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唐山松下电器公司办公楼毕业设计说明书 abstract摘 要该工程位于唐山地区,地震设防烈度为8度。本工程采用框架结构。该楼为五层,层高3.6米,总高19.2米,总建筑面积为3528平方米。总的设计思路:在建筑结构的两个主轴方向分别考虑水平地震作用,各方向的水平地震作用应全部由该方向抗侧力结构承担。采用框架结构计算的近似法求解内力,即:求竖向荷载作用下的内力按无侧移框架用弯距二次分配法,求水平地震作用下的内力按三角形分布用D值法。最后利用钢筋混凝土的相关原理进行构件配筋计算及校核。具体设计步骤分十步:第一步:荷载统计,包括各层恒载、活载,计算各楼层重力荷载代表值。第二步:刚度计算,包括各梁、柱的线刚度,柱的抗侧刚度D,按框架分析的D值法计算。第三步:框架自震周期的计算。第四步:验算侧移,包括顶部位移和层间位移。第五步:内力计算,用反弯点法求得各柱端弯矩、梁端弯矩和梁端剪力。第六步:竖向力作用下框架内力计算。采用弯矩二次分配法,对梁端弯矩调幅。 第七步:综合配筋计算。将水平地震力与竖向力作用下分别求出的内力进行不利组合,再根据得到的几组不利组合分别进行框架梁、柱的配筋计算,取其中的最大值来配筋。第八步:使用CAD软件绘制一榀框架配筋图、楼板配筋图以及梁柱截面配筋图。第九步:楼梯设计,根据建筑设计中确定的楼梯参数,对楼梯的梯段板、平台板和平台梁配筋进行计算,并绘制楼梯各处配筋图。第十步:基础设计,首先对所给的工程地质条件进行地基处理,然后对基础进行布置和截面配筋计算。具体的设计内容和设计进程将在正文中作详细说明关键词 框架结构;结构分析;抗震-1AbstractIt locates the region of TangShan, the earthquake establishes to defend strong degree as 8 degree.The project adopts frame structure.There are three storys in the building.The height of the floor is3.6 m. The general height is 19.2m and the general area of the building is 3528 square meter.The general design thinking:The two directions of main shaft in building structure difference consideration horizontal seismic role,the horizontal seismic role of each direction should fight side force structure completely by this direction to understake.With the approximation of frame structural calculation beg to take affact untie force.Beg to erect under load role force press without side move rigid frame use curved distance twice distribution law,beg horizontal earthquake to take affact under force press triangle distribution use D value method.The related principle that uses reinforced concrete finally carries out component to match tendon calulation and school nucleus.The concrete design stage divides into ten steps:The first step :Load statistics,including each layer permanent year and work to carry,each building layer gravity load representative of calculation worth.The second step:rigidity calculation include the line rigidity of each beam and colume,colume fight the D value law calculation that side rigidity D analyses according to frame.The third step:Frame from the calculation of the earthquake period.The fourth step:the side of Checking computation is moved,includs top displacement between layer displacement.The fifth step:Force calcultion get each colume end with on the contrary curved a litter method to bend distance and beam end curved distance and beam end cut force.The sixth step:Erect to the force calculation in force role sill frame.With curved rules,distribute law twice,and bend rules amplitude modulation for 第二章 建筑设计部分beam end, the coefficient of amplitude modulation take 0.8.The seventh step:Synthesize to match tendon calculation.Face with horizontal seismic force with erect under force role difference beg make force carry out unfavorable combination,some groups of unfavorable combinations that basis gets again carries out frame beam respectively, column match tendon calculation, take the biggest value in which is last match tendon.The eighth step:Use CAD software to draw one pin frame match tendon picture and floor match tendon picture as well as beam colume section match tendon picture.The ninth step:Stairs design matches tendon according to the definite staris parameter in building design,for platform beam,platform board and the ladder section board of stairs to carry out calculation, and draw each place of stairs to match tendon pictureThe tenth step:Basic design frist carries out foundation handling for the project geological condition given,is then arranged for foundation with section match tendon calculation.specific design content and design course will make detailed explanation in text.Keywords frame structure;Structural analysis;anti-seismis design-1目录目 录第1章 绪论1第二章.建筑设计部分22.1工程概况22.2建筑平面设计22.2.1使用部分的平面设计22.2.2交通联系部分的平面设计22.3建筑剖面设计32.4建筑立面设计3第三章 结构设计部分43.1工程概况:43.2 初选构件尺寸:53.2.1构件截面尺寸:53.3荷载统计63.4 水平荷载下内力计算93.5横向框架内力和位移计算103.5.1水平地震作用及楼层地震剪力的计算:103.5.2多遇水平地震作用下的位移验算:123.5.3水平地震作用下框架内力计算:123.6.竖向荷载作用下框架的内力计算153.6.1横向框架内力计算153.6.1.1计算单元简图153.7用弯矩分配法计算框架弯矩193.7.1固端弯矩计算193.7.2分配系数计算193.7.3传递系数 :193.7.4弯矩分配193.8 梁端剪力及柱轴力计算233.8.1、恒载作用下:233.8.2活载作用下:243.9 内力组合243.9.1框架梁内力组合243.9.2框架柱内力组合263.10截面设计313.10.1梁正截面强度设计313.10.2 柱截面设计333.10.3框架梁柱节点核芯区截面抗震验算:373.11.楼板设计383.11.1.荷载计算:383.11.2内力计算:383.11.3.截面强度计算413.12双分平行式楼梯设计423.12.1踏步板计算423.12.2平台板计算433.12.3平台梁计算433.13基础设计443.13.1、初选设计参数443.13.2、基础截面尺寸确定443.13.3确定基底面积和基底反力453.13.4抗冲切验算46体 会50参考文献51谢 辞52-1第一章 绪论第1章 绪论根据设计材料提供场地的地质条件及所在地区的抗震烈度,确定出拟建筑物的抗震等级三级。建筑物的设计过程包括建筑设计和结构设计部分。建筑设计部分:综合了几个方案的优点,考虑可影响建筑的各种因素,采用了既能满足现代化教学的多方面要求,又较经济、实用、美观的方案。结构设计部分:分别从结构的体系选择、各构件的尺寸、结构总体的布置、楼屋盖的结构方案及基础方案的选择等多方面进行了论述。结构计算大致分为以下几个步骤:荷载统计:荷载统计是在初选截面的基础上进行的,其计算过程是按从上到下的顺序进行的,荷载的取值按各层房间的使用功能及位
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