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Lesson 4 A Visit to LanzhouUnit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road一、一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Id like some bread with _(cheese)for breakfast today.【点拨】cheese 为不可数名词,没有复数,故填原形cheese。cheese2.Look!The traffic light is green.We can go _(cross)the road now.【点拨】用语境法。句意:看!交通信号灯变绿了,我们现在可以穿过马路。cross 穿过,动词。这句话中已经有了谓语动词go,结合句意可知,这里应用介词across,意为“穿过,横过”,故填across。across3.Suzhou is very attractive(有吸引力的)with different kinds of ancient _(bridge).【点拨】句意为“苏州有各种各样的古桥,非常吸引人”。根据提示和“different kinds of”可知,需用名词复数,故填bridges。bridges4.How do you study for a test,Eric?I study by working with a _(group).【点拨】句意为“Eric,你是怎么备考的?我通过小组合作来学习”。冠词a 修饰可数名词单数。故填group。group5.Shanhaiguan is called“the worlds _(one)pass”.【点拨】表示“第一”应用序数词形式,故填first。first二二、单项选择单项选择6.Dont _ the road when the traffic lights are red!A.take B.walk C.go D.cross【点拨】句意为“红灯时不要穿过马路”。过马路用cross 或go across,故选D。D7.Mr Wu likes dividing(划分)his students into small _ and letting them talk about questions in class.A.centers B.stations C.groups D.plans【点拨】考查名词辨析。句意为“吴老师喜欢把学生分成小组,让他们在课堂上讨论问题”。centers 中心;stations 车站;groups 小组;plans 计划。根据“Mr Wu likes dividing(划分)his students into small”可知,把学生划分成小组,故选C。C8.I cant see the blackboard because two tall boys sit _ me.A.behind B.next to C.in front of D.between【点拨】用语语境境法法。考查介词(词组)辨析。句意为“因为两个高个男孩儿坐在我前面,我看不到黑板”。behind 在后面;next to 在旁边;in front of 在前面;between 在中间。由语境及常识可知,我看不到黑板是因为被挡住了。故选C。C9.What a lovely garden!Yeah,lets _ a walk in it.A.look out B.go forC.come on D.put on【点拨】考查动词短语。句意为“多么漂亮的花园啊!是的,让我们在花园里散步吧”。look out 小心;go for 去;come on 加油;put on 穿上。“go for a walk”为“去散步”。故选B。B10.2023 石家庄二十八中月考 The river is too _.We cant swim across it.A.wide B.bright C.pretty D.different【点拨】由后句“We cant swim across it.”可知,不能游过去,应是“太宽了”。故选A。A三三、根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子11.你走这条路去车站。The road _ you _ the station.leads to12.我们穿过河上的桥。We _ the bridge _ the river.cross over13.我们把她称为“最美乡村教师”。We _ _ the Most Beautiful Village Teacher.call her14.沿着这条街走,在交通信号灯处向右转,你就会看到邮局。Walk down this street and _ _ at the traffic lights.You will see the post office.turn right15.不要在电脑前坐太久,起来运动一下吧。Dont sit _ _ _ the computer for too long.Stand up and take some exercise.in front of四四、连词成句连词成句16.6 metres,the,is,wide,classroom _.The classroom is 6 metres wide17.you,who,the girl,beside,is_?Who is the girl beside you18.there,lead,road,us,will,this_.This road will lead us there19.turn left,and,down,the,street,go_.Go down the street and turn left/Turn left and go down the street20.the elephant,can,with,you,take a picture_.You can take a picture with the elephant
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