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【英语】 阅读理解日常生活类单元测试题(含答案)(word)一、英语阅读理解日常生活类(含答案详细解析)1根据短文内容,判断句子正误。 Dear Dr. Manners, My close friend seldom says please. She will say Can you get me that bag? or Move it over there! I have told her a lot of times that it is polite to use please and thank you, but she hardly remembers. I feel that she is ordering me around without please, and I always get angry. We have been close friends for over 10 years. It seems that I cant stand it any more. What should I do? Can you help me?Sincerely,HawkinsDear Ms Hawkins, When your friend docs not use polite words, it seems that she is ordering you to do something. So you have right(权利) to hate her behavior. Ask her why she doesnt use please or thank you. Explain to her that it makes you feel uncomfortable. Also, you dont need to do anything for her because she doesnt seem kind or pleasant when she asks you to. Maybe your friend was not taught how to use please or thank you in the normal conversation. So you can try to teach her that. Remember it is difficult to find another close friend if you lose one.Best regards,Dr. Manners(1)Ms Hawkins doesnt know how to use please or thank you. (2)Ms Hawkins got to know her friend more than ten years ago. (3)Dr. Manners thinks Ms Hawkins has right to hate her friends behavior. (4)Maybe Ms Hawkins friend doesnt know the right way of talking in the normal conversation. (5)Dr. Manners advises Ms Hawkins to break up (绝交) with her friend. 【答案】 (1)0(2)1(3)1(4)1(5)0 【解析】【分析】文章大意:主要讲述了霍金斯女士对医生讲了她对于朋友的一些不礼貌行为的烦恼,并请求帮助。 (1)根据第一封信的内容中的“My close friend seldom says please.”以及“I have told her a lot of times that it is polite to use please and thank you, but she hardly remembers.”可知是Ms. Hawkins的朋友不知道如何使用“please”和“thank you”而不是Ms. Hawkins,故选错误。 (2)根据第一封信的内容中的“We have been close friends for over 10 years”可知。十多年前,霍金斯认识了她的朋友。故选正确。 (3)根据第二封信的内容中的“it seems that she ordering you to do something. So you have right(权利) to hate her behavior.”可知礼仪博士认为霍金斯女士有权讨厌她朋友的行为。故选正确。 (4)根据第二封信的内容中的“Your friend was probably never taught how to use please or thank you in normal conversation.”可知也许霍金斯女士的朋友在正常的谈话中不知道正确的说话方式。故选正确。 (5)根据第二封信的内容中的“Remember it is difficult to find another close friend if you lose one.”可知Dr. Manners并没有建议Ms. Hawkins和她的朋友绝交。故选错误。 【点评】考查理解判断题。审读题目,找出相关的依据。读懂短文内容再读题目,把握每一个待判定句子的含义,通过寻读法在原文中找出每一个问题相关的段落与词句,然后依据短文内容对试题所给出的句子进行是非判断。2阅读理解 Last weekend, I took Lucy to a park, where she discovered a track with large bumps(凸块)and sharp tums. At first, I thought Lucy was able to ride her bike along the track, but she quickly found that her bike was too low to the ground and kept getting stuck on top of the bump. Lucy looked at me with fear because she was still a biking newbie. I tried to encourage her too, but really, I was thinkingthis is going to be a disaster. Not because I thought she would get hurt. More because I thought she wouldnt be able to pick up enough speed to balance, then get really discouraged, and give up quickly. I imagined her throwing her bicycle to the ground and then crying all the way home. But I was only half right. Lucy did have a lot of trouble riding the bike. She couldnt find her balance. She fell many times. At one point, she almost started crying because younger kids were getting angry that she was slowing everyone else down. But she did not give up. She kept picking herself up and trying again. She even took the bike off the track and into the main park to practice pushing off and picking up speed on a flat ground. When she felt more confident, she came back. Then she did it over and over again until she finally reached her goal of going around the whole track without falling once. Then she didnt want to leave and everyone was cheering her on. This was not a day that ended in a disaster. It was a day when Lucy learned that perseverance pays off.(1)Why was Lucy taken to the park last weekend? A.TO play other kids.B.To discover a track for fun.C.To find her speed was too slow.D.To ride her bike along the track.(2)What does the underlined sentence probably mean in Paragraph 2? A.Lucy would get hurt and cry all the way home.B.Lucy would fear to ride the bike and get discouraged.C.Lucy would lose balance and slow the younger kids down.D.Lucy would have trouble riding the bike and give up soon.(3)What did Lucy take the bike into the main park for ? A.Being cheered on by everyone.B.Getting practice in an easier way.C.Feeling more confident and coming back.D.Reaching her goal of riding the bike at once.(4)Which one is the right order of the events? a. Lucy fell and got up lots of times.b. Lucy picked up speed on a flat ground.C. Lucy found her bike was too low for the bumps.d. Lucy rode her bike around the whole tr
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