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Unit 5 Art worldReading ITeaching aims1. To know and master some useful words/sentences/phrases.2. To know the meaning of passage.3. To learn something about Tan Duns music.Teaching stepsStep 1 RevisionTranslation.1. 艺术是愉快的。 Art is _.2. 我已经发现了一些比艺术更愉快的事情。 I_ art.3. 阳光中学正举办一个艺术节。 Sunshine Middle School is _.4. 比起流行音乐,我更喜欢乡村音乐 I _ _ _ _ _ _.5. 哪部电影是你最喜欢的? Which _ _ _film?Keys: something pleasant have found something more pleasant thanhaving an art festival prefer country music to pop musicis your favoriteStep 2 Free talkDo you know Tan Dun?Can you say something about him?谭盾,作曲家,1958年生于湖南,1986年毕业于中央音乐学院研究生院,同年赴美哥伦比亚大学攻读博士。1988年在美国举办了个人音乐会。1997年为香港回归纪念活动所作的天,地,人震动了中国乐坛,之后凭卧虎藏龙获第73界奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖,并获第44届格莱美音乐奖四项提名。2008年谭盾应邀担任北京奥运会音乐策划。Present some pictures and videos about Tan Dun. Learn something about him.Step 3 Reading1. PresentationLearn the new words.boundary n. 边界,疆界,界限 dividing line n. 分界线,界限present vt. 颁发 medal n. 奖牌 winner n. 获胜者composer n. 作曲家 musician n. 音乐家be known/famous for 因而著名instrument n. 乐器common adj. 普通的,一般的 stone n. 石头central adj. 中心的,中央的flow n. 流动traditional adj. 传统的bell n. 钟,铃2. ListeningListen and mark True or False.1) Tan Dun wrote music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 2) When he was very young, Tan Dun was not interested in music.3) Tan Dun once made music with stones and paper.4) Tan Dun wrote music for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 5) Tan Dun uses the sounds of nature in his music.6) Different musical instruments are used in the piece of music Water.Keys: T F T T T F3. Reading 1) Read the first paragraph quickly and answer these questions.When was the award music played at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?Is Tan Dun a world-famous actor?Keys: Each time a medal was presented to a winner, the award music was played.No. He is a world-famous composer.2) Read the second and third paragraphs. Then help Sandy complete part of the profile card.Tan DunYear of birth:(1)_Place of birth:(2)_Interest (s) :(3)_Job:(4)_Education: studied music at a university in (5)_went on to study in(6)_Best known for: winning an (7) _for the music in a filmKeys: 1958 central Hunan, China music composerBeijing / 1978 the USA Oscar3) Read the fourth paragraph. Then discuss these question.What does Tan Dun use a lot in his music?What kind of musical instruments are used in the piece of music Water?How does Tan make music in Water?Keys: He uses the sounds of nature a lot in his music.He does not use any musical instruments.He makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow.4) Read the fifth and sixth paragraphs and help Sandy fill the blanks.His music: uses (8)_a lot builds a bridge(9) _Keys: the sounds of nature between the East and the WestStep 4 Practice1. Sandy wants to know the meaning of some new words in the article. Help her match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.Write the correct letters in the blanks.1. present _ 2. composer _ 3. central _4. common _5. control _ 6. boundary _ a. a dividing lineb. not specialc. Make something work in the way you wantd. a person who writes musice. In the centre of an areaf. Give something to someone , especially at an important eventKeys: f d e b c a2. Part 2 Sandy is talking with Daniel about Tan Dun. Complete their conversation with the information on pages 66 and 67.Daniel: Tan Dun is one of the greatest (1)_ in the world. Could you tell me more about him? Sandy: Sure. He wrote the (2) _ music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Daniel: I know he loves the sounds of (3) _. Have they influenced his works? Sandy: Yes. He uses them a lot in his music, and in one of his works, Water, he doesnt use any musical(4) _.Daniel: Really? How does he make music then?Sandy: He makes over 50 sounds from water by (5)_the speed of water(6)_.Daniel: Thats really amazing.Sandy: Yes. When he was young , he used to make music with(7) _ objects like stones and paper.Daniel: Wow! His music for the Beijing Olympics must be very special! Sandy: Yes. It uses(8) _ Chinese music and an(9) _ Chinese bell, but its in a (10)_ style.Keys: composers award nature instruments controllingflow common traditional ancient WesternStep 5 DiscussionWhat do you think of Tan Duns music?Do you like Tan Dun?I think Tan Duns music isI like / dont like Tan Dun becauseStep 6 Homew
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