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第七课时第七课时Self Check一、根据句意,用括号中所一、根据句意,用括号中所给单词给单词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1Its always _(snow)in winter here.2My brother likes swimming and _(skate).3Boys and girls,who can speak _(Russia)?4Jane,Mom asks you _(visit)Aunt Tina tomorrow.5Today is a _(rain)day.We cant go out to play volleyball.snowyskatingRussianto visitrainy二、根据二、根据汉语汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一意思完成下列句子。每空一词词。6听上去你不喜听上去你不喜欢欢干燥的天气。干燥的天气。_ you dont like dry days.7海海伦伦在重在重庆庆每天玩得都很愉快。每天玩得都很愉快。Helen _ in Chongqing every day.8她的祖父她的祖父现现在正在散步。在正在散步。Her grandfather is taking a walk _9安娜不在,我能安娜不在,我能给给她捎个她捎个话吗话吗?Anna is not in.Can I _ for her?10我能从李老我能从李老师师的的课课堂上学到很多。堂上学到很多。I can _ Mr.Lis classes.Sounds likehas funright nowtake a messagelearn a lot from三、完形填空。三、完形填空。Dear Jane,How is it going?It is summer in our _11_,but in Switzerland(瑞瑞士士),it is winter.Im having a _12_ with my parents here.Now the weather here is _13_ and it often snows.Many people like skating outside.It is peoples favorite _14_ here in winter.Look at the photo!My _15_ are teaching me to skate.Its _16_ for me to walk on the ice(冰冰)because this is my first time to skate.But I think I can do it _17_We are skating near a mountain.Many people _18_ here every day.The food here is delicious.We will have a big dinner _19_ skating.Write back to me and _20_ me what you are doing in the vacation.Yours,Lisa()11.A.home Bschool Ccountry Dstation()12.A.party Btalk Cdinner Dvacation()13.A.cold Bwarm Crainy Dhot()14.A.place Bclub Csubject Dsport()15.A.teachers Bparents Cclassmates Dbrothers()16.A.hard Beasy Cinteresting Dboring()17.A.easily Bwell Cluckily Dreally()18.A.meet Bsit Cvisit Dwork()19.A.next Bafter Cbefore Dfor()20.A.call Bfind Chelp DtellCDADBABCBD四、四、阅读阅读理解。理解。AI cant go out to play basketball with my friend Amy,because its raining.Now I have to be at home.Its too boring.I dont want to watch TV or play computer games.LindaIts a nice day today,but I cant go out.I dont feel well and my mom asks me to be at home.Im reading Harry Potter.Its my third time to read it.Its a great book.AliceIts hot outside.My parents and I are sitting in the living room.They are eating the watermelon and Im enjoying the icecream.I like it,but my parents ask me to eat a little.They dont think its good for my health.Emma根据短文内容,根据短文内容,选择选择正确答案。正确答案。()21.Linda wants to _Awatch TVBplay basketballCeat outDplay computer games()22.Its _ in Alices place.Arainy BsunnyCwindy Dcloudy()23._ cant go out because of the bad health.AAmy BLindaCAlice DEmmaBBC()24.The underlined word“it”refers to(指代指代)_Athe watermelon Bthe living roomCthe weather Dthe icecream()25.Which is TRUE?ALinda doesnt like to be at home.BAlices mom asks her to read Harry Potter.CEmma eats lots of icecream every day.DEmma doesnt like the hot weather.DABHello,everyone!Thank you for joining in Around China show.Today,we are in Qingdao.26._ I like it very much.The people here are very friendly.The weather here is very nice.27._ There are lots of people on vacation here.Now we are on the beach(海海滩滩).Some are taking photos and some are swimming.Some young people are playing volleyball.28._Look!There is a girl by the sea.29._ Many people are watching her.There are two musicians by the sea.30._ They look so cool!Qingdao is really a very interesting city.The people are really very relaxed here!Come and enjoy yourself!CFADB根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从下下面面六六个个选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入文文中中空空缺缺处处的的最最佳佳选选项项,使使文文章意思通章意思通顺顺、内容完整。、内容完整。选项选项中有一中有一项为项为多余多余选项选项。AThey are having a good time.BOne is playing the guitar and the other is singing.CIts really a beautiful city.DShe is drawing there.EPeople are wearing hats and sweaters.FIts always sunny and cool.五、短文填五、短文填词词。用方框中所用方框中所给单词给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺顺。每。每词词限用一次。有两个限用一次。有两个词词多余。多余。dance,photo,trouser,it,table,with,party,sing,rain,too,look,eitherDo you like summer?Well,I do.I like 31._ because I can have a long vacation at this time of the year.The weather is hot and 32._I like to swim 33._ my friends in the pool in hot weather.It is also nice to eat icecream.Oh,my birthday is in summer,34._I usually have a birthday 35._ at home.Here is a 36._ of my last birthday party.Look!There is a cake in the middle of the 37._We all 38._ happy.Im wearing my new Tshirt and 39._My friends are sitting by the table and 40._ Happy Birthday.We are having a good time.it rainywithtoopartyphototablelooktrouserssinging
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