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Section Lesson 11DiscussionLook at the following pictures and discuss what active learners do.aanswer_questions_activelybask_questionsc._take_notes2PredictionLook at the pictures and the title and predict what the text is probably about.The_text_is_mainly_about_active_learning_and_how_to_take_an_active_role_in_learning.1First readingRead the text and match the main idea with each paragraph.Para.1AAsk questionsPara.2BGet to the truthPara.3 CListen to the outer voicePara.4DFocus on the messagePara.5 EArgue with your inner voicePara.6 FWhat is active learning?答案Para.1 FPara.2 CPara.3 EPara.4 APara.5 BPara.6 D2Second readingRead the text carefully and choose the best answer.(1)Most people believe that _Awe need to train ourselves to be better learnersBthe human brain learns all by itselfCwe need to actively take part in the learning processDit isnt always true that the human brain is set to be “automatic”(2) How many suggestions are given in the text to take an active role in learning?AFive.BFour.CThree.DSix.(3) Which one is the easiest way to promote active learning?AListening to the outer voice.BArguing with your inner voice.CAsking questions.DGetting to the truth.(4)What can we learn from the text?AThe outer voice expresses your personal opinions.BActive learners focus on what their brain is saying in the background.CActive learners accept everything they learn.DActive learners dont judge people based on first impressions or personal feelings.答案(1)B(2)A(3)C(4)D3Third readingRead the text and then fill in the form below.SuggestionsLearning processListen to the outer voiceThe outer voice tells you about opinions from what_you_hear_or_readActive learners are openminded and focus_on what the speaker/writer is saying, not on what their brain is saying in the background.Argue with your inner voice,When your inner voice tells you a speaker/writer is wrong, think_about why the speaker/writer may be right. Be flexible in your opinions and you might end up agreeing_with the speaker/writer after all. If not, at least you have “listened to” another point of view.Ask questionsWhen you get_information from someone, from books or the Internet, ask two,three, even five questions about the topic. The very act of working_out_questions will help you to achieve a higher level of understanding about the topic.Get to the truthActive learners dont accept everything they learn. They attempt_to find the truth at_the_heart_of each idea. Even when an idea sounds entirely unlikely, there may be an aspect of it that is based on truth.Focus on the messageActive learners do not judge people based on first_impressions or personal feelings. Instead, they separate the message from the messenger.1Discussing :Which of the suggestions in the text do you think is the most useful for you? Why?The_answer_is_open.2Group work:How will you learn actively in the future? Make a list.Then compare and discuss with your group members.The_answer_is_open.积极的学习活动1to take notes2to focus on3to ask questions4to reflect on5to pay attention to6to be curious about7to be openminded8to listen to a different point of view如何识别文章结构1By finding out the topic paragraph of the text.2By finding out the topic sentence of each paragraph.3By understanding what the pronouns refer to in the text.4By understanding how the text is developed.语言现象感知.单词理解体会句中加黑单词的词性和含义1Most people assume that the human brain is set to be “ automatic ”vt.认为;假定,假设2There are two kinds of voices:the inner voice and the outer voice.adj.内部的3Be flexible in your opinions and you might end up agreeing with the speaker/writer after all.adj.灵活的;可变通的4So if someone says that dinosaurs still exist today, think about why they believe this.n.恐龙.词块积累写出下列词块的含义1learning process学习过程2take an active role in your learning积极参与学习3pay too much attention to对多加注意4be flexible in your opinions 灵活表达你的观点5in short总之;简言之6find the truth发现真相7get in the way妨碍,阻碍8cannot help doing sth禁不住做某事.句式欣赏1while引导并列句;what 引导宾语从句Your inner voice expresses your personal opinions,while the outer voice tells you about opinions from what you hear or read.2if引导条件状语从句;that 引导宾语从句So if someone says that dinosaurs still exist today, think about why they believe this.3that引导宾语从句;because引导原因状语从句This goes the other way as welldo not just assume that some people are always right because of who they are or just because they are your friends.单词语境记忆根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式1He attempted (试图) to escape from the prison, but he couldnt find anybody to help him.2We must assume(认为)him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.3This heating system has an _automatic(自动的)temperature control.4Most scientists
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