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课题Module1 Unite1 Its more than twenty kilometres long课时1课时课型新授课教学内容Unite1 教学目标知识与技能:能掌握本课出现的词汇:thousand,kilometre,something,million,more than;能够掌握以下句子:Tell me more about the Great Wall? How long is it? Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long.How big is it? It has got twenty million people.过程与方法:1,能够通过听音和跟读掌握thousand,million,something,more than的读音,通过小组练习了解词义。 2,能够根据图片和PPT提示,进行简单的描述事物的特征。情感态度价值观:1,通过小组合作学习,体会合作对学习的重要性,提高学习英语的兴趣。 2,通过学习课文了解国内外的一些文化,培养学生的民族自豪感。教学重点运用所学语言描述一个景点或城市的特征教学难点万或千万的表达方法教学准备教师准备明信片,录音机,图片,PPT学生准备课本主备教师顾海波审核教学过程教学环节主案个性修改一、导入新课1,warm up:Chant P2 Activity12,show the topic.Ss look and read,then translate it into Chinese.二、探索新知1,Ss read the text and find the words or the sentencesThey dont clear2,show the questions Ss dont understand.3,listen and repeat the new words.Thousand, million,kilometre.三、应用实践1,Ss discuss the questions in the groups.(小组内交流问题,组长定好发言人)2,Ask some groups to answer the questions(学生解答不出的,有教师精讲。)and show key sentences on the blackboard.How long is it? Its more than twenty thousand kilometers long.How big is Beijing? It has got about twenty millionpeople.3,Listen and read:Pay close attention to twenty thousand,twenty millionSs can translate them into Chinses correctly.四、总结拓展1,Show the PPT about some places and show key words.2,Ss look and talk about them.(Ss do it in groups,教师巡视并对表达有问题的学生给予有针对性的指导。)3,Conclusion:T and Ss do it together板书设计Unite 1Its more than twenty thousand kilometers longHow big is Beijing?It has got about twenty million people教学反思课题Module1 Unite2 Its in the west课时1课时课型新授课教学内容Unite1 教学目标知识与技能:能掌握本课出现的词汇: map,right,country,east,west等方位词。并能掌握表达方位的句子和方法:Itin the.过程与方法:1,能够通过听,读和小组探究,了解课文内容。 2,能够根据图片和PPT提示,准确表达表示方位的句子。情感态度价值观:1,通过小组合作学习,体会合作对学习的重要性,提高学习英语的兴趣。 2,通过学习课文了解 旧金山,休斯顿,纽约的地理方位。教学重点运用所学语言描述一个景点或城市的特征教学难点万或千万的表达方法教学准备教师准备明信片,录音机,图片,PPT学生准备课本主备教师顾海波审核教学过程教学环节主案个性修改一、导入新课1,warm up:Chant P5 Activity12,RevisionShow the following words:East west south north 3,Show the map of America and ask the following questions:Where is New York?Where is Hoston?Where is San Francisco?二、探索新知1,Ss read the text and find the words or the sentencesThey dont clear2,show the questions Ss dont understand.3,Listen and repeat the new words.New York Houston San Francisco.三、应用实践1,Ss discuss the questions in the groups.(小组内交流问题,组长定好发言人)2,Ask some groups to answer the questions(学生解答不出的,有教师精讲。)and show key sentences on the blackboard.Where is . Its in the .3,Listen and read the text. Activity:P5 chant 四、总结拓展1,Show the PPT about some cities of China and show key words.2,Ss look and talk about them.(Ss do it in groups,教师巡视并对表达有问题的学生给予有针对性的指导。)3,Conclusion:T and Ss do it together板书设计Unite2Its in the westWhere is.?Its in the .教学反思
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