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小学英语学科三年级上册第三单元集体备课教案 课 题Unit 3 Look at my nose. Lesson 15.授课时数1主备人张海婷授课教师胡建授课时间教学目标一.知识与能力目标1.能够听、说、认读单词ear, head。能简单描述他人的外貌。学会用How are you? 向他人问好。能够回答他人的问候。如:Good, and you? / Im fine, thanks.2.能够在生活中礼貌与他人打招呼,用英语向他人问好,并且会正确回答他人的问候。3.培养学生在生活中主动与他人示好和不过分注重外貌的好品格。二.情感态度与价值观目标1.学会用礼貌用语和别人打招呼。2.学会正确的评价观3.我们的家人没有光鲜的外表但对我们真诚、关心,他们应该是我们的偶像。学情分析本册教材面对的是小学三年级的学生,他们活泼好动,爱唱爱跳,表达欲望很强,愿意积极参与课堂的教学活动,但由于年龄特点,长时间的注意力集中较难。所以课上要设计多种多样的教学活动,保持学生的学习兴趣。并且教师要多鼓励学生,肯定学生的表现成果,帮助学生树立自信心。教学重点1.能够听说认读ear; head。2.能够运用功能语句How are you?向他人问好并作出准确回答。教学难点简单描述他人的外貌。教具准备PPT、卡片、相关的动物图、头饰等教学环节教 学 活 动二 次 备 课Step 1 Warm up1.课前播放歌曲 Hello! How are you? 让学生边唱边表演,渲染课堂学习的气氛。 2.组织学生分组自由表演英语对话,真实运用语言进行交流。 Step 2Presentation1. 教师走向学生,依次用 Hello! How are you? 问候,引导学生回答:Fine. Thank you .然后学生向教师问候:And you?问下一位同Hello! How are you? 教师回答 Good! 引导学生再依次回答Fine. Thank you.2、Just learn利用Whats missing?What are missing? Touch your 进行 TPR 活动,复习 eye, mouth.词汇,引出新词鼓励学生认读新单词 head, ear.Introduce new friends to the students. Look at the pictures and say whats missing or what are missing. Learn the new words ear and head. For the Winnie Bear, its ears are missing. Tutu has two big ears. The big head son has a big head. 3.改编chant.Head, head, a big head.I have a big head.Ear, ear, big ears.I have two big ears.通过学生的改编,帮助学生建立这一话题的整体脉络。4.Just talk(1)在语言示范的基础上,然后教师出示挂图,为学生提供会话背景。Look at the picture and answer the questions:Who are they? What are they talking ? Now read the dialogue together. Peter: Hello,Li Yan. How are you? Li Yan: Good! And you! Peter: Im fine, thanks!Listen to the radio carefully! And follow it.(2)Pair work: You and your partner can practise the dialogue, and act for us. Step 3Consolidation1.Describe the group members in groups.小组讨论介绍同学并描述同学的外貌。2.Lets guess.Choose four students a group. Then let one student to guess who has the student. The other students should help the guessing student。Step4 Extension1.Watch the video and say something about Yao Ming.Hes a man. Hes very tall. He likes playing basketball. He has big head, big nose, big mouth and small eyes. He is not very handsome. But hes the honor of China. 2.带上自己父母的照片,用英语描述自己的父母。并对学生进行德育教育:人的外貌可能不起眼,不好看,但是他认真和努力他就是明星。我们的家人没有光鲜的外表但对我们真诚、关心,他们也应该是我们的偶像。Step 5SummaryIn this class, What did you learn? 1.A:How are you? B: 1: Good,thank you! 2: Im fine,thanks!2.Thank you=Thanks.课堂练习设计选择。( )1.很高兴见到你。 A、Whats this? B、Nice to meet you. C、How are you?( )2.你好吗? A、Whats your name? B、Im fine. C、How are you?( )3.你叫什么名字? A、Whats your name? B、My name is Danny. C、Nice to meet you.( )4.再见! A、How are you? B、Good-bye! C、This is a pen.( )5.谢谢你! A、See you later. B、Thank you. C、How are you.( )6.一会儿见! A、See you later. B、Thank you. C、Bye-bye!布置作业1.听本课录音,熟读本课课文及单词并应用所学对话进行交流。 2.编对话3.用英语描述自己的家人和同学。板书设计Unit 3 Look at my nose.Lesson 15ear head How are you?Good! And you?Im fine, thanks.教学反思
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