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单元易错清单元易错清【精精练练】()1.There are about three _ students in Grade Seven in our school.Ahundred ofBhundreds ofChundred Dhundreds()2.There are _ people in this village.Athousand Bthousands ofCthousand of Dthousands3数百名学生在操数百名学生在操场场上。上。(汉译汉译英英)_students are on the playground.CBHundreds of【精精练练】4Cindy likes_(play)chess.5汤汤姆喜姆喜欢阅读欢阅读和游泳。和游泳。(汉译汉译英英)Tom likes _and _6没有一个地方像家一没有一个地方像家一样样。(汉译汉译英英)There is no place _ to_play/playingreadingswimminglike home【精精练练】()7.Its very important for you _ English well.Astudy BstudyingCto study Dstudies()8.Its easy _ me _ finish the work in two hours.Aof;to Bfor;toCto;to Dfor;forCB9Eating too much icecream is not good for your health.(改改为为同同义义句句)_not good _your health _too much icecream.10对对她来她来说说,弹弹好好钢钢琴很琴很难难。(汉译汉译英英)_difficult for her _the piano well.Itsforto eatItsto play【精精练练】()11.The girl is afraid _ a bike.Aride Bto rideCriding Drides12不要害怕不要害怕问问题问问题。(汉译汉译英英)Dont be afraid _questions.13恐怕我不能和你一起去公园了。恐怕我不能和你一起去公园了。(汉译汉译英英)_I cant go to the park with you.Bof _asking/to askIm afraid that
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