10. Sally goes to school after _ breakfast quickly. A.eating B.eat C.eats D.to eat11. The students often do _ in the afternoon. A. them homework B. their homework C. them homeworks D. their homeworks12. He _ watches TV or reads stories in the vevning. A.either B.neither C.both D.also13.-How do you usually come to school?-_ the school bus. A.By B.With C.At D.On14. -Do you know _? -Sorry, I dont know. A.how old is Tom B.how old Tom is C.where is Tom D.Where Tom live15. Does Jim go to school _? Aon foot B.in food C.by feet D.on feet16. -_is it from the bus stop to the subway station.-Its abouut 3 kilometers. A.How far B.How much C.How many D.How long17. It usually takes me about 15minutes _ my bike to school. A.rides B.riding C.ride D.to ride18. _ does Lucy _he school life? A.What; think of B.How; think of C.What; like D.How think19. The students in that village need to _ a river to school. A.scross B.through C.cross D.crossing20. Gina always _ school very early and cleans the classroom. A.arrives at B.arrives in C.gets D.gets at21. Please_look outside. Look at the blackboard. A.not B.arent C.dont D.cant22. I have _ homework to do and Julie has _ books to read. A.too many; too much B.too much; too many C.too many; much too D.too much; many too23. The students cant go out _ school nights, but they can _ weekends. A.in; at B.on; on C.on; in D.in; in24. Pleast remember _ your room. A.clean B.cleaning C.to clean D.cleans25.-Dont talk in class. -_. A.No, you cant B.Yes, I can C.Yes, I do. D. Im sorry, I wont26. I like dogs, because theyre_ . A. friends B.friend C.friendly D.friendy27. Harry Potter is _ intersting story and we all like it. A. a B. an C.the D.不填28. The lion is _dangerous. A. kind of B.kinds of C. kind D.a kind of29. My uncle is very _. He often sleeps _ day. A.small; on B.shy; in C.lazy; all D.ugly; at30. People shouldnt _ many trees. A.cut down B.fall down C. put down D. sit down二、 词汇,每空一分,共20分。1. 用所给词的适当形式填空,每空1分,共10分。31. Do you make any _(friend) here?32. Sally is busy _(do) her homework.33. Let them _(are) quiet, the teacher is coming.34. She get _(dress) at 6:45.35.What time do you brush your _(tooth)36.Bob likes _(run) very much.37.The ice-cream taste _(well)38. My grandparents have a _(health) life.39. Please stop _(talk)! The teacher is coming.40. How about _(swim)?2. 根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词,每空0.5分,共计10分。41.老师对我们很友好。The teacher are very _ _ us.42.大象产于澳大利亚吗?_ the elephant _ _ _?43.男生必须留短发。Boys must _ _ _ _.44.这个周末我想在家休息。I want _ _ at home this weekend.45.你弹吉它玩得高兴吗?Do you _ _ _ the guitar?46.上学不要迟到。Dont _ _ _ school.47.我们上课能听音乐吗?Can we _ _ music in class?三、 句型变换,每空一分,共10分48. She does her homework after school.(变为否定句) She _ _ her homework after school.49. They play football every day.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ they _ every day?50. Tom does dishes after dinner every day.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Tom _ dishes every day?51. come in, please!(变成否定句) Please _ come in!四、 完形填空,每小题1分,共10分I have a cousin. 52 name is Eric. He is 53 . He likes music and
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