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第五课时第五课时Section B(2a2c)一、根据句意及首字母或一、根据句意及首字母或汉语汉语提示完成下列句子。提示完成下列句子。1There is a map of _(欧洲欧洲)here.2Toms new friend is from _(加拿大加拿大).3I miss my aunt very much.I want to _ her this weekend.4In _,its hot and children can eat delicious icecream.5Bob likes drinking orange _ a lot.EuropeCanadavisitsummerjuice二、根据句意,二、根据句意,选择选择方框中的方框中的单词单词并用其适当形式填空。并用其适当形式填空。6China is one of his favorite _ 7The problems are too _for me.Can you help me with them?8His good friends are _on the sofa now.9Its a beautiful place with a big river and some _10My mothers birthday is coming _I want to buy a dress for her.countrieshardsittingmountainssoon三、三、单项选择单项选择。()11.The children are having a great time _ with those dogs.AcookingBto cookCplaying Dto play()12.His car doesnt _ today,so he has to go to work by bus.Awork BliveCspeak DhelpCA()13.Its Fathers Day today,_?Yes,lets buy a gift(礼物礼物)for Dad.Aisnt he Bis heCis it Disnt it()14.Dad,dont work too _Think of your health.Ahard BquicklyCeasy DearlyDA四、根据四、根据汉语汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一意思完成下列句子。每空一词词。15我正在我正在给给我的朋友我的朋友们们写信。写信。I _ my friends.16艾米正坐在艾米正坐在钢钢琴旁琴旁边边。Amy is _ the piano now.17你的鞋不适合跑步。你的鞋不适合跑步。Your shoes are not _ running.18他非常高他非常高兴兴再次再次见见到我到我们们。He is so happy _ us _19我的两个老朋友想下周来拜我的两个老朋友想下周来拜访访我。我。_ want to visit me next week.am writing tositting byright forto seeagainTwo of my old friends/Two old friends of mine五、五、语语法填空。法填空。阅读阅读下面短文,在空白下面短文,在空白处处填入填入1个适当的个适当的单词单词或括号内所或括号内所给单词给单词的正确形式。的正确形式。Hello!Welcome to Beijing 20._ a vacation.Now let 21._(I)tell you something about the city.There are lots of interesting 22._(place)here.You can visit the Great Wall,the Palace Museum and other places.The people here are very 23._(friend).Theyre always happy 24._(help)others.You can also taste the delicious food here.But I dont think its the 25._(good)time to come in August,because its very hot.And sometimes,it 26._(rain).You can come in September 27._ October.The weather is usually 28._(sun)and cool at that time.Have 29._ good time in Beijing!onmeplacesfriendlyto helpbestrainsorsunnya
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