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(文末附答案)高中英语被动语态必考考点训练2单选题(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)1、Excuse me, sir. When can we buy Justin Biebers newest album?Not until it_next month.Awill be recordedBrecordsCis recordedDrecorded2、Officials say that few patients _with the COVID-19 owing to the effective prevention.AinfectedBhave infectedCbe infectedDare infected3、Tom as well as two of his classmates _ to the party.Awas invitedBwere inChas invitedDinvited4、Sorry.At no time _ in this building, sir.Ais smoking permittedBsmoking is permittedCdoes smoking permitDsmoking does permit5、I didnt know a thing about the Clean Air Act that _ in congress at that time.Awas being debatedBwas debatedChad been debatedDdebated6、The photos, which_ while I was studying in Beijing, remind me of many happy memories.Ahad takenBwere takenChad been takenDtook7、A pair of shoes _ ; they cant be used now.Aare being mendedBis being mendedCis mendedDare mended8、Sitting over there was the student who they thought _ to speak at the opening ceremony.AselectedBselectingCwas selectedDselects9、Only in the last few years have scientists and teachers begun to understand learning disabilities and _.Ahow can they be dealt withBwhat they can be dealt withChow they can be dealt withDwhat can they be dealt with10、Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday.Ahundreds; were invited Bhundred; were invitedChundreds of; invitedDhundred of; invited11、A dozen parks _ in recent years, _ as both tourism destinations and natural oxygen bars.Awas built; to serveBhave been built; servingCbuilt; servingDhave built; served12、By the end of last December, the National Aquatic Center, also_the “Water Cube”, _into an “Ice Cube” for the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics.Awas referred to as transformedBreferred to as was transformedCwas referred to as being transformedDreferred to as had been transformed13、New energy vehicle sharing projects _ in dozens of cities across the country to fuel Chinas sharing economy in the next few years.Aare setting outBare being figured outCare being carried outDare trying out14、In the last few years thousands of cars _ all over the world.Ahave producedBhave been producedCare producingDare being produced15、Even to this day, Lincoln _ as one of the most inspiring figures in the world.AregardsBhas regardedCregardingDis regarded16、On the last day of their week-long stay, John, as well as his friends, _ to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars.AinvitedBwas invitedCwere invitedDhad been invited17、The river beyond our school has become clear again as new measures are _ to prevent it _ any further.Ataken; pollutingBtaking; being pollutedCtaken; being pollutedDtaking; to be polluted18、The thief was caught stealing money from the shop opposite the school and _ by the local police at the moment.Awas questionedBhad questionedCis being questionedDhas been questioning19、The flowers _ sweet attract the visitors to the beauty of nature, which _ in the botanic garden last year.Ato smell; grewBsmell; were grownCsmelling; were grownDsmelt; were growing20、The employee you have been thinking highly _ dishonest.Aof provingBof provesCof to proveDof being proved21、Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year old boy,_ that he was not the one _.Asaid; blamedBsaying; to blameCto say; to be blamedDsaying; blaming22、If the dictionary _ you,put it where it _. Adoesnt belong to; belongs toBisnt belong to; is belongedCdoesnt belong to; belongsDisnt belong to; is belonged to23、Catherine, along with two other boys in our school, _to New York to pick up the prizes the other day.Aare invitedBis invitedCwere invitedDwas invited24、Can I use your car, Mike? Mine _.Sure, here is the key.ArepairsBis being repairedCis repairingDis repaired25、 Lucy, what have you learned from this history class? Paper _ first _ about 2000 years ago in China.Ais; inventedBwas; inventedCis; inventingDwas; inventing26、The terraces are cleverly designed, with waterways connecting with each other.A设计;连接B设计;清除C修改;连接D修改;清除27、So far, no agreement _ by the two sides.Ahas been reachedBwas reachedCwill reachDwill have reached28、Unfortunately, my classmates and I went to the Art Museum last Monday, only to be told that it _.Ais being decoratedBwas being decoratedCdecoratedDwas decorated29、It is reported that more than one new house_ at present in the disaster area.Ahas been builtBhave been builtCis being builtDare being built30、A survey _ now about whether student
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