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Unit ReviewUnit 5 I Love Learning English!练语法练语法一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Look!The children are enjoying _(they)on the playground.How happy they are!【点拨】enjoy oneself 是固定短语,意为“玩得开心”。这里代指“children”孩子们自己,用themselves。themselves2.When I fell and hurt _(I),my mother gave me a hug.【点拨】句意为“当我摔倒受伤的时候,我妈妈给我一个拥抱”。hurt oneself 表示“伤到自己”,从句主语是I,反身代词用myself。故填myself。myself3.Mum joined our little group and introduced _(she)to our new friends.【点拨】动词introduced 后缺宾语,表达“她自己”用反身代词“herself”。故填herself。herself4.We couldnt do all the work by _(us).【点拨】by oneself 固定搭配,意为“独自;单独”,分析句子结构,句子主语We 与被执行者是同一人称,故用We 的反身代词,故填ourselves。ourselves5.Its not safe to leave a baby in a car by _(it).【点拨】短语leave one by oneself 意为“把某人单独留下”。句子中的baby 性别不明确,用itself“它自己”指代身份不明确的人。itself二二、单项选择、单项选择6.2023无锡改编 Think about it and ask _:did you really do everything right?A.you B.yourself C.me D.myself【点拨】考查反身代词。句意为“想一想,然后问自己:你真的把每件事都做对了吗?”。you 你;yourself 你自己;me 我;myself 我自己。根据“Think about it and ask”可知是指问自己,应用反身代词,结合“did you”可知应用yourself,故选B。B7.Boys and girls,you should look after(照顾)_ when your parents are not at home.A.himself B.herself C.yourselves D.themselves【点拨】考查反身代词辨析。句意为“孩子们,父母不在家的时候,你们要照顾好自己”。根据句中“Boys and girls”可知,这句话是对很多孩子们说的,主语是you,第二人称,因此这里应指代的是“你们自己”。故选C。C8.I made the cake by _.Help _,Tom.A.me;him B.myself;yourselfC.myself;you D.me;yourself【点拨】考查代词辨析。me 我;him 他;myself 我自己;yourself 你自己;you 你。根据“I made the cake by.”可知是我自己做的,用myself;help oneself“自便”,此处用反身代词yourself。故选B。B9.2023 石家庄四十二中期末 How careless(粗心的)Tina was!She cut _ again.A.her B.herself C.she D.hers【点拨】考查代词辨析。her 她,她的;herself 她自己;she 她;hers 她的。根据“She cut.again.”可知她又切到了她自己,用反身代词herself。故选B。B10.2023 武威 I _ find my keys.Have you checked in your jacket pockets?A.mustnt B.shouldntC.cant D.wouldnt【点拨】考查情态动词。mustnt 禁止;shouldnt 不应该;cant 不能,不可以;wouldnt 不会。根据下句“你检查你的夹克衫口袋了吗”,可知不能找到钥匙,故选C。C11.2023 河北 If we _ find a better way,well finish the job faster.A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt【点拨】考查情态动词辨析。句意:如果我们能找到更好的方法,我们将会更快地完成工作。can 能;cant 不能;must 必须;mustnt 禁止。根据句中的“find a better way”和“well finish the job faster”,可知can符合题意。故选A。A12.2023 天津 Would you like to visit Tianjin University tomorrow?Sorry,Im afraid I _.Ill work as a volunteer in my community.A.can B.cant C.must D.mustnt【点拨】考查情态动词辨析。句意:你明天想参观天津大学吗?对不起,恐怕我不能。我将在我的社区做志愿者。由前面的Sorry 可判断是否定;cant 意为“不能”,符合句意。B13.2023 云南 Excuse me,may I use my phone now?Sorry,you _.The plane is taking off.A.need B.neednt C.can D.cant【点拨】考查情态动词用法。句意:请问,现在我可以使用手机吗?抱歉,不可以。飞机就要起飞了。情态动词may 引导的一般疑问句,否定回答常用“No,you mustnt./Sorry,you cant.”等。D练单元重难点练单元重难点一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Jenny is from _(Canada).She is Li Mings _(Canada)friend.【点拨】第一空填名词Canada“加拿大”作宾语;第二空填形容词Canadian“加拿大的”作定语修饰friend。专有名词首字母要大写。故填Canada;Canadian。CanadaCanadian2.(河北人文信息题)A lot of _(foreign)come to visit Shanhaiguan every year.It has a long history.【点拨】根据语境可知,此处是指外国人。foreigner“外国人”,可数名词;A lot of 后跟可数名词复数。故填foreigners。foreigners3.She won many _(compete),including(包括)four gold medals in the Olympics.【点拨】由many 可知,应填名词的复数形式。故填competitions。competitions4.I waited for Mr.Smith _(reply),but he said nothing.【点拨】wait for sb.to do sth.等待某人做某事,为固定搭配。故填to reply。to reply5.Can you tell me the way to the zoo _(exact)?【点拨】根据“Can you tell me the way to the zoo”可知,此处需填副词修饰动词,所给词exact“确切的”的副词为exactly。故填exactly。exactly二二、单项选择、单项选择6.If you work harder,youll have another _ to play the violin at a concert.A.sleep B.opportunityC.mistake D.problem【点拨】考查名词。sleep 睡觉;opportunity 机会;mistake 错误;problem 问题。根据后文的“play the violin at a concert”可知,这是一个机会。故选B。B7.All parents should _ better with their children.A.learn B.exercise C.work D.communicate【点拨】考查动词辨析。learn学会;exercise练习,锻炼;work 工作;communicate 传达,交流。根据“All parents should.better with their children.”可知,此处应是父母与孩子应更好地沟通交流,此空填communicate,符合语境。故选D。D8.Many students write to Language Doctor to _ advice about learning English.A.look through B.ask forC.give up D.worry about【点拨】句意为“许多学生给Language Doctor 写信,询问关于学习英语的建议”。look through 浏览;ask for 寻求;give up 放弃;worry about 担心。根据句意可知选B。B9.Its _ interesting story.I like to read it very much.A.so an B.such an C.a so D.a such【点拨】考查such 和so 的区别。such+a/an+形容词+名词的单数=so+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数,表示“如此一个”。故选B。B一、词语运用一、词语运用As we all know,English is becoming more and more important.English connects people 1._ the world.【点拨】考查“connect.with.”的表达,表示“把和连接起来”。故填with。withWith a good 2._(knowledge)of English,students can enjoy a better life.English opens the door 3._ the world.As for me,I love learning English.【点拨】2.结合语境可知,这里表示“掌握好”,英文表达是“with a good knowledge of.”,故填knowledge。【点拨】3.结合语境可知,这里表示“打开了通往世界的大门”,英文表达是“open the door to.”。故填to。knowledgetoI practice English every day by 4._(I).One day,I talked to a 5._(foreigner)friend.Her name is Amy,a girl from the U.S.【点拨】4.考查“by oneself”的用法,表示“独自”,其主语是I。故填myself。【点拨】5.分析句子结构可知,空处用形容词修饰名词friend。故填foreign。myselfforeignAt first,we couldnt understand each other 6._(exact).Amy asked me to speak more 7._(loud).Later,we had 8._ good talk.【点拨】6.分析句子结构可知,空处用副词修饰动词understand。故填exactly。【点拨】7.用副词修饰动词speak。故填loudly。exactlyloudlyaShe 9.
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